Re: [pygame] phpbb forum missing at website

2008-07-25 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 11:51 AM, James Paige <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The blog-like interface does allow posting. The newsgroup-thread
> interface does not.

I like the idea of switching from a mailing list to phpBB.  There are
many great features of bulletin boards:
  * user icons
  * getting email notifications for some threads and not others
  * sticky topics and announcements
  * easy to moderate if necessary
  * syntax highlighting for code snippets
  * uniform interface for html links in messages
  * ability to upload screenshots and include in messages

Apart from the features, I think nowadays people are more comfortable
joining a forum than subscribing to a mailing list.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] No pygame.mixer.Sound.get_current()?

2008-07-30 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 8:17 PM, Tyler Distad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> Now I guess my original question has changed. I can now find my
> position within a track, using your suggestion of
> (Though the value returned is relative only to
> the current seek position, not the start of the file.) Now I'm missing
> a get_length() function for Is this something that can
> be added?

You might want to check out my latest package, SWMixer.
README is at:

This is an alternative for pygame's sound functions.  It has some nice
features, such as getting the current position of sounds, resampling
audio, etc..  It is also written in 100% Python, so if you want to add
your own features it should be simpler than trying to hack SDL and
pygame.  It doesn't have a streaming music capability at the moment,
still working on that.  For my own music games I convert everything to
WAV files and load them entirely before playing, it works fine.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Pygame, cwiid and ode - movement

2008-08-07 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 2:39 AM, flx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to make a foosball [1] game wth pygame, using the wiimote
> to control the bars.
> I've managed to control the rotation using the accelerometers, but i
> can't get the sliding part right. I've been asked to use the ir
> sensors for the sliding movement, but I just can't get it right.

I think you have two separate questions here:
* how to get IR working on the wiimote and get IR data
* once IR is working, how to interpret the data to make the paddle
slide around correctly

For the first part: which Wiimote library are you using?  Does it
support IR?  Is it buggy with your particular Wiimote/bluetooth
combination?  What operating system are you using?

For the second part: I recommend making a simple program that just
displays squares at the reported IR positions, setting the screen to
1024x768.  Then try moving the Wiimote around and take notes about
where the squares go.  Where do they go when you slide left?  What
about when you point downwards?  Rotate clockwise?  Then use those
notes to write code to control the paddle directly.  You might need
some calculations here (argh, math!).

Once you've got this down you will have control of the paddle but it
will be jerky and flickery.  Also when you move too far to the edge of
the screen the paddle will stop moving (one IR dot goes off screen).

To fix the jerkiness, a first step is averaging several values over
time.  A better but harder approach is a Kalman filter.

To fix the flickery problem: if there are 0 dots reported, use the
most recent positions.  That stops the input from disappearing for a
frame.  If there are too many dots (3 or more), then you want to pick
the 2 dots closest to the last reported IR positions.

To fix the edge-of-the-screen problem, a good approach I've used is to
guess where the missing IR dot should be.  I assume that the dot off
the edge of the screen moves just like the one that remains on the
screen.  This won't be strictly true if the wiimote is rotating or
changing distance to the sensor bar, but it will keep the paddle
responding to input rather than stopping abruptly at the edge of the

FYI: I'm working on a pygame library that supports the wiimote on all
platforms, it will be done Real Soon Now.
Nathan Whitehead

[pygame] SoundAnalyse

2008-09-09 Thread Nathan Whitehead
I would like to announce the release of SoundAnalyse, a small python
library for analysing sound chunks.  In particular it calculates the
loudness of a sound chunk and does realtime pitch detection.  The
pitch detection guts are coded in a C function so it should be pretty
fast even on slower computers.

Now you can make the singing game you've always dreamed of!  (Opera Hero?)

Get it at PyPI:

The distribution is a source distribution using distutils, so you need
a working C compiler.  If someone has a Windows box and sends me a
precompiled version for Windows I will add that to the distribution.

View the README at:

Some notes:
pygame doesn't support audio input, so you need to use something like
pyaudio for microphone input.  But you can use pygame for graphics and
events along with pyaudio for sound, it works fine.  If you want sound
playback along with microphone input, try my SWMixer module:

Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] SoundAnalyse

2008-09-09 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:31 PM, Ron Dippold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neat, I don't currently have an actual use for this right now but will
> certainly keep it in mind and I think stuff like this is just
> useful/fun/neat on its own existence. Something similar I've always wanted
> for pygame is a beat detector, which seems closely related. I'll definitely
> take a look.

Ooo, a beat detector, I should totally add that.  I'll have to look up
the algorithms for that.  Thanks for the suggestion.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Display Update Trouble After Focus Loss

2008-09-11 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 8:45 AM, Mark S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having some trouble with the pygame display.  While my program is
> running it will spend a chunk of time continually animating in a tight loop.
>  If during this time the window losses focus (I click on another window, for
> example) the display will stop updating. The program continues running and
> when it reaches the end of the animation loop it will wait for the user to
> hit a key, at which point the display with begin updating again.

I would try adding pygame.event.pump() calls within the tight
animation loop (once per frame maybe).  That will allow pygame to
process windowing events during the animation.
Nathan Whitehead

[pygame] AppState-0.1 released

2008-09-16 Thread Nathan Whitehead
I am proud to announce the release of AppState, a python package for
implementing a persistent shared application state.

This module allows your Python programs to easily have a persistent
global shared state.  This state can be used to store things like
number of users, game high scores, message of the day from the author,
etc.  The state has an interface like a dictionary with some
additional synchronization functionality and some restrictions.  This
module connects to a server on the Google App Engine to store and
manage data.  It uses a simple security model based on Google

Why would you want to use this module?

  * Quickly add multiplayer features to your Pygame game

  * Take advantage of Google's efficient and reliable infrastructure (for free!)

  * Super easy to get started and use

  * Includes security features

Download from PyPI:

README with more info:

Suggestions are welcome.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] AppState-0.1 released

2008-09-25 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Horst JENS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sounds interesting.
> Do i understand this right:
> all players need to have an valid google account to "join" ?
> Only the creator of the game will be asked to write his google account
> passwort inside python code ?
> I think about doing a global highscore list for a pygame game with your
> code.

The creator of the app needs a Google account to register the app with
the server.  Depending on which security options you select, you can
require users to have accounts or not.

For example, you might choose to let anyone read high scores, but only
people logged in can change the high scores.  If that is the security
model then your application might start, let the player play the game,
and show the existing high scores.  If the player gets a new high
score, then the app could ask for their google username and password
and use that to log in and update the high score table.

Alternatively you could turn off the account requirement entirely.
That way users would not have to have accounts.  The only issue there
is that if someone "hacks" your application you can't do anything to
stop them.  If you require accounts then if someone causes trouble you
can ban their account.

I should also say that you don't have to hard-code account emails and
passwords into the application.  They can be stored in a file, or
typed every time the program is run, etc.

Re: [pygame] AppState-0.1 released

2008-09-27 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Horst JENS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Somehow i would feel uncomfortable if i had to type in my gmail account
> password just to upload an highscore - even if it's a open-source app.

You don't have to use your gmail account, you can create a new Google
Account just for gaming.  Just use something like
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for your email.  Then go to to verify the email.  Works fine.

[pygame] Game Maker but with Python?

2008-10-01 Thread Nathan Whitehead
I just saw "100 Game Maker Games", a cool 10 minute video that shows
the wide variety of cool games you can make with Game Maker.

There should be something like this but with Python and pygame!

My friends at UCSC have taught intro programming using Game Maker, and
it went well but they were ultimately unhappy with GML (the Game Maker
scripting language) as a first programming language.  When I taught
game programming I went straight for pygame and Python (of course).
It worked out pretty well, but the students had to spend quite a bit
of time figuring out programming concepts before they could even get a
square moving around on the screen.

Would you use a graphical tool like Game Maker to make your games if
it used pygame and was extensible using Python?  Why or why not?  What
would such a tool have to do to be useful?

Re: [pygame] Game Maker but with Python?

2008-10-01 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 5:09 PM, Ron Dippold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be nice having a python scriptable Game Maker, but that would be a
> huge undertaking - it's 100x more work to write a game maker that requires
> no coding than it is to write a single game. But you might take a look at
> Game Wizard ( )

I agree, it would be a huge undertaking.  As much as I'm tempted to
start coding it up, I realize that it would almost certainly never get
finished and be a waste of effort.  But it's fun to think about!  And
I really am tempted to code on it.

Re: [pygame] recommendation for a good n00b IDE

2008-10-03 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Sean Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So. . . . any recommendations for a good n00b IDE? I really like IDLE's
> stripped down no-frills approach. Also, I need to be able to set a
> white-on-black color scheme. . . much easier on the eyes.

Emacs is what I use.  Works on every platform, customizable to heck.
But it's not noob friendly.  Still I think it is worth learning.

On Mac OS X I liked TextMate (free trial).  It worked with pygame and
had a nice feel.  Very noob friendly.

Re: [pygame] recommendation for a good n00b IDE

2008-10-03 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 5:35 PM, pymike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geany is similar to SCiTE, but preferences are more easily edited. Geany is
> by far the best IDE for Ubuntu (and I've tried a TON)

Just tried this, Geany rules!  Thanks for mentioning it.  Geany also
handles pygame hangups nicely, you get a console window that launches
your app that you can close cleanly even if your app hangs and takes
pygame and python down with it.  I like.  Next time I teach Python I'm
using Geany.

Re: [pygame] Indie Game Host

2008-10-18 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Matt Kremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There were two responses, I'm going to respond to both in this message.
> For one, games are not played in-browser. They are temporarily loaded via
> JAVA and then run on the players computer.
> Also, I am not just someone who saw "game" in the list name, and my site
> supports any kind of game. JAVA is only used to temporarily store the game
> and run it. For instance, someone uploads a .exe in a .zip file (files must
> be zipped to upload). JAVA loads this zip, unzips it, and runs the exe.
> Nothing on the site is JAVA, they are all exe files.

Is there some sort of sandbox for the .exe files?  Why won't this be
incredibly dangerous?  There should be more description on the

To demonstrate that this is something that might be of interest to
pygame programmers, could you upload a python game to show that it

An example game (not mine), including python source and a Windows .exe file:
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Indie Game Host

2008-10-22 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Matt Kremer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, it seems that PyGame games do work with, I have
> uploaded someone's pong game:
> And it works just fine with Play Game Online. It must have just been an
> issue with Kite Story.

Thank you for trying this and verifying that it works, at least for
some python games.  Some comments: you should put a progress bar for
the download that shows how much has been downloaded and how much
remains.  In general, I am a bit unclear what the advantage of using
the jnlp is.  For me at least I still had to click "yes" or "run" or
whatever a couple times, just like I do with exe files.  I'm not a
windows user normally, though, so my system may be horribly out of
date and not representative of most users.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Recording sound

2008-10-29 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Knapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know a good way to record sound with python or pygame in
> Linux? Something that could work with the mic like skype does?

You can use SWMixer, my little sound library for Python based on
pyAudio.  It can do recording and playback simultaneously if your
soundcard supports it (but it is relatively untested).  I'm using it
for a singing game.  The download has a little example that does
recording and then playback of the sound recorded, while playing a
sound in the background.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Recording sound

2008-10-29 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Luke Paireepinart
> Cool, Nathan.  I was thinking about writing a singing game - well
> maybe not a game so much as a tool.  It plays scales and gives you
> your statistical accuracy as far as hitting the correct note (just
> based on pitch - also would do intervals etc.)

Ah, then you want my SoundAnalyse module.  It is C code with a python
wrapper for realtime pitch and volume detection.

I separated it out from SWMixer just because compiling C code as part
of the install is harder than installing a pure python package.

> I was thinking about also adding support for music...

To play notes from python, I use FluidSynth.  It uses SF2 soundfont
files, then you send it NOTEON events and such to play music.  I have
a preliminary binding for it, pyFluidSynth.

> Is your API stable at this point?

All the packages and APIs should be relatively stable, but they have
not been tested on all architectures by lots of people.  Bug reports
are encouraged.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Geany

2008-11-08 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 7:37 AM, pymike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you've got lots of tabs and 4 spaces mixed together you can either

The version of geany I have (0.13) has a menu option
"Document"-"Replace Tabs by Spaces" that does this.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Better Python music playback?

2009-05-24 Thread Nathan Whitehead
Yeah, the synchronization problem is annoying.  That's the main
motivation why I wrote swmixer.  Take a look at the documentation
page, under the section EXPLICIT TICK INTERFACE.

That section shows how you can calculate chunks of sound and
synchronize exactly with the game video framerate.  That method works
much better for rhythm games where loss of synchronization screws up
the whole game.  If you try out swmixer and have problems, let me

-- Nathan

On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:42 PM, Zack Schilling
> I suppose you're both right. Using just the mixer, I only lose two
> abilities: Starting the music from specific points and precise timing
> information.
> I can emulate the timing feedback using pygame.time.get_ticks and an offset
> when the song starts, but I'll need to work around not being able to start
> playing the song at an arbitrary number of milliseconds. I'm making a
> rhythm/combat/platformer, so the music and gameplay are closely tied. The
> biggest problem with losing the ability to start the music any place is that
> there is going to be desynchronization if the player happens to repeatedly
> pause the game.
> Each time the player pauses, a few milliseconds will slip by between
> pausing/resuming the music and recalculating the tick offset, regardless of
> what order I perform the two in. Eventually the music will desynchronize
> from the game. Can anyone think of a way to keep the music in sync through
> multiple pauses without either: 1.) allowing the music to play while paused
> or 2.) restarting the music on unpause. The music has to stop and resume
> exactly where it left off or else just the act of pausing affects gameplay.
> If the number of milliseconds that I think the song has been playing don't
> match the actual number, then the gameplay falls apart.
> Thanks,
> -Zack

Re: [pygame] I'm loving wills book :)

2008-04-14 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:16 AM, Lamonte(Scheols/Demonic)
> The only pygame book availible to man?

Hi, might as well introduce myself.

I'm Nathan Whitehead, just got my computer science phd.  My main
research is in security models and certified software, but I also love
love love messing about with computer games and python.

Currently I'm working on a book on python game programming tentatively titled:
**Adventures in Game Programming : Using Python and Pygame to create
innovative games quickly**

It's based on a class I taught last summer where bright high school
kids (many with no programming experience) used macbook pros, pygame,
and various controllers including gamepads and wiimotes to create
small games.  It was an absolute blast, so this summer I'm writing up
what we did and expanding it so other people can have the same fun we

Right now I'm working on adding wiimote support to pygame, in
collaboration with Luke Paireepinart, Michael Laforest, and Gary
Bishop.  The goal is a nice addition to pygame that fits the existing
interfaces, is stable and as bug-free as possible, and works on all
major platforms with the least amount of hassle.  If you know anyone
else that I should talk to, or if you are interested in working on
this as well, please let me know (email [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

The book is designed for people with some programming experience but
who are perhaps not python masters.  So there's not a review of "what
is a loop", but there is a short section on defining classes and
inheritance (needed for sprites).  A sampling of chapter titles:

* Sprites (static image sprites, animations, timing and speed issues,
player sprites, keeping track of sprites)
* Case Study: Zefferia (the story, Zefflonian invasion, bosses)
* Rhythm: Feel the Beat (rhythm game mechanics, recording timing
tracks, processing player input, scoring combos)
* Case Study: Dance or Die!
* Wave the Wiimote (connecting to wiimote, interpreting buttons,
accelerometers and gravity, angles)
* Track the Wiimote (using the Wiimote IR sensors, target practice,
rotation and distance to the screen)
* Artificial Intelligence (triggered behavior, finite state machines,

If you are interested in helping out with testing code, proofreading
chapters, or just giving me advice, please email me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  It will be a while until the finished book is
out, but the code should be done in the next couple months and will be
freely available under an open source license.

Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] Python and Speed

2008-04-17 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Devon Scott-Tunkin
>  Just out of curiousity as a complete newbie
>  programmer, would you set out 2d partitioning the
>  screen in pygame by making say 4 invisible sprites
>  with rects like say:

The way I do binning is to keep track of the bin for each sprite.  I
have a little function like:

def binnum(x, y):
  return ((x % BINSIZE) * 1000 + (y % BINSIZE))

When each sprite moves, the binnum for the sprite gets updated.  To
detect whether two sprites are colliding, first check the binnums.  If
they are in the same bin, start calculating distances.  Otherwise just
return NO.  This isn't 100% accurate since sprites might straddle a
bin division line, but that's the general idea.  To get full 100%
accuracy I do some stuff with keeping lists of bins that need to be
checked for each sprite.  So the function binnum returns a list
instead of just a number.

That gives you answers like "did sprite x collide with sprite y?", but
the full power of binning is answering questions like "which sprites
are colliding with which other sprites?"  To answer that question
quickly you also need to keep track of which sprites are in which bins
from the bin perspective, i.e. given any particular bin you get a list
of sprites in that bin.

I make "bins" a dictionary with the key being the bin number and the
value being the list of sprites that are in the bin.  When sprites
move, they first remove themselves from their existing bin, update
positions, then add themselves to the new bin.  I also removed the key
in the dictionary for empty bins.

To determine which sprites are colliding, you iterate over all the
nonempty bins.  For each bin, you do the obvious collision test for
all possible sprites in the bin.  Put all the collisions together for
each bin and you get all the collisions.

Why is this a speedup?  Every time a sprite moves the program now does
a little more work, but not much.  With the naive algorithm, checking
collisions for 100 sprites takes 100*99=9900 collision tests.  With
binning where you have 9 bins (3x3 grid on screen), you might only
have about 11 sprites per bin.  That is 11*10 tests per bin, or
9*11*10=990 tests total, a good speedup over 9900 tests!  If all 100
sprites huddle together in one spot, the binning won't help and you'll
still have 9900 tests plus a small overhead for keeping track of the

Binning will be in Chapter 20: "Optimization Techniques" of my
forthcoming book "Adventures in Game Programming: Creating innovative
games quickly using Python and Pygame".
Nathan Whitehead

Re: Re: [pygame] Python and Speed

2008-04-18 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 9:23 AM, Ian Mallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, my point here is that if C languages can do it, Python should be able to
> too.  I think all of this answers my question about why it isn't...

You don't have to use C to get fast programs.  OCaml is very fast
(between C and C++), especially when you start doing interesting
things.  It comes with an interpreter, a bytecompiler, and an
optimizing compiler.  Also, there is OCamlSDL, which is the pygame of
the OCaml world.

It takes a little bit of brainbending to wrap your mind around the
OCaml language, but once you figure it out you can write real programs
quickly, and have them be very optimized.

I prefer hacking around with pygame and python because you get so much
flexibility.  You don't have to declare variables, you just use them.
You don't have to muck around with makefiles.  You can mix different
types of data in dictionaries.  It is just easier, but the price you
pay is performance.  In a typed language like OCaml, the compiler
might know that every entry in a dictionary is an integer so it can
optimize every access.  In python, the interpreter has no idea what
will come out when you request a key, it could be an integer, a sprite
object, None, ...  The programming languages community is working
feverishly to combine the benefits of typed languages with the ease of
use of dynamic languages, but it is an ongoing effort.
Nathan Whitehead

[pygame] starting sound playback at offset

2008-05-07 Thread Nathan Whitehead
Is it possible to start sound playback at an offset from the beginning
of the sound?

I'm working on a simple system for game music that changes with the
intensity of the game.  The idea is to fade out one track while fading
in the new one, matching the beats, as the game intensity changes.  To
get the beats to match up I need to start the new track at an offset.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] starting sound playback at offset

2008-05-09 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Patrick Mullen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ... A more high tech
> solution may be to use a sndarray, but I am completely unfamiliar with how
> these array objects can be used exactly.  but it may be that you can make an
> array, and then slive it from where you want to start, and it will modify
> the sound such as to start from where you want. ...
> If you do figure out how to "seek" using a sndarray let me know, I'd be
> interested in such a thing as well.

Thanks for the suggestion to use sndarray, works great.  Here's my function:

def play_offset(snd, offset):
"""play a sound starting at a sample offset

returns channel new offset sound is playing on
samps = pygame.sndarray.samples(snd)[offset:]
newsnd = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(samps)

Also, the offset is measured in samples after resampling.  If the
mixer frequency is 44100, then 44100 samples is one second offset.
Nathan Whitehead

[pygame] pygame documentation license

2008-05-21 Thread Nathan Whitehead
I would like to include a quick reference to pygame functions in an
appendix of my book.  Would it be permissible to use the documentation
of pygame for this (reformatted and possibly reorganized)?

It appears the documentation is LGPL.  The source code of the appendix
would appear on the book's website (LaTeX source).  The entire book
would not be LGPL.  Some chapters will appear for free on the website,
others will not.  I think this would be OK, but I'm not a license
expert.  Any thoughts?  Apart from legalities, would that be
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] pygame documentation license

2008-05-21 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 5:45 PM, Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure how you'd satisfy the requirement to allow
> users to upgrade to a new version, though, if it's
> something like an index that points to other things
> in the book.

That's a good point.  I wasn't thinking of having references to the
main text in the appendix, more just a quick reference to thumb
through while you're programming.  I guess to update the appendix
users could download a new version, print it out, then stuff it in the
book ;)  More seriously, it would be handy to have a printable version
of the pygame documentation, that is useful independent of any book
about pygame.

Thanks everyone for your replies.  My conclusion so far is that the
plan for the appendix isn't crazy and I'll go ahead with it until I
hear a good argument for why it's not allowed or that it is
unreasonable.  I'll pass the question along to my lawyer friend and
see if he has any new angles on it.
Nathan Whitehead

Re: [pygame] pygame documentation license

2008-05-21 Thread Nathan Whitehead
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Brian Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what makes you think the documentation is licensed under LGPL?

The documentation is included in the pygame release in the directory
"docs/".  All the information about licensing I have found for pygame
is that it is LGPL.  The LGPL file itself is in the directory "docs/".
 I imagine that everyone that checks in changes for pygame understands
that their contribution is going to be LGPL, and this includes the
documentation files.

[pygame] SWMixer released

2008-07-15 Thread Nathan Whitehead
I would like to announce the release of SWMixer, an advanced software
mixer for sound playback and recording.  It is written entirely in
python.  It uses NumPy array operations for fast performance and
PyAudio for audio playback and recording.

At the moment it is fairly untested.  It works well on my computer
using a couple test WAV files I have created.  Please test it out to
see if it works for you with acceptable performance.  PyAudio is
cross-platform, so SWMixer should theoretically run on all major

Grab SWMixer at:

The README file explains how it works a bit more and shows some
examples of how to use it, including using swmixer with pygame.  Look
at the README file here:

Let me know how it goes and what you think.
Nathan Whitehead