
It's because python's* is *operator checks if the two item is the same, and
== checks for equality. Also python stores an object for the numbers from
-5 to 255 to speed up things.
Check it:
a = 255
b = 255
print a is b
print id(a), id(b)
a = 256
b = 256
print a is b
print id(a), id(b)

Hope it clears up some things!

2014-06-23 9:37 GMT+02:00 diliup gabadamudalige <dili...@gmail.com>:

> ok
> look at this!
> a = 100
> b = 100
> a == b
> True
> a is b
> True
> a = 1000
> b = 1000
> a is b
> False
> a == b
> True
> what on earth is this? what is this logic?
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Sam Bull <sam.hack...@sent.com> wrote:
>> On lun, 2014-06-23 at 11:45 +0530, diliup gabadamudalige wrote:
>> > I called event.clear() cause it says in the Pygame documentation that
>> > if you leave unused events on the buffer that eventually it may fill
>> > up and cause the program to crash.
>> Yes, but if you are getting everything from the buffer using event.get()
>> or whatever every frame, then it's not going to fill up, as these
>> returned events are removed from the queue. As long as you are reading
>> the whole buffer, say every 100ms, you're going to be fine. Otherwise,
>> you're just throwing away the events that have arrived between the
>> event.get() and event.clear() calls.
>> >
>> > if x is True:
>> > is not correct
>> >
>> > if x == True
>> > is correct?
>> This obviously depends on what x is.
>> So, if we write:
>>         "foo" is True
>> We can clearly see these are not the same object. One is a string, and
>> the other is the True object. But, if we do:
>>         "foo" == True
>> Then, we are asking if the string evaluates to a True value, when
>> treated as a boolean. And any non-empty string will be considered True,
>> and so it is equal to True (but not the same object).
>> Futhermore, what Greg was saying is that some objects can be of the same
>> value and still not be the same object. Thus:
>>         a = 4040
>>         b = 4040
>>         a == b  # True
>>         a is b  # Could be False
>>         b = a  # b now references the a object itself
>>         a is b  # Always True
>> This becomes more obvious if we were to use mutable types:
>>         a = [2]
>>         b = [2]
>>         # Obviously, these are two distinct objects
>>         a == b  # True
>>         a is b  # False
>>         # Changing one, would not change the other, as they are
>>         different
>>         # objects.
>>         a.append(3)
>>         a == b  # False
>> On an interesting sidenote, it is not even required that an object is
>> equal to itself:
>>         a = float("NaN")
>>         a == a  # False
> --
> Diliup Gabadamudalige
> http://www.diliupg.com
> http://soft.diliupg.com/
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