Well, the aliens.py example runs, so that fullfills the initial requirements outlined in this thread. Porting to Python 3 will continue, but at a more leisurely pace. Again, the branch is in svn, accessible with:

svn co svn://seul.org/svn/pygame/branches/python3



Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

Ok, examples/chimp.py now runs from Python 3.1. That just leaves mixer.music and some cleanup. Also I confirmed the python3 branch still compiles for Python 3.0 under Windows XP and the stars.py example runs.


Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

I have now added sprite, time and transform to the list of updated modules. Now the scaletest.py and stars.py examples run. Tests that pass so far are: base_test, color_test, rect_test, display_test, surface_test, blit_test, image_test and sprite_test. So that leaves mixer, mixer.music and font. I am doing the development on linux so anyone with Windows XP feel free to check out a copy from svn and try building it:

svn co svn://seul.org/svn/pygame/branches/python3

The dependencies are the same as for Python 2.6 and found at:



Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

Hi everyone,

An update -- The surface, gfxdraw, display, key, mouse, image and imageext modules now compile with Python 3.1 on linux. All surface_test.py unit tests pass except for the get_buffer test since it has been disabled for now. The aacircle.py example runs. So that leaves these modules to do before the deadline:

sprite   - sprite.py
time   - time.c
transform   - transform.c
mixer   - mixer.c
mixer.music   - music.c
font   - font.c


Lenard Lindstrom wrote:


I am proposing a game plan for getting a basic Pygame for Python 3.0. First the goal could be to get the chimp.py and aliens.py examples working. So the following modules are needed:

pygame   - __init__.py (done)
sprite   - sprite.py
image   - image.c, imageext.c
locals   - locals.py
display   - display.c
event   - event.c
mouse   - mouse.c
key   - key.c
time   - time.c
transform   - transform.c
mixer   - mixer.c [*]
mixer.music   - music.c
font   - font.c
base   - base.c (done)
surface   - surface.c (partially done [*])
surflock   - surflock.c (done)
rect   - rect.c (done)
color   - color.c (done), colordict.py (done)
constants   - constants.c (done)
rwobject   - rwobject.c

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