[pygame] keyboard layout problems

2008-12-03 Thread Gregor Lingl

I'm using pygame on a computer with a German keyboard on a
Windows machine. On this keyboard y and z keys are exchanged
for example.

Now - on my machin - event.key == K.z gets True if I pressed
the y key and vice versa. How can I overcome this?

(I know that this problem doesn't occur atleast on some Linux


Re: [pygame] keyboard layout problems

2008-12-03 Thread Peter Shinners

Gregor Lingl wrote:

I'm using pygame on a computer with a German keyboard on a
Windows machine. On this keyboard y and z keys are exchanged
for example.

Now - on my machin - event.key == K.z gets True if I pressed
the y key and vice versa. How can I overcome this?

(I know that this problem doesn't occur atleast on some Linux

It looks like on Linux that SDL wants "kbd_lang=de". I don't know if 
setting this environment variable will help on windows?

It sounds like SDL's international keyboard support is poor. You can 
also check event.unicode to get a unicode string of the letter pressed. 
This will likely be the correct letter, but it is also effects by things 
like shift, capslock, and other modifiers.

Re: [pygame] keyboard layout problems

2008-12-03 Thread Ian Mallett
If worst comes to worst, you could just set K_z, K_y, and so on.
That's obviously not an ideal solution; I hope fixing it like Peter
says works.

Re: [pygame] extending mask module?

2008-12-03 Thread Lenard Lindstrom
Regarding shared (dynamic)  libraries I am have only used Windows DLLs. 
Unix shared libraries are similar.

Michael George wrote:

The part I was and am still a bit confused about is name clashes.  If 
I understand correctly, python extension modules are supposed to only 
export the initmodule method in order to avoid name clashes, which is 
why the docs say everything should be static.  But if bitmask is 
linked in to the module, then won't it's functions be exported?  If 
not, then is it possible for me to call them, or do I need to link 
bitmask into my code as well?  And how is bitmask different than SDL 
in terms of how it's linked, if at all?

Name clashes were a concern in the past when extension modules were 
statically linked to the Python interpreter, as was necessary with DOS. 
I assume no modern operating system requires this, so name clashes are 
no longer an issue. (See below.) If anyone is still statically linking 
the Pygame extension modules they haven't complained about name 
conflicts yet. Besides, all the bitmask names are mangled with a prefix.

As to accessing the bitmask functions it depends on what you want. See 

There is no difference between bitmask and SDL when it comes to name 
clashes. SDL function names are resolved by the linker at build time, 
just as with bitmask. SDL functions appear in the mask namespace just as 
bitmask functions do. See below.

Sorry, I feel like I'm saying a bunch of nonsense, but I'm having a 
hard time making sense of all this dynamic linking stuff.

Shared (dynamic) libraries are somewhat like programs. Just as with a 
program, non-static functions and global variables can be local to the 
library. But where as a program has a single entry point, a main 
function, a shared library can have many. These are the exported 
functions and variables of the library. They form the API. Only these 
can be directly accessed by other programs or shared libraries. For 
Windows shared libraries (Dynamic Link  Libraries or DLLs) the linker 
has to be told which non-static functions and global  variables get 
exported. Everything else remains local to the DLL. For Unix shared 
libraries I believe all non-static functions and global variables are 
exported by default. I think gcc has ways around this though. But for 
Python extension modules this is not a problem.

There are two ways to use a shared library. The first is to load the 
library dynamically during program execution. Explicit system calls are 
made to load the library and get pointers to its exported functions and 
data. This is how the Python interpreter loads extension modules. No 
name conflicts between extension modules are possible in this case. The 
ctypes package, introduced in Python 2.5, wraps the dynamic load 
mechanism, so any shared library is accessible from within Python.

The second way to use a shared library is to have the program loader do 
the linking at startup. An import library, a proxy to the shared 
library, stands in for the library when building a program. The import 
library looks just like any static module. Exported functions and data 
look just like non-static functions and global variables to the program. 
So name clashes are possible with other non-static names in the program. 
Exported names are resolved dynamically at program load time rather than 
statically at build time. A shared library is loaded only once, when the 
first program that uses it is loaded. Other programs share the library's 
memory image. This is how mask and other Pygame extension modules link 
to SDL.

I don't suggest making bitmask a shared library. The only shared 
libraries Python's distutils knows how to build are extension  modules.

What I'm doing now is adding a CObject to the mask module for the 
PyMask_Type, and then compiling my code against bitmask.h (which I'm 
leaving as-is) and mask.h (which looks like some of the other header 
files, and exports a C API with a bunch of #defines).  So I'm assuming 
I'll need to use CObjects to get at stuff in mask.c (the Type in 
particular), but I can link directly to the stuff in bitmask.

If you are just extending the mask module itself then the bitmask 
functions will be visible to your code. Just add any new C files to the 
mask entry in Setup.in. They will be compiled and linked to mask and 
bitmask automatically. Remember to run config.py after any changes to 
Setup.in. Name the non-static functions with a prefix like bitmap_. Any 
new Python functions go into mask.c itself and remain static.

If you are adding a new extension  module then the simplest solution is 
to just include bitmask.c in that module as well. If you are concerned 
about name clashes then copy the bitmask.c file as bitmask2.c and rename 
the functions: bitmap2_* maybe. Also unused code can be removed. The 
third option is to do as you suggest and export pointers to mask's 
bitmask functions using the PyCObject mechanism.

On an unrelated note, I'm looki

Re: [pygame] extending mask module?

2008-12-03 Thread Lenard Lindstrom

Just something more I noticed.

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

Regarding shared (dynamic)  libraries I am have only used Windows 
DLLs. Unix shared libraries are similar.

Michael George wrote:

The part I was and am still a bit confused about is name clashes.  If 
I understand correctly, python extension modules are supposed to only 
export the initmodule method in order to avoid name clashes, which is 
why the docs say everything should be static.


Name clashes were a concern in the past when extension modules were 
statically linked to the Python interpreter, as was necessary with 
DOS. I assume no modern operating system requires this, so name 
clashes are no longer an issue. (See below.) If anyone is still 
statically linking the Pygame extension modules they haven't 
complained about name conflicts yet. Besides, all the bitmask names 
are mangled with a prefix.

I see that the distutils package has an option for exporting names from 
an extension  module on Windows. So if only the init function is 
non-static why provide a way to export other non-static names?  I would 
like to know where in the Python documentation is says that only init 
functions be non-static. It is apparently outdated advice.

Lenard Lindstrom

[pygame] patch to export mask api

2008-12-03 Thread Michael George
I've attached a patch that exposes the mask api in a separate header 
file.  Right now it only provides the type object.  It follows the same 
convention as the other exported apis.

  Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Ulf Ekstrom except for the bitcount function.
  This wrapper code was originally written by Danny van Bruggen(?) for
  the SCAM library, it was then converted by Ulf Ekstrom to wrap the
  bitmask library, a spinoff from SCAM.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Library General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


/* a couple of print debugging helpers */
#define CALLLOG2(x,y) fprintf(stderr, (x), (y));
#define CALLLOG(x) fprintf(stderr, (x));

#include "mask.h"
#include "pygame.h"
#include "pygamedocs.h"
#include "structmember.h"
#include "bitmask.h"

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

staticforward PyTypeObject PyMask_Type;

/* mask object methods */

static PyObject* mask_get_size(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
return NULL;

return Py_BuildValue("(ii)", mask->w, mask->h);

static PyObject* mask_get_at(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);
int x, y, val;

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "(ii)", &x, &y))
return NULL;
if (x >= 0 && x < mask->w && y >= 0 && y < mask->h) {
val = bitmask_getbit(mask, x, y);
} else {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "%d, %d is out of bounds", x, y);
return NULL;

return PyInt_FromLong(val);

static PyObject* mask_set_at(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);
int x, y, value = 1;

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "(ii)|i", &x, &y, &value))
return NULL;
if (x >= 0 && x < mask->w && y >= 0 && y < mask->h) {
if (value) {
bitmask_setbit(mask, x, y);
} else {
  bitmask_clearbit(mask, x, y);
} else {
PyErr_Format(PyExc_IndexError, "%d, %d is out of bounds", x, y);
return NULL;
return Py_None;

static PyObject* mask_overlap(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);
bitmask_t *othermask;
PyObject *maskobj;
int x, y, val;
int xp,yp;

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!(ii)", &PyMask_Type, &maskobj, &x, &y))
return NULL;
othermask = PyMask_AsBitmap(maskobj);

val = bitmask_overlap_pos(mask, othermask, x, y, &xp, &yp);
if (val) {
  return Py_BuildValue("(ii)", xp,yp);
} else {
return Py_None;

static PyObject* mask_overlap_area(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);
bitmask_t *othermask;
PyObject *maskobj;
int x, y, val;

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!(ii)", &PyMask_Type, &maskobj, &x, &y)) {
return NULL;
othermask = PyMask_AsBitmap(maskobj);

val = bitmask_overlap_area(mask, othermask, x, y);
return PyInt_FromLong(val);

static PyObject* mask_overlap_mask(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
int x, y;
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);
bitmask_t *output = bitmask_create(mask->w, mask->h);
bitmask_t *othermask;
PyObject *maskobj;
PyMaskObject *maskobj2 = PyObject_New(PyMaskObject, &PyMask_Type);

if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!(ii)", &PyMask_Type, &maskobj, &x, &y)) {
return NULL;
othermask = PyMask_AsBitmap(maskobj);

bitmask_overlap_mask(mask, othermask, output, x, y);

maskobj2->mask = output;

return (PyObject*)maskobj2;

static PyObject* mask_fill(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);



static PyObject* mask_clear(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);



static PyObject* mask_invert(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
bitmask_t *mask = PyMask_AsBitmap(self);



static PyObject* mask_scale(PyObject* self, PyObject* args)
int x, y;
bitmask_t *input = PyMask_AsBitmap(s