Re: [pygame] Numeric Question

2006-07-11 Thread Lenard Lindstrom
On 8 Jul 2006 at 20:51, Kamilche wrote:

 Peter Shinners wrote:
  On Sat, 2006-07-08 at 20:04 -0700, Kamilche wrote:
  Hey Pete, I have another Numeric question for you, if you've got the time.
  Let's say I have a bunch of data in RGBA format, where  is an 
  arbitrary floating point number, and RGBA are unsigned bytes. The 
  following routine will convert that to an RGBA picture, but it takes a 
  long, time.
  What's the magical incantation to get Numeric to assign the data 
  directly to the pixels of the surface?
  I'm not sure if that can be done actually. Numeric may have a way to do
  casting between data types, but I'm not really sure. I was thinking
  Numeric.array_constructor could bind an arbitrary sized and typed array
  onto a string buffer of data. But it looks like that does not work.
  You'll need a function like that in order for this to work. I know in
  Python 2.5 the struct module can precompile your formatting codes, which
  would speed this up. I also see that you unpack an a value out of the
  binary data, but then throw it away.
  Also, since you are doing such simple handling of the float data, you
  could probably just treat the whole pixel as a bunch of bytes. All this
  will help a bit, but won't make it orders of magnitude faster.
  xspan = range(w)
  ordfunc = ord
  setfunc = pic.set_at
  for y in range(h):
  for x in xspan:
  a = (ordfunc(data[ctr + 3])  0x7f  0x46 and 255 or 0
  setfunc((x, y), (
  ordfunc(data[ctr + 4],
  ordfunc(data[ctr + 5],
  ordfunc(data[ctr + 6],
  ctr += 8
  Sadly, I'm kind of wildly guessing here if that code to compare with
  0x46 will match a floating point value with less than 6 digits left of
  the decimal. But it works in some simplish tests.
 Darn. Well, that explains why my attempts to get it to work failed, 
 then. Thanks for the info!
 This is the file format for WorldBuilder ZBF files. There's no way to 
 render an alpha channel, but there IS a way to render with depth 
 information. That's that  float number embedded in there. (The alpha 
 channel contains all 0's, even if you specify 'render with alpha 
 channels.') That simple check is in essence saying 'if the pixel is 
 near, it's opaque; if it's far, it's transparent', but that doesn't give 
 you antialiasing on the picture. So, I render it too big by a factor of 
 3, apply the near/far algorithm, then shrink the result down. Then, 
 FINALLY, it gives me what I want.
 It would be far easier if WorldBuilder would just render with alpha 
 channels in the first place. :-P

Possibly this works. I have no zbf files to test it on.

 # Array for extracting rgb information
 rgb = Numeric.fromstring(data, Numeric.UInt8)
 rgb.shape = (w, h, 8)
 # Array for extracting distances
 d = Numeric.fromstring(data, Numeric.Float32)
 d.shape = (w, h, 2)
 # Create alpha plane
 a = ((d[:,:,0]  10.0) * 255).astype(Numeric.UInt8)
 # Combine rgb and alpha information
 pic = pygame.Surface((w, h), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32)
 pygame.surfarray.blit_array(pic, rgb[:,:,4:7])
 pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(pic)[:,:] = a

There may be room for improvement. Possibly 
pygame.surfarray.make_surface() when passed a (w, h, 4) array will 
create a surface with alpha. I just don't know. The 3d array routines 
ignore alpha.

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: [pygame] Frantic memory usage

2006-07-11 Thread David Mikesell
Awesome catch, Brian.  I thought I was removing the artifacts managers
from all containers when they were through, but apparently there's a bug
in that code.   Even so, I still should be caching/removing the parsed
filmstrips.  I'll rework the image loading/unloading today and hopefully
release a better version tonight.

Thanks very much,


p.s. I told you it was something braindead

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:49:50 -0700, Brian Fisher
 One memory-related thing I noticed right away is that each time I
 start a new game, another 40MB gets allocated (so it's leaking mem).
 It looks like each time you load a level you create new collision
 artifacts managers, but the old managers get kept around. Each of
 those managers finds the filmstrip it needs and splits it up into
 surfaces. You don't load more than one copy of the underlying .png's
 due to your cache, but each manager happily creates it's own surfaces
 from the film strip (so you end up with lots of copies of the
 animations). You may want to think about caching the split filmstrips,
 instead of caching the .pngs, and not storing the loaded pngs at all
 (what do you need them for after you've split them anyways?)
 It looks like the explosion animations in particular take like 10MB a
 piece...  which is no suprise at 14000x200 for the filmstrip
 (14000x200x4bytes per pixel ~ 10MB)
 In case you are curious, I was able to find where the 40MB for level
 loading is being allocated by binary search - basically run the game a
 few times, inserting a bunch of prints and time.sleep(2) calls in
 order to give me a chance to look at memory usage in the task manager
 after large blocks of code, before new stuff ran. It showed that the
 mem was allocated in load_level_objects in
   self.collisions = levels.get_collision_table()
   for o in game['collision_artifacts']:
   if o['load'] == self.level:
   manager_name = o['name']
   is_collidable = o['collidable']
   log.write_debug_msg( Loading %s % 
 manager_name )
   manager_class = import_by_name( %s.%s % ( 
 manager_name, manager_name ) )
   manager = manager_class()
 = manager
   self.game_object_managers.append( manager )
   if is_collidable:
 self.collidable_collision_artifact_managers.append( manager )
 what happens there, is that even though the old manager is not in the
 collision_artifact_managers dict anymore, it's never removed from the
 game_object_managers or collidable_collision_artifact_managers lists,
 which is why they keep their memory around. (as a test, I made sure to
 delete the old managers from those lists if they were already in the
 dict, and then loading the level again didn't leak memory anymore)
   if (manager_name in 
   old_manager = 
   if is_collidable:
   print skipping, manager_name
 On 7/10/06, David Mikesell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I found some image filmstrips I was not unloading after they're cut up
  into image arrays, and it freed up a decent amount of memory, but my
  game is still a hog.  I totalled the amount of disk space for all images
  used by the starship (different weapons, explosions, thruster, etc.),
  and it's 600Kb.   However, when I comment out the line that loads the
  starship_manager, the memory usage drops by a whopping 17Mb.   It's even
  worse for the first enemy, which is loaded when the first level begins.
  355Kb of images, but the memory usage skyrockets another 40Mb when it
  loads on the first level.
  I'm doing something braindead somewhere, just haven't tracked it down
  yet.   The code is spread across dozens of source files, but if anyone's
  interested it's at  I honestly don't
  expect anyone to take the time to look at such a volume, but I've been
  requested several times to post it so there it is.   I didn't include
  any data files, just code.
  Anyway, I'm making some progress.   Oh, and I scaled down the game to
  640x480, which also helps the performance.   Removed some
  redundant-sounding music loops, too.   Download size is now a svelte
  13Mb :-).

Re: [pygame] Frantic memory usage

2006-07-11 Thread David Mikesell
Down to 5Mb of memory!   I refactored what Brian suggested with the
images, as well as some other messy code.   More testing to do, but I'll
post the new version later tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks, Brian!

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 06:51:53 -0400, David Mikesell
 Awesome catch, Brian.  I thought I was removing the artifacts managers
 from all containers when they were through, but apparently there's a bug
 in that code.   Even so, I still should be caching/removing the parsed
 filmstrips.  I'll rework the image loading/unloading today and hopefully
 release a better version tonight.
 Thanks very much,
 p.s. I told you it was something braindead
 On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:49:50 -0700, Brian Fisher
  One memory-related thing I noticed right away is that each time I
  start a new game, another 40MB gets allocated (so it's leaking mem).
  It looks like each time you load a level you create new collision
  artifacts managers, but the old managers get kept around. Each of
  those managers finds the filmstrip it needs and splits it up into
  surfaces. You don't load more than one copy of the underlying .png's
  due to your cache, but each manager happily creates it's own surfaces
  from the film strip (so you end up with lots of copies of the
  animations). You may want to think about caching the split filmstrips,
  instead of caching the .pngs, and not storing the loaded pngs at all
  (what do you need them for after you've split them anyways?)
  It looks like the explosion animations in particular take like 10MB a
  piece...  which is no suprise at 14000x200 for the filmstrip
  (14000x200x4bytes per pixel ~ 10MB)
  In case you are curious, I was able to find where the 40MB for level
  loading is being allocated by binary search - basically run the game a
  few times, inserting a bunch of prints and time.sleep(2) calls in
  order to give me a chance to look at memory usage in the task manager
  after large blocks of code, before new stuff ran. It showed that the
  mem was allocated in load_level_objects in
  self.collisions = levels.get_collision_table()
  for o in game['collision_artifacts']:
  if o['load'] == self.level:
  manager_name = o['name']
  is_collidable = o['collidable']
  log.write_debug_msg( Loading %s % 
  manager_name )
  manager_class = import_by_name( %s.%s % ( 
  manager_name, manager_name ) )
  manager = manager_class()
  = manager
  self.game_object_managers.append( manager )
  if is_collidable:
  self.collidable_collision_artifact_managers.append( manager )
  what happens there, is that even though the old manager is not in the
  collision_artifact_managers dict anymore, it's never removed from the
  game_object_managers or collidable_collision_artifact_managers lists,
  which is why they keep their memory around. (as a test, I made sure to
  delete the old managers from those lists if they were already in the
  dict, and then loading the level again didn't leak memory anymore)
  if (manager_name in 
  old_manager = 
  if is_collidable:
  print skipping, manager_name
  On 7/10/06, David Mikesell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I found some image filmstrips I was not unloading after they're cut up
   into image arrays, and it freed up a decent amount of memory, but my
   game is still a hog.  I totalled the amount of disk space for all images
   used by the starship (different weapons, explosions, thruster, etc.),
   and it's 600Kb.   However, when I comment out the line that loads the
   starship_manager, the memory usage drops by a whopping 17Mb.   It's even
   worse for the first enemy, which is loaded when the first level begins.
   355Kb of images, but the memory usage skyrockets another 40Mb when it
   loads on the first level.
   I'm doing something braindead somewhere, just haven't tracked it down
   yet.   The code is spread across dozens of source files, but if anyone's
   interested it's at  I honestly don't
   expect anyone to take the time to look at such a volume, but I've been
   requested several times to post it so there it is.   I didn't include
   any data files, just code.
   Anyway, I'm 

Re: [pygame] Frantic memory usage

2006-07-11 Thread David Mikesell
Rats - looked at the wrong process table entry.  Had two python
processes going - mine still hogging.  Back to the drawing board.

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 12:05:07 -0400, David Mikesell
 Down to 5Mb of memory!   I refactored what Brian suggested with the
 images, as well as some other messy code.   More testing to do, but I'll
 post the new version later tonight or tomorrow.
 Thanks, Brian!
 On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 06:51:53 -0400, David Mikesell
  Awesome catch, Brian.  I thought I was removing the artifacts managers
  from all containers when they were through, but apparently there's a bug
  in that code.   Even so, I still should be caching/removing the parsed
  filmstrips.  I'll rework the image loading/unloading today and hopefully
  release a better version tonight.
  Thanks very much,
  p.s. I told you it was something braindead
  On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:49:50 -0700, Brian Fisher
   One memory-related thing I noticed right away is that each time I
   start a new game, another 40MB gets allocated (so it's leaking mem).
   It looks like each time you load a level you create new collision
   artifacts managers, but the old managers get kept around. Each of
   those managers finds the filmstrip it needs and splits it up into
   surfaces. You don't load more than one copy of the underlying .png's
   due to your cache, but each manager happily creates it's own surfaces
   from the film strip (so you end up with lots of copies of the
   animations). You may want to think about caching the split filmstrips,
   instead of caching the .pngs, and not storing the loaded pngs at all
   (what do you need them for after you've split them anyways?)
   It looks like the explosion animations in particular take like 10MB a
   piece...  which is no suprise at 14000x200 for the filmstrip
   (14000x200x4bytes per pixel ~ 10MB)
   In case you are curious, I was able to find where the 40MB for level
   loading is being allocated by binary search - basically run the game a
   few times, inserting a bunch of prints and time.sleep(2) calls in
   order to give me a chance to look at memory usage in the task manager
   after large blocks of code, before new stuff ran. It showed that the
   mem was allocated in load_level_objects in
 self.collisions = levels.get_collision_table()
 for o in game['collision_artifacts']:
 if o['load'] == self.level:
 manager_name = o['name']
 is_collidable = o['collidable']
 log.write_debug_msg( Loading %s % 
   manager_name )
 manager_class = import_by_name( %s.%s % ( 
   manager_name, manager_name ) )
 manager = manager_class()
   = manager
 self.game_object_managers.append( manager )
 if is_collidable:
   self.collidable_collision_artifact_managers.append( manager )
   what happens there, is that even though the old manager is not in the
   collision_artifact_managers dict anymore, it's never removed from the
   game_object_managers or collidable_collision_artifact_managers lists,
   which is why they keep their memory around. (as a test, I made sure to
   delete the old managers from those lists if they were already in the
   dict, and then loading the level again didn't leak memory anymore)
 if (manager_name in 
 old_manager = 
 if is_collidable:
 print skipping, manager_name
   On 7/10/06, David Mikesell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I found some image filmstrips I was not unloading after they're cut up
into image arrays, and it freed up a decent amount of memory, but my
game is still a hog.  I totalled the amount of disk space for all images
used by the starship (different weapons, explosions, thruster, etc.),
and it's 600Kb.   However, when I comment out the line that loads the
starship_manager, the memory usage drops by a whopping 17Mb.   It's even
worse for the first enemy, which is loaded when the first level begins.
355Kb of images, but the memory usage skyrockets another 40Mb when it
loads on the first level.
I'm doing something braindead somewhere, just haven't tracked it down
yet.   The code is spread across dozens of source files, but if anyone's

Re: [pygame] Best way to access data

2006-07-11 Thread Brian Fisher

I had a question as to which way would be better to access data after
loading it into memory.

your cache looks fine

On 7/11/06, Lenard Lindstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Leave out the unnecessary cache and assign directly to global

I wouldn't do things that way. Having an image cache object can be a
very good thing if you want to call functions to see what is loaded,
check the size of loaded images or unload all cached images. If they
are just sitting in globals, it can be awkward to do those things.

[pygame] Releasing My Code

2006-07-11 Thread Kris Schnee
I'd like to open-source a lot of the game-related code I've been doing, 
in hopes of getting useful critiques like Bob's. My code is a mess, and 
horribly inefficient, but I've at least divided it into subsystems that 
might be useful:

-Conch: Sound/Music
-Driftwood: UI
-Pearl: Isometric graphics
-Aquablue: Tiled game world w/ unlimited size

For the moment I've uploaded just Pearl and some graphics. This code 
lets you move a sprite around in a little world, but doesn't check for 
things like going outside the zone, overlapping other sprites, or having 
the proper height for the terrain. I've deliberately separated the 
graphics engine from the Aquablue world code, which handles all that.

Anyway, the demo is at:
Sample screenshot using Pearl and the other systems together:

I'd appreciate any advice on improving the thing and my coding in 
general, as I post more of the code. In return you can use the code if 
you find it helpful. One thing I'd love to see is an open-source Pygame 
tactical RPG like Disgaea ( ) 
where you store and trade characters in XML!


Re: [pygame] pygame website - request for suggestions

2006-07-11 Thread spotter .


I suppose one improvement in the website is to add some spamming
control. Just a few minutes ago, I saw this game that looked new, so
when I clicked it it took me to

It looks like someone tried to spam some links, cause the description
of the game doesnt seem to go with the picture and the links lead to
random websites.

great site otherwise, thanks for all your hardwork! I would be really
lost without it.


Re: [pygame] Best way to access data

2006-07-11 Thread Lenard Lindstrom
On 11 Jul 2006 at 10:27, Brian Fisher wrote:

  I had a question as to which way would be better to access data after
  loading it into memory.
 your cache looks fine
 On 7/11/06, Lenard Lindstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Leave out the unnecessary cache and assign directly to global
 I wouldn't do things that way. Having an image cache object can be a
 very good thing if you want to call functions to see what is loaded,
 check the size of loaded images or unload all cached images. If they
 are just sitting in globals, it can be awkward to do those things.
Good points.The same benefit of using globals can be achieved with a:

from play import cache

Actually it is faster. The only other change I would suggest is 
making the cache key independent of the file type by dropping the 
'.png' suffix.

Lenard Lindstrom

Re: [pygame] pygame website - request for suggestions

2006-07-11 Thread René Dudfield

Weird.  I think that person just copied in a link to a DSL provider,
and to lance-tech which is Phils company (I think).

I've removed the links for now, but left the image.  I'm not sure how
to email the owner though.

On 7/12/06, spotter . [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I suppose one improvement in the website is to add some spamming
control. Just a few minutes ago, I saw this game that looked new, so
when I clicked it it took me to

It looks like someone tried to spam some links, cause the description
of the game doesnt seem to go with the picture and the links lead to
random websites.

great site otherwise, thanks for all your hardwork! I would be really
lost without it.
