Re: [pygame] Confusing values from mixer.Channel.get_sound()

2020-12-26 Thread Pavils Jurjans
I actually was aware that such reuse could take place, so I did check if
they point to the same object. But in my case, those reprs don't give the
same output as in your case.

Here's my updated code and output:

def channel_test_2():
print('Play the sound on channel1')
channel1 =
print('channel1=', channel1)
print('After 1 second: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog)
print('After 7 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog)
print('Play the sound on channel2')
channel2 =
print('channel2=', channel2)
print('After 1 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog, ',
channel2 - ', channel2.get_sound() == dog)
print('After 4 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog, ',
channel2 - ', channel2.get_sound() == dog)
print('After 7 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog, ',
channel2 - ', channel2.get_sound() == dog)
print('channel1=', channel1)
print('channel2=', channel2)
print('Are they the same?', channel1 == channel2)

Play the sound on channel1
After 1 second: channel1 -  True
After 7 seconds: channel1 -  False
Play the sound on channel2
After 1 seconds: channel1 -  True , channel2 -  True
After 4 seconds: channel1 -  True , channel2 -  True
After 7 seconds: channel1 -  False , channel2 -  False
Are they the same? False

As you can see, in my case the channels point to different addresses, but
still behave as if they are linked. Maybe it is important on what platform
I am running this code?
My platform:
- Raspberry Pi Zero W
- Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
- Python 3.7.3
- pygame 2.0.0 (SDL 2.0.9)

I am aware of the channel end_event but since the number of custom event
IDs is very limited, I had to implement my own solution (a wrapper class
for the Channel object) for executing a function when the sound has
finished playing, using a timer object, set to sound.get_length(). I have
now implemented extra property in my wrapper class that tracks if the sound
is currently playing. This works fine, but it still remains a mystery, why
those channels behave as they do, even though they point to different
addresses (in my case).

On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 2:49 AM Greg Ewing 

> On 26/12/20 3:38 am, Pavils Jurjans wrote:
> > I first play a sound (get the channel object in return), and let it play
> > until the end. channel.get_sound() returns None, as it should. Then I
> > play this sound a second time (storing the returned channel object in
> > another variable). While the sound is still playing, if I query the
> > first channel.get_sound(), I get the reference to the sound object.
> Because you started playing the second sound after the first one
> finished, it re-used the same channel.
> I added a couple of lines to print out the repr of the sound
> object returned by each play() call. This is what I got:
> Play the sound on channel1
> channel1 = 
> After 1 second: channel1 -  True
> After 7 seconds: channel1 -  False
> Play the sound on channel2
> channel2 = 
> After 1 seconds: channel1 -  True , channel2 -  True
> After 4 seconds: channel1 -  True , channel2 -  True
> After 7 seconds: channel1 -  False , channel2 -  False
> You can see that channel1 and channel2 are actually the same
> channel object.
> I don't think there's anything you can do about that; you'll
> have to re-think your method of detecting whether a sound is
> still playing.
> Note that you can use Channel.set_endevent() to arrange for an
> event to be posted when a sound finishes playing.
> --
> Greg

[pygame] Confusing values from mixer.Channel.get_sound()

2020-12-25 Thread Pavils Jurjans
I am getting strange behavior when reading channel.get_sound() value from a
supposedly silent channel.

I first play a sound (get the channel object in return), and let it play
until the end. channel.get_sound() returns None, as it should. Then I play
this sound a second time (storing the returned channel object in another
variable). While the sound is still playing, if I query the first
channel.get_sound(), I get the reference to the sound object.

Is this a bug or it's by design? This behavior messes up my application
logic, because I store the returned channel objects to query later if the
sound is still playing on them.

I tested the problem on both Pygame 1.9.6 and 2.0.0.

Here's my test code:

import pygame
from time import sleep

mixer = pygame.mixer
mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 1, 8192)

dog = mixer.Sound('dog.ogg')
dog = mixer.Sound('apps/sounds/media/animal: dog.ogg')

# Test #1: use channel.get_sound() to see what sound the channel is
playing. It should return None, when no sound is playing. This test passes.
def channel_test_1():
channel1 =
print('After 1 second:', channel1.get_sound() == dog)
print('After 7 seconds:', channel1.get_sound() == dog)

# Test #2: play sound on one channel. Let it play to the end. The
channel1.get_sound() returns None. Then play the sound on channel2. The
channel1.get_sound() should still return None, however once the sound
starts playing on channel2, the channel1.get_sound() is no more None. This
test fails.
def channel_test_2():
print('Play the sound on channel1')
channel1 =
print('After 1 second: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog)
print('After 7 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog)
print('Play the sound on channel2')
channel2 =
print('After 1 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog, ',
channel2 - ', channel2.get_sound() == dog)
print('After 4 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog, ',
channel2 - ', channel2.get_sound() == dog)
print('After 7 seconds: channel1 - ', channel1.get_sound() == dog, ',
channel2 - ', channel2.get_sound() == dog)


Here are my results for the channel_test_2():

>>> channel_test_2()
Play the sound on channel1
After 1 second: channel1 -  True
After 7 seconds: channel1 -  False
Play the sound on channel2
After 1 seconds: channel1 -  True , channel2 -  True
After 4 seconds: channel1 -  True , channel2 -  True
After 7 seconds: channel1 -  False , channel2 -  False

The dog.ogg sound is 5.5 seconds long. For the sake of complete
representation, I attach the audio file of this good boy to this post.

Description: audio/ogg