[pygame] Use of PyScheme for game projects

2006-07-15 Thread andrew baker
Howdy,I've been pondering alternative methods to allowing unknown persons to submit game code in my game engine, e.g. player created levels, characters, monsters and items, but of course sandboxing Python code is nontrivial.  I've hit upon using a Scheme interpreter in Python to potentially solve this problem, with a possible variation on parsing to make the Scheme code appear more Pythonic.  Has anyone had similar success or failure or a better understanding of Scheme than me who explain why this is A) awesome or B) teh suck.
And, yes, I know how daft it may seem to embed another interpreted language inside an interpreted language, but I'm expecting rather small Scheme patterns, and Python in its current state simply cannot be sandboxed, and I think I might actually hate C++. :D
Thanks,-- Andrew Ulysses Baker"failrate"

Re: [pygame] Sky Algorithm

2006-07-15 Thread R. Alan Monroe
> Let's say I have a simple flat bitmap, and I wish to tile it across a 3d
> plane and suspend it in the air, so it looks like cloud cover. I could 
> 'drag' those tiling perspective corrected bitmaps about to simulate it 
> pretty well, I believe, but I don't want to use OpenGL to do it.

Without OpenGL I'm thinking you're stuck with software rendering. This
was one of the top hits on google using search terms "raycaster
texture mapped floor plane". Plenty of pictures and explanations.


[pygame] Sky Algorithm

2006-07-15 Thread Kamilche
I have implemented day/night in my game, complete with rolling clouds 
across the screen. However, I would like them to roll faster, without 
taking up 10 megabytes of space on the hard drive.

Let's say I have a simple flat bitmap, and I wish to tile it across a 3d 
plane and suspend it in the air, so it looks like cloud cover. I could 
'drag' those tiling perspective corrected bitmaps about to simulate it 
pretty well, I believe, but I don't want to use OpenGL to do it.

Does anyone have a Pygame example that does this, without using OpenGL?


[pygame] Sky Algorithm

2006-07-15 Thread Kamilche
I have implemented day/night in my game, complete with rolling clouds 
across the screen. However, I would like them to roll faster, without 
taking up 10 megabytes of space on the hard drive.

Let's say I have a simple flat bitmap, and I wish to tile it across a 3d 
plane and suspend it 'in the air' like cloud cover with perspective. I 
could 'drag' those tiling bitmaps perspective corrected bitmaps about 
and simulate cloud cover, I believe, but I don't want to use OpenGL to 
do it.

Does anyone have a Pygame example that does this, without using OpenGL?


[pygame] Code Release: Pearl, Aquablue

2006-07-15 Thread Kris Schnee


This ZIP file (171KB) contains my code for the "Aquablue" worldsim and 
"Pearl" isometric tiled graphics display. I'm making this code available 
in the hopes of getting advice on improving it. It's a mess, but it 
works at a limited range of things. Run by itself, aquablue.py lets you 
move a little character around a grid loaded from XML files, with an 
unlimited world size since new game zones get created as needed. By 
itself, Pearl.py lets you move a sprite around an isometric tiled landscape.
