Re: [pygame] Re: Hexagonal collision detection?

2009-09-16 Thread Douglas Bagnall

 On Sep 15, 7:35 am, Ian Mallett wrote:
  As used in my project
 def pointtest(self,point):
 #drawpoints is a list containing points defining your polygon
 #point is the mouse position
 #if it doesn't work, list them in opposite order.
 #works for arbitrary convex geometry
 x = point[0]
 y = point[1]
 Lines = []
 index = 0
 for index in xrange(len(drawpoints)):
 p0 = drawpoints[index]
 try: p1 = drawpoints[index+1]
 except: p1 = drawpoints[0]
 for l in Lines:
 p0 = l[0]
 p1 = l[1]
 x0 = p0[0]; y0 = p0[1]
 x1 = p1[0]; y1 = p1[1]
 test = (y - y0)*(x1 - x0) - (x - x0)*(y1 - y0)
 if test  0: return False
 return True
 I usually use a list comprehension to generate the Lines variable:
 Lines = [[drawpoints[idx], drawpoints[idx + 1]] for idx in
 xrange(-1, len(drawpoints) - 1)]
 I just love the negative indexing capabilities of python!

Actually, the double loop is pointless, since the list is just unpacked
again the second time round.  The above could be rewritten

def pointtest(point, polygon):
x, y = point
for p0, p1 in zip(polygon, polygon[1:] + polygon[:1]):
x0, y0 = p0
x1, y1 = p1
if (y - y0) * (x1 - x0) - (x - x0) * (y1 - y0)  0:
return False
return True

though using indexes might be quicker than constructing the zip, in
which case it would be better to use % rather than Ian's try-except.
But if you take the odd case out of the loop, as well as speeding it up,
you can also get rid of the if it doesn't work, list them in opposite
order injunction.  Like this:

def pointtest2(point, polygon):
x, y = point

x0, y0 = polygon[-1]
x1, y1 = polygon[0]
side = cmp((y - y0) * (x1 - x0), (x - x0) * (y1 - y0))

for i in range(len(polygon) - 1):
x0, y0 = polygon[i]
x1, y1 = polygon[i + 1]
if cmp((y - y0) * (x1 - x0), (x - x0) * (y1 - y0)) != side:
return False
return True


Re: [pygame] Pathfinding

2009-01-26 Thread Douglas Bagnall
Yanom Mobis wrote:

 I need to have an npc take a relatively short route from a to b.
 First priority isn't the shortest distance, it's getting there without 
 getting stuck
 My game is in a futuristic setting, so taking the shortest path without 
 exploring too much 
is reasonable because they would have GPS and the like.

Ah, then you have two options, as I see it.

a) make the game a little more futuristic and give them bionic armour so
they can just walk in a straight line and the obstacles bounce out of
the way.  (teleport machines would also work).

b) read some of the messages and links and code that people have sent
you and realise that A* is not inherently tile based, and that A* is not
the only solution that has been explained.


Re: [pygame] Good code for text wrapping?

2008-09-15 Thread Douglas Bagnall
 The cookbook has this entry, but it doesn't work with new lines.

 Anyone have any code like this that supports new lines?

Batteries are included:

does that help?


Re: [pygame] Good code for text wrapping?

2008-09-15 Thread Douglas Bagnall
Ah no, sorry. I didn't see the font/width part.


2008/9/16 Douglas Bagnall [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 The cookbook has this entry, but it doesn't work with new lines.

 Anyone have any code like this that supports new lines?

 Batteries are included:

 does that help?


Re: is != == (Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading)

2008-03-13 Thread douglas bagnall
 y = list(x)
 y = x[:]

 y = [z for z in x]

 I think of these, y = list(x) is probably the right way.

Actually, x[:] has always been standard, and is faster, at least for
short lists:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit  -s 'x=range(7)' 'x[:]'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.332 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit  -s 'x=range(7)' 'list(x)'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.625 usec per loop


Re: [pygame] Sticky Variables: Terrain Loading

2008-03-11 Thread Douglas Bagnall
Kris Schnee wrote:

 The problem is, the program decides that it's adding references
 to the same variable, terrain, rather than doing what I want: adding a
 string. The result is that every entry in the land ends up being not
 only identical, but the same entry. Even though I del terrain to make
 it plain that I want to create a new variable.

This is how python works.  Objects are reused if they can be, on an
adhoc basis.  Consider:

 2 is 1+1
 22 is 21+1
 222 is 221+1

There is no point deleting the terrain label.  The trouble is you're
trying to do things the wrong way. Perhaps you should explain why it
matters, and we can show you a different way to deal with that.


Re: [pygame] Sound to String

2008-02-29 Thread Douglas Bagnall
Alistair Buxton wrote:

 On windows, you must open binary files as binary: f = open(sound.wav, rb)
 If you don't do this, windows will truncate the file and give no
 error, though it will work on linux.

Aha!  Pay attention, Mike. This is your problem.

The attached script worksforme.

Description: application/python

Re: [pygame] Sound to String

2008-02-28 Thread Douglas Bagnall

PyMike wrote:

 I tried that out, and it got close to working. But I get an unrecognized
 file-type' error
 Code is below. What did I do wrong?
 f = open(shoot.wav)
 s =
 snd = repr(s)
 print snd

Sorry, I wasn't clear. You don't need to repr() the string if you are
using it directly. You would only do that if you were writing it to a
file in the form of a string, like so:

f = open(, w)
f.write(snd =  + repr(s))

Then becomes the basis of your decoding script. The string you
pass to mixer.Sound should look like lots of these: \x00, not lots of
these \\x00.

BTW, if you are concerned about the length, as other threads would
suggest, you would be better off using base64 encoding, possibly with a
bz2 stage.

import binascii  #or base64 (same functions with different names)

f = open(shoot.wav)
snd =

b64 = binascii.b2a_base64(snd)

# save b64 to file like above, then

snd = binascii.a2b_base64(b64)

To compress the wav before base64 encoding it, try bz2.compress().


Re: [pygame] Sound to String

2008-02-28 Thread Douglas Bagnall
hi Mike

This is your main problem:

 print len(s)


Your wave file is broken. In 16 bit mono, 217 bytes leaves room for 94
samples when you take away the headers. That's about 1/500 of a second
at 44.1 kHz.  Your sound is not actually that short: the file is broken.

Then later you wrote:

 f = open(shoot.wav)
 s =
 print len(s)
 print len(repr(s))
 print len(eval(repr(s)))
 b64 = binascii.b2a_base64(snd)

You mean binascii.b2a_base64(s).
snd is not defined yet.

 f = open(, wr).write(str(repr(b64)))

repr() always returns a string -- there's no need for str().
Also, f here will always be None, because it is the result of
open().write() not open().

Anyway, at this point will contain a python representation of
a sound, and nothing else, which incidentally makes it the module's
__doc__ string.

So then, if you modify, adding the following lines:

'RIFFZB\x00\x00WAVEfmt \x10\x00[...]' #this is the existing line

import binascii
from cStringIO import StringIO
from pygame import mixer

snd = binascii.a2b_base64(__doc__)
f = StringIO(snd)

sound = mixer.Sound(f)

It will play. At least it would if you didn't have a corrupt wav file.

 I tried that out, and it got close to working. But I get an
 unrecognized file-type' error

It always helps if you say where an exception occurs. Pasting the
traceback is good.


[pygame] sphere meets ground

2007-12-02 Thread Douglas Bagnall
Patrick Mullen wrote:

 But there IS an upward force, at least as far as my memory of the
 physics I learned.  The whole every action has a reaction business.
 If the ground were mobile, that gravity force down would cause the
 earth to move down with that same force.  Since the earth can't move,
 it pushes back with the force of gravity.

Yes, though in fact the upward force ends up being much greater than the
force of gravity, which is why the ball flies upwards.

With a given mass, force is essentially the same as acceleration. The
acceleration is known to be -1.8 * velocity in a single tick, but the
issue is how it is distributed within that tick.  The simplest way is
probably to (as Matt does) have the ball pause until the end of the tick
 before bouncing at full pace.


Re: [pygame] Why does my ball vibrate?

2007-11-29 Thread Douglas Bagnall
Greg Ewing wrote:

 Matt Smith wrote:
 I can't quite get my head around WHY the ball sinks into the ground if
 I don't set ypos back to 384 but it certainly works.
 It's probably because you're applying gravity to the ball
 even when it's touching the ground. So it repeatdly gets
 accelerated downwards for one time step, then moved back
 up to ground level.
 In real life, when the ball is touching the ground, the
 downward force of gravity is balanced by an upward force
 from the ground, so the net acceleration is zero. You
 can model that by only applying gravity if the ball is
 above ground level.

I have a slightly different take on it: assuming an instantaneous
bounce, the ball should have travelled up in proportion to the distance
it would have sunk below, like so:

FLOOR = 384

if ypos = FLOOR and velocity  0:
overstep = ypos - FLOOR
ypos = FLOOR - overstep * bounce
velocity = -velocity * bounce

This is unrealistic, of course, since a ball spends a period of time
deforming before bouncing back up, but at least it is consistent, while
just truncating gives you a different error each time.

But, anyway, the reason it sinks is it always goes down further than it
can come up, because bounce  1 and gravity points down, so the upward
velocity is always less than the downward. For a period towards the end
of the journey, the upward velocity will not be enough to lift the ball
above the floor before it turns to drop again. Rounding might exacerbate
