Not that long ago I posted to the list asking how to fix a problem with
my game:

Patrick Mullen replied with an answer, and a lot of inspiration for
cleaning up the code. Since then there have been many changes, and
things are now starting to take shape. There is one problem we cannot
figure out. To quote our bug tracker:

"The random encounter method is still getting called if the character
is facing an obstacle and trying to move in that direction. The only
way this is possible is if stop in moving object is equal to True.
Somehow stop must be getting reset someplace in order for this to be

It is also worth noting that the player does not stop animating when
its path is blocked, and looks like it is walking on a treadmill. I
would appreciate any input on the subject. Also, feel free to just try
the game out and offer comments/critique on my disorganized,
overengineered, yet improving code. I included the latest development
snapshot of our game in this message. Also for those that would like to
follow progress on this pygame, we are hosted on launchpad:

Thanks in advance,
Michael Fiano

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