Re: [pygame] unsubscribe [OT]

2008-06-23 Thread Nick Moffitt
I should also point out here that every single message the list sends
out has this header:

X-To-Get-Off-This-List: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], body unsubscribe 

The insipid neologism blog appears to mean little more  Nick Moffitt
than a Web site that *actually* gets updated, as opposed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to one that *promises* to be updated REAL SOON NOW and
includes an animation of a MEN AT WORK sign.

Re: [pygame] mapping logical coordinate ????

2008-03-12 Thread Nick Moffitt
Sibtey Mehdi:
 How to map the logical coordinates in to window coordinates using

I did a mock-up of this at

The has the classes that do the transformations, and does a quick demo.  

A: No. Nick Moffitt
Q: Should I put my reply above quoted text?   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygame] mapping logical coordinate ????

2008-03-12 Thread Nick Moffitt
Nick Moffitt:
 The has the classes that do the transformations

My bad. is the file that actually
does the coordinate transformations (but remember that positive Y is
down on the screen)

Ill-informed qmail-bashing is better than no   Nick Moffitt
qmail-bashing at all. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Don Marti

Re: [pygame] Pixel Spaceships

2008-03-06 Thread Nick Moffitt
Kris Schnee:
 Fun little exercise. Here's my version of the ship generator,
 attached.  Screenshot: I didn't
 get the cockpit designs right in the way Bollinger did, but tried
 superimposing a smaller ship design atop a larger one to get a
 two-tone effect (not seen in that shot).

Neat!  The cool thing about the Bollinger pixel-based technique is that
your bit pattern actually describes a *volume*, so what you're really
doing is drawing a border on any empty pixels NSEW of the one specified.
You then paint the interior with whatever gradient or pattern you're
using separately.

Bollinger did everything on a white background (I blame his desktop
publishing background, which treats screens as paper (even though black
text on a white background is like trying to read the label on a lit
fluorescent bulb to me)).  

For the black background ships I just defined the border as same HSV
pattern, but with the value cranked way up and the saturation down a
touch or similar.  This tended to make a more textured look, which I
was quite happy with.

 I tried rotating a ship to build a list of rotated images, but the
 rotated versions are often larger than the original, making it hard to
 figure out where to place them. How can that problem be addressed?

As others have said here, it's easier to make a rect of the appropriate
size and then just set its center to the center point you want to anchor
on.  I still get wiggly artifacts with the rotation methods though
(haven't tried rotozoom yet).

N'aimez pas votre voiture?   Nick Moffitt
Alor, l'heure est arrive pour la brulé! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Mark Jaroski

Re: [pygame] space ships (Re: Misnamed threads (Re: Posting styles (Re: Text To Speech PYTTS)))

2008-03-04 Thread Nick Moffitt
René Dudfield:
 I like space ships.

I made some fun Pixel Spaceships:

They're based on

I think they're neat, even if that code is a terrible example of pygame

These people program the way Victorians dress.  Nick Moffitt
It takes two hours and three assistants to put on   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your clothes, and you have to change before dinner.
But everything is modular.-- Miles Nordin, on PAM

Re: [pygame] #pygame on

2008-02-20 Thread Nick Moffitt
I find it interesting that it's the people who don't actually make use
of the #pygame channel who are so eager to evict those who do.

I'll tell you folks now: piman is not an easy guy to get along with, but
he does genuinely discuss pygame.  We've taken to dealing with his
attitude by being more playfully absurd around him, and that seems to
work well enough.  

What *doesn't* happen is people coming in to discuss pygame, and some
sort of resident cabal of troublemakers chasing them away with, oh, I
dunno, comments about their mothers or something.  That isn't what's

Instead what sparked this mess off was the following exchange:


Pymike entered during a long string of people entering and asking about
their inability to reach, and feeling that he wasn't
being heard decided to scream.

 Spads Not a soul.
 _raz_ do not shout, stupid
 Spads the mysteries of are unknowable

Despite being irritated, _raz_ ventured forth to be helpful.

 _raz_ the servers are down, so nothing's up with
 _raz_ damnit

At this point, pymike explained his overwhelming sense of entitlement.

 pymike When I get on an irc channel for pygame I like to get
 questions answered
 pymike sheesh
 Spads pymike: and when I enter a room full of hot ladies, I like to
 get sexed up by all of them at once
 Spads pymike: but more often than not they're too busy with one
 another to notice me
  * Spads cries in the corner

Enter pymike's opinions on the nature of the official channel for

 pymike Is this not the official irc channel for pygame?
 Spads what sort of criteria for official are you hoping for?
 _raz_ I did not sign a fucking contract to answer your questions,
 neither did anyone else
 Spads if you mean Do the board of directors for the Pygame
 corporation found this channel to answer questions from the lay
 public in order to increase shareholder value then no
 _raz_ kisses to you Spads :)

And now pymake pleads that he isn't really asking for much, really, and
we should not consider it a burden to drop everything and service him.

 pymike I just came in and asked a simple question
 Spads if you mean Is there an officer from the People's Sixth
 International Pygame here to ensure strict compliance to party
 dogma then yes
 pymike I thought I could get an answer without getting a lot of bull
 pymike I'll just email phil hassey or something

Exeunt, chased by deserved ridicule.

 -!- pymike [EMAIL PROTECTED] has left #pygame []
 _raz_ and impatiently requested an answer instead of waiting
 Spads sweet
 Spads we need fewer of his kind in here
 Spads let's do that more often
 _raz_ boy, there I'm telling him,'s down and he even ignores
 the asnwer
 _raz_ what the fuck...
 Spads that's okay
 Spads phil hassey will write him a carefully-caligraphed letter on
 perfumed letter stock explaining the status of the
 web site and its reasons for being
 Spads all stamped in wax and sealed with a kiss
 Spads phil hassey lipstick marks next to the signature
 Spads all dotting all the 'i's and 'j's with hearts...

Then in came yet another user asking the same question as everybody
else, so _raz_ decided to take more definite action.

 -!- surgy [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #pygame
 -!- surgy is surgy
 surgy is the website down
 -!- _raz_ changed the topic of #pygame to: Don't ask to ask, just
ask | yes,'s down due to some problems of the hoster

Once this particular storm passed, pymike returned to let us know, and
_raz_ took care of things.

 -!- pymike [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #pygame
 -!- pymike is New Now Know How
 pymike is back
 -!- _raz_ changed the topic of #pygame to: Don't ask to ask, just ask

And that there is about all there is to this ridiculous tale.  When
you're rude, expect to be met with rudeness.  That's all there is to
learn from this pointless episode, and we can all stop pontificating
about how we need to restrict other people's behavior as some sort of
draconian PR policy.

Information gladly given, but safety requires   Nick Moffitt
avoiding unnecessary conversation. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygame] #pygame on

2008-02-20 Thread Nick Moffitt
René Dudfield:
 never fear...

I am filled with hissing light!

You are not entitled to your opinions.   Nick Moffitt

Re: [pygame] multiple key presses

2007-07-06 Thread Nick Moffitt
John Eikenberry:
 My Kinesis Maxim doesn't have the issue described in the article. I can
 hold down as many keys as I like (within the limits of 2 hands) and all
 other keys work fine.

When I bought a kinesis keyboard, it was US$180.  I'd certainly hope
that for that kind of money you'd get a diode in each key!

The insipid neologism blog appears to mean little more  Nick Moffitt
than a Web site that *actually* gets updated, as opposed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to one that *promises* to be updated REAL SOON NOW and
includes an animation of a MEN AT WORK sign.

Re: [pygame] RPG Quest System

2007-07-04 Thread Nick Moffitt
Michael Sullivan:
 On Wed, 2007-07-04 at 08:03 -0700, Phil Hassey wrote:
  Use chicken on voodoo lady.  (She has the glow-in-the-dark skull on
  her wall.)
 Where is the Voodoo lady?  The only places I think I can get to are the
 museum, the arcade, and the tavern

Back where you started out!

That game is fun, and a great demo of what can be done in very little
code at all with pygame.

Information gladly given, but safety requires   Nick Moffitt
avoiding unnecessary conversation. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [pygame] FastRenderGroup revised (update4)

2007-06-30 Thread Nick Moffitt
Brian Fisher:
 We tested a lot of different approaches and tiling was by far the
 fastest we tried (in C++ anyways). In particular the fastest
 implementation for us was where each tile has it's own rect, and it
 does min/max ops on the cells rect to grow it to cover the overlap
 being the dirty rect and the cell area. 

Do you have any benchmark figures from these tests you could share? 

As I soared high into the tag cloud Xeni Jardin Nick Moffitt
carefully put up for me, I couldn't help but wonder how [EMAIL PROTECTED]
high we were above the blogosphere. -- Carlos Laviola

Re: [pygame] FastRenderGroup revised (update4)

2007-06-29 Thread Nick Moffitt
René Dudfield:
 What are the main features of FastRenderGroup?

Since I have read earlier versions of this code, and chatted with DR0ID
in the #pygame channel about the architecture (I suggested exponential
back-off as worth exploring) I'd like to have a go at this.

The core of it seems to be the chunk of code that tries two rendering
methods every 75th frame and chooses the faster of the two as the method
to use for the next 74 frames.  It's a benchmark-based system, and could
probably be called the BenchmarkingRenderGroup.

 The jerking stops for me when I make it not oscillate between update,
 and flip modes.  I think maybe an Exponential back off strategy might
 work...  not too sure.  I think we should try a few different things
 when we meet up in two weeks.
 Some possible different strategies:
 - figure out the best rendering method in the first 1-3 seconds, then
 stick with that.
 - keep checking to see which is the fastest way.  Only change modes at
 most once every 10 seconds.

While writing the above, I thought that the name StochasticRenderGroup
might be good.  Then I stopped to look up the literal definition of a
stochastic process, and realized that it did not apply.  However, such a
process might actually be the solution to removing the sampling jitter.  

gcide says:

 3. (Statistics) of or pertaining to a process in which a series of
 calculations, selections, or observations are made, each one being
 randomly determined as a sample from a probability distribution.

Consider that when you sample, you have a timing value for the fastest
and the slowest method given a particular data set.  Use this to
calculate a threshold, and compare it against the current rendering
time.  Keep the rendering time for the previous frame as well, and do
comparisons between successive frames and comparisons relative to the
tests done earlier.  

You should also consider attack/sustain values for when to switch, so
that you don't end up with bang-bang switching in cases where the two
methods have similar speeds.

How do you get mailings?... from the lists Nick Moffitt
1. suspects   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2. elbows
-- Don Saklad

Re: [pygame] 3D sample code

2007-06-08 Thread Nick Moffitt
Will McGugan:
 I don't think it would be pracitcal to render 3D models and blit them
 in 2D. Happy to be proven wrong though.

Well, consider games like powermanga.  They generated their sprites
using 3-D tools and saved them to disk.

When I was working on an SDL game in C, I noted that since I rotated
only in integer degrees, I could set up 360-long cache arrays for sprite
rotations.  This sped up rendering immensely, so long as nothing ever
zoomed in or out.

So if your 3-D game tends to repeat a few basic perspectives on an
object, you may actually consider memoizing renderings to a weakref
LRU/MRU structure of some sort.

Here is the memo if you didn't receive it: GNOME and   Nick Moffitt
Free Software is all about *SAVING THE WORLD* not  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
drawing pissy little buttons on the screen.
-- Jeff Waugh