Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-29 Thread Greg Ewing

Bob Ippolito wrote:

Since when? py2exe and py2app are almost the same until you start
using platform specific features.

You may be right about that. I just tried to check by
visiting the websites of both to consult the docs,
but from what's there, it's quite hard to tell.
Neither of them seems to have what I woud call a
proper set of documentation that explains all the
options properly.


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-29 Thread Greg Ewing

Bob Ippolito wrote:

tkinter is imported (conditionally) by a few things you wouldn't
normally expect, such as PIL and pydoc. My bet is on PIL.

It may have been something like that. But if I explicitly
put it in the excludes list, I would expect it to trust
that I know what I'm talking about. That didn't seem
to be happening.


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Jasper

Luke Paireepinart wrote:

I'm struggling to grasp py2exe's arcane innards, as it's changed 
significantly since I last used it, and so far it just doesn't work.  
I'm sure I can eventually grovel through source and get it to work, 
but there's got to be something better!  Except I can't find 
anything!  Py2app?  Mac only.  Pypack?  Based on a non-robust 
premise, and thus doesn't work for me.

What exactly is the problem you're having with py2exe?
Afaict you just make a couple-line file and it just works
Did you try the py2exe instructions on the pygame website?

Yes, I've tried that, but unfortunately those few simple lines aren't 
enough.  The resulting .exe can't find all of it's needed parts, and 
apparently includes a vast array of stuff that isn't needed.  Some of 
the missing errors I'm getting are from code I never use, burried deep 
within libraries I need, e.g. numpy.

I've had less trouble getting crossplatform C++ code to statically 
compile than I'm having sorting this out for just Windows.


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Luke Paireepinart

Jasper wrote:

Luke Paireepinart wrote:

I'm struggling to grasp py2exe's arcane innards, as it's changed 
significantly since I last used it, and so far it just doesn't 
work.  I'm sure I can eventually grovel through source and get it to 
work, but there's got to be something better!  Except I can't find 
anything!  Py2app?  Mac only.  Pypack?  Based on a non-robust 
premise, and thus doesn't work for me.

What exactly is the problem you're having with py2exe?
Afaict you just make a couple-line file and it just works
Did you try the py2exe instructions on the pygame website?

Yes, I've tried that, but unfortunately those few simple lines aren't 
enough.  The resulting .exe can't find all of it's needed parts, and 
apparently includes a vast array of stuff that isn't needed.  Some of 
the missing errors I'm getting are from code I never use, burried 
deep within libraries I need, e.g. numpy.

I've had less trouble getting crossplatform C++ code to statically 
compile than I'm having sorting this out for just Windows.

I'm sensing some python-hatin' going on here ;)
Let me just point out that cpython is meant to be installed on the 
target machine once, not redistributed.
Since it wasn't designed for that, trying to make it into a nice, neat 
little package doesn't work all that well.
I just don't want you to think less of python because a 3rd-party tool's 
giving you trouble.

I'm not sure why you're having problems but your hunch that Numeric and 
Numpy are conflicting sounds reasonable.

Why do you have both installed, by the way?


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Brian Fisher

Hey Jasper,
It does seem like an obscure and difficult problem, but at least it
seems to be one a lot of people are having :)

the py2exe mailing list archive had this snippet for your exact problem:
I resolved that issue by adding the file
...\Python24\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\_internal.pyc in
...\test\dist\\numpy\core. far as a solution that doesn't require hand-copying though,
there was this follow-up in the mailing list, which supposeded has 2
working py2exe setup scripts in it:

also, the py2exe and/or numpy mailing lists may be good places to post
your errors in order to get some up-to-date and educated help, if you
haven't done so already.

also, here's two more numpy and py2exe problems + hack fixes from the
py2exe wiki, I figured I'd embed them here in case they pop up for you
after you get past the _ARRAY_API problem
If you're getting No scipy-style subpackage 'xxx' found in
c:\...\\numpy. Ignoring, try --skip-archive option.

If you're using numarray and numpy together, be aware that they both
have a _sort, and py2exe gets them confused. After py2exe creates the
dist directotry, copy numpy/core/_sort.pyd and numarray/sort.pyd to
their respective locations in the dist.

On 9/28/06 Jasper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've had less trouble getting crossplatform C++ code to statically
 compile than I'm having sorting this out for just Windows.

Haha... everybody has their success stories :) If you've done a lot
statically compiling different crossplatform C++ code libraries on a
windows platform, I'd be suprised if you never had any problems with
STL and iostream inconsistencies, or different files fighting over
new... not to mention the garbage you'll get just changing visual
studio versions (if you ever do that).

I'll take python with it's buggy and imperfect code+interpreter
packaging over the alternatives anyday

Luke wrote:

I'm sensing some python-hatin' going on here ;)
Let me just point out that cpython is meant to be installed on the
target machine once, not redistributed.

you are right in that python is wonderful at building packages for
extension libs and all that, but I say designed shmesigned - what
matters is what is tested and what works. py2exe is actively
maintained, and as long as windows users are still out there trying to
get good solid packaging taken care of, all problems will be solved
for getting good windows distribution.

Since it wasn't designed for that, trying to make it into a nice, neat
little package doesn't work all that well.
I just don't want you to think less of python because a 3rd-party tool's
giving you trouble.

I completely disagree - packaging and distribution is an essential
part of developing anything. If you've got a great language, but you
can't distribute it to your customers, by all means, blame the
language distribution. Better yet, work to help make its packaging

I'm not sure why you're having problems but your hunch that Numeric and
Numpy are conflicting sounds reasonable.
Why do you have both installed, by the way?

I think the better question would be why pygame has had (thankfully
optional) dependencies on a pacakge that hasn't been maintained for
years (namely numeric) for as long as it has... (hope I'm not being
rude here, but I do find the numeric dependency to lame to be worth
using the surfarray sndarray stuff)

Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Sami Hangaslammi

I'd still like to hear why the original poster found PyPack
unsuitable, (so that I could improve it), since it, for example, gets
around both of the numpy/Numeric problems posted by Brian.

Sami Hangaslammi

Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Jasper

Luke Paireepinart wrote:

I'm sensing some python-hatin' going on here ;)
Let me just point out that cpython is meant to be installed on the 
target machine once, not redistributed.
Since it wasn't designed for that, trying to make it into a nice, neat 
little package doesn't work all that well.
I just don't want you to think less of python because a 3rd-party 
tool's giving you trouble.

No, as I love working in Python, and loath C++.  Although Python is my 
favorite language, I can still see it's warts. The distribution tools 
available really are pretty bad, and it's not so much that Python 
wasn't designed for it, but rather that barely anyone ships Python 
.exe's and so it's rare that anyone notices just how bad this aspect is.

Anyway, my reason for posting wasn't so much to complain about py2exe, 
but just hoping that someone would know of something better.

I'm not sure why you're having problems but your hunch that Numeric 
and Numpy are conflicting sounds reasonable.

Why do you have both installed, by the way?

Because I prefer to use numpy, since it's replaced Numeric (which is now 
defunct), but I also use pygame, which uses Numeric.  Fortunately, I'd 
just begun to switch to numpy and it was easy enough to switch back to 
Numeric, but having to change my code to get it to work isn't encouraging..

Now I'm working on this one, which I vaguely recall coming up in Pypack 
discussion before:

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 9, in ?
 File Realms\Myth\Client\client.pyc, line 16, in ?
 File Realms\Myth\Client\theme.pyc, line 8, in ?
 File Realms\Util\surfaceTexture.pyc, line 4, in ?
 File OpenGL\__init__.pyc, line 18, in ?
 File OpenGL\__init__.pyc, line 14, in __set_attributes
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Jasper

Sami Hangaslammi wrote:

I'd still like to hear why the original poster found PyPack
unsuitable, (so that I could improve it), since it, for example, gets
around both of the numpy/Numeric problems posted by Brian.

Partly because it apparently didn't like having an entry script 
somewhere other than the root directory (although I didn't fiddle around 
with this much so I could easily be missing something), but mostly 
because I didn't think the method of tracing execution to find imports 
was robust, in particular if you have dynamic imports.  In retrospect I 
bet py2exe doesn't handle this either, so I'll give Pypack another try.

Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Bob Ippolito

On 9/28/06, Jasper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sami Hangaslammi wrote:

 I'd still like to hear why the original poster found PyPack
 unsuitable, (so that I could improve it), since it, for example, gets
 around both of the numpy/Numeric problems posted by Brian.

Partly because it apparently didn't like having an entry script
somewhere other than the root directory (although I didn't fiddle around
with this much so I could easily be missing something), but mostly
because I didn't think the method of tracing execution to find imports
was robust, in particular if you have dynamic imports.  In retrospect I
bet py2exe doesn't handle this either, so I'll give Pypack another try.

Your reasoning is totally backwards.

py2exe (and just about everything else) uses a less robust way of
tracking imports -- it examines bytecode, which will never find
dynamic imports. Tracing execution will generally find all imports, so
long as your code isn't pathologically dynamic.

Analyzing bytecode is completely safe, automatable, deterministic, and
relatively fast.. where running an application to see what it does is
generally none of those things. That's why py2exe and related tools
generally default to using bytecode analysis despite it being flawed
in pathological cases. py2app has built-in workarounds for known
pathological cases in the stdlib and many popular libraries, but I
don't know if anything like that exists in py2exe yet.


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Jasper

Bob Ippolito wrote:

On 9/28/06, Jasper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sami Hangaslammi wrote:

 I'd still like to hear why the original poster found PyPack
 unsuitable, (so that I could improve it), since it, for example, gets
 around both of the numpy/Numeric problems posted by Brian.

Partly because it apparently didn't like having an entry script
somewhere other than the root directory (although I didn't fiddle around
with this much so I could easily be missing something), but mostly
because I didn't think the method of tracing execution to find imports
was robust, in particular if you have dynamic imports.  In retrospect I
bet py2exe doesn't handle this either, so I'll give Pypack another try.

Your reasoning is totally backwards.

py2exe (and just about everything else) uses a less robust way of
tracking imports -- it examines bytecode, which will never find
dynamic imports. Tracing execution will generally find all imports, so
long as your code isn't pathologically dynamic.

In hindsight I see this, and posted that too quickly (I'm really itching 
to get this working).

IMHO you're wrong that code needs to be pathologically dynamic to use 
dynamic imports.  I find it an entirely reasonable way to load dynamic 
code and content.  I don't make much use of it now, but plan to as an 
easy means game modding.

That said, this should be encapsulated enough that it'd be easy to 
manually add.  I'll give Pypack another try.


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Bob Ippolito

On 9/28/06, Greg Ewing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Bob Ippolito wrote:

 The other pathological case is where a C extension invokes the import
 machinery, which happens a bunch in the stdlib (e.g. importing codecs,
 warnings, etc.). py2app has complete coverage of these scenarios in
 the stdlib (as of Python 2.4, anyway), but I don't believe that py2exe

Seems like the various packager development efforts
could benefit from more cooperation with each other.
All the platform-independent knowledge about how to
find dependencies ought to be factored out and made
available in a way that all packagers can use.

I already did this with modulegraph. It's up to other people to use it
though, I don't have the time or interest to make patches for other

Deciding on a common user interface for packagers
would help, too. Currently each one has its own
unique way of going about things.

Since when? py2exe and py2app are almost the same until you start
using platform specific features.


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-28 Thread Jasper

Greg Ewing wrote:

Jasper wrote:

 The resulting .exe can't find all of it's needed parts, and
 apparently includes a vast array of stuff that isn't needed.

This is tangential to the OP's problem, but last
time I tried to use py2exe, it seemed to insist
on including tkinter in the executable, even though
my program made no reference to it at all, and
even if I explicitly told it not to.

Anyone else had that problem? Any ideas on how to
prevent it?

I have the same vestigial inclusion of tkinter (along with a dozen other 
unwanted things), presumably drawn indirectly from some library I use.  
I haven't tried excluding it yet though, as I'm still working on getting 
it to work.

What exactly is happening? Do you mean you put tkinter in the excludes 
option for py2exe, and it still showed up?


Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-27 Thread Sami Hangaslammi

On 9/27/06, Jasper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pypack?  Based on a non-robust premise, and thus
doesn't work for me.

What kind of use-case do you have? Maybe I could customize Pypack to
fit your needs.

Sami Hangaslammi

Re: [pygame] Executable creation blues

2006-09-26 Thread Brian Fisher

I found the newer versions of py2exe to be very easy to use, and the
latest version seems to have fixed problems I had when I tried it
before (stuff with packaging pyOpenGL). Some packages are very large
(notably wxPython) but I highly recommend it as the only practical
method of distribution on windows.

I hate running python with command line args, so I made the script set
the args, so I could just run the script by itself (double click, or
from eclipse, whatever) in the same directory as the entry point
script. Below is my template I start with - I capitalized stuff I
change- let me know if when modified, it doesn't work for you
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys

data_file_list = [YOURDATA.EXT, FILEHERE.EXT]

sys.argv[1:] = [py2exe, -O0, -b, 1]
   version = 0.1.0,
   description = YOUR DESCRIPTION,
   name = YOUR TITLE,
   windows = []

On 9/26/06, Jasper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been mucking around with creating executables so that I don't have
to ship python in order for people to play my game, and am having a
disheartening amount of trouble sorting out what should be a basic step.

which basic step is that?

Is there anything else worth trying?  Am I stuck fiddling with py2exe,
or rolling my own solution?

You're not stuck fiddling with py2exe if you get it to work... don't
despair, there's a lot of good work there you can make use of, and I'm
sure it can work for you

if your problem is with a specifc module, you might find some help
with the issue here:

I'm beginning to seriously consider shipping Python, half a dozen
libraries, and .pyc files as a possible improvement. :-/

well not to put a too blunt point on it... but that's exactly what py2exe does.