Re: [pygtk] Need help

2010-08-13 Thread Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera
That's not an error is just a warning, you have 2 choices:

1) Follow the warning and use gtk.Image()

2) Add in the beginning of you script

import warnings

I suggest you to choose the number 1.

On Mon, 2010-08-02 at 20:40 +0300, Cata wrote:
> I have this error :
> <__main__.ClearlooksStyle object at 0x852b504 (ClearlooksStyle at 0x856b000)>
> DeprecationWarning: use GtkImage
>   pixmap = gtk.Pixmap(pixmap, mask)
> what is wrong ?
> Regards .
> 2010/7/24 Cata :
> > I use pygtk to create a class.
> > This class has window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_POPUP)
> > I put one image . This image is load from file and show it .
> >fixed = gtk.Fixed()
> >fixed.put(pixmap, 0, 0)
> >window.add(fixed)
> >
> > All this code is on __init__
> > I have another script this use this class .
> > Now i need to change image with new one .
> > Basically i need to change like a animated gif ...
> > Some ideas ?
> > Regards ...
> >
> > --
> > My sites:
> > -about me
> > - video tutorials
> > - my python blog
> >

pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] Set backgound image in frame

2010-06-24 Thread Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera
Any one had ever try this?,

I mean like a frame with some widgets which
overlaps the background (the image), basically how do you partially
overlap/clobber an Image?

I'll appreciate any help.

Regards - Joel Rivera

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] Custom paper size

2010-03-03 Thread Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera
Ok, I get it, I was trying to change a predefined size and
I didn't know that function.

Thank You Dieter.

El mié, 03-03-2010 a las 19:49 +0100, Dieter Verfaillie escribió: 

> Quoting "Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera" :
> > Hello,
> > I hope somebody could help me with this...
> >
> > when I do:
> >  paper = gtk.PaperSize()
> >  paper.set_size(216,140,gtk.UNIT_MM)
> >
> > raise this warning:
> >  GtkWarning: gtk_paper_size_set_size: assertion `size->is_custom' failed
> >
> > And the size of the paper remains unchanged.
> You could try the following to create a custom paper size:
> >>> paper = gtk.paper_size_new_custom('newcustom',  
> >>> 'new_custom_papersize', 216, 140, gtk.UNIT_MM)
> >>> paper.is_custom()
> True
> Regards,
> Dieter
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> ___
> pygtk mailing list
> Read the PyGTK FAQ:

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] Custom paper size

2010-03-03 Thread Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera
I hope somebody could help me with this...

when I do:
 paper = gtk.PaperSize() 

raise this warning:
 GtkWarning: gtk_paper_size_set_size: assertion `size->is_custom' failed

And the size of the paper remains unchanged.

I'll really appreciate any help.

Regards ---Joel Rivera

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

[pygtk] Easy way to print on paper?

2010-01-24 Thread Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera
Hi, I'm trying to print something with the pango layout
obtained from the "draw-page" event but i was wondering
if it exists something to render simple html like
tables and stuff like that to make my life a lot easier, 
right now I'm trying to measure with tabs and \n,
when i just want to print exactly the same as an html table
but to a paper.

Any suggestions are really appreciated.

--Joel Rivera

pygtk mailing list
Read the PyGTK FAQ:

Re: [pygtk] How to render a SpinButton in a TreeView?

2009-12-20 Thread Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera
Thanks for your answer,

I didn't know about that bug,
and actually my question was,how to draw the widget
i mean static, like a pixbuf, but after reading your code,
and some other doc about TreeViews i got the idea
it get draws like text, but when you click, it appears
the spin button.

Regarts, Joel Rivera


On Sun, 2009-12-20 at 15:17 +0100, Jiri Bajer wrote: 
> On Sun, 2009-11-01 at 06:26 +0100, Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera wrote:
> > I hope some one coud help me, i can't draw a spin button in a TreeView, 
> > im using CellRendererSpin but how do i draw "the widget" not just the
> > text o something like that (in the CellRendererText for example).
> I used CellRendererSpin the following way - hope it helps a bit:
> class CellRendererSpinFixed(gtk.CellRendererSpin):
>   # the whole class is just a workaround for PyGTK bug 492196
>   __gtype_name__ = 'CellRendererSpinFixed'
>   def __init__(self):
>   gtk.CellRendererSpin.__init__(self)
>   def do_start_editing(self, event, treeview, path, background_area,
> cell_area, flags):
>   if not self.get_property('editable'):
>   return
>   spin = gtk.SpinButton(self.get_property('adjustment'))
>   spin.connect('editing-done', self._editing_done, path)
>   spin.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press_event, path)
>   spin.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press_event)
>   spin.grab_focus()
>   return spin
>   def _editing_done(self, spin, path):
>   self.emit('edited', path, spin.get_property('value'))
>   def _key_press_event(self, spin, event, path):
>   if event.type == gtk.gdk.KEY_PRESS:
>   if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == 'Up':
>   spin.spin(gtk.SPIN_STEP_FORWARD)
>   return True
>   if gtk.gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == 'Down':
>   spin.spin(gtk.SPIN_STEP_BACKWARD)
>   return True
>   def _button_press_event(self, spin, event):
>   # avoid unwanted 'editing done' if the user clicks on spin 
> arrows too
> fast, see PyGTK bug 492196 for details
>   if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS or event.type ==
> gtk.gdk._3BUTTON_PRESS:
>   return True # we have already received all the clicks, 
> throw away
> additional signals telling it's double/tripleclick
> ---
>   if column_type == 'spin':
>   adjustment = gtk.Adjustment(lower=args['lower'], 
> upper=args['upper'],
> step_incr=1, page_incr=10)
>   renderer = CellRendererSpinFixed() # replace with 
> regular
> cellrendererspin when bug 492196 gets finally fixed
>   renderer.set_property('adjustment', adjustment)
>   renderer.set_property('editable', True)
>   renderer.set_property('digits', args['digits'])
>   renderer.connect('edited', self._spin_update_model,
> len(self._model_columns))
>   column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(title, renderer,
> text=len(self._model_columns))
>   column.set_property('expand', False)
>   column.set_property('reorderable', True)
>   column.set_property('resizable', True)
>   if args['digits']:
>   self._model_columns.append(gobject.TYPE_FLOAT)
>   else:
>   self._model_columns.append(gobject.TYPE_INT)
>   self._view_columns.append(column)
>   return
> ---
>   def _spin_update_model(self, renderer, path, new_text, column):
>   """
>   Updates the model whenever the spin value changes.
>   """
>   digits = renderer.get_property('digits')
>   if digits > 0:
>   try:
>   new_value = float(new_text)
>   except:
>   return
>   (integral, decimal) = new_text.split('.')
>   new_text = integral + '.' + decimal[0:digits]
>   new_value = float(new_text)
>   else:
>   try:
>   new_value = int(float(new_text)) # direct 
> conversion of float-string
> to int raises an error
>   except:
>   return
> self.model[self.sortable_model.convert_path_to_child_path(path)][column]
> = new_value
> ---

pygtk mailing list
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[pygtk] How to render a SpinButton in a TreeView?

2009-10-31 Thread Joel Juvenal Rivera Rivera
I hope some one coud help me, i can't draw a spin button in a TreeView, 
im using CellRendererSpin but how do i draw "the widget" not just the
text o something like that (in the CellRendererText for example).

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