Greetings, Urtling. There's a few ways, I think, and maybe more.

1. When you fade the song that's playing, also queue the next song at that
time: No fuss. The next song will start playing

2. Tell Pygame to send an event when a song stops playing: As I recall, you have to use a valid Pygame
event type, such as something between USEREVENT and NUMEVENTS. Because this
passes control to your program, you can employ a programmed delay before the
next song.

3. Your game loop can check if the song is playing and start it up if it's
not: Likewise, this supports the option of a
programmed delay.


On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Fawkes <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I need some help with using Pygame's music module. Specifically, is
> there a way to fade between two songs?
> Suppose I have a song playing called via:
> I tried to use Pygame's Music Module's fadeout, but that didn't work:
> [Song is already playing]
> The music fadeout function seems to block out all input during that
> time (Despite comments to the contrary in the documentation). I'd like
> to transition smoothly between those songs without blocking the user's
> input. Is there a good way to do this?
> Thanks in advance.
> -Fawkes

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