Hi all PyGTK list members,

PyScintilla2-1.99.2 has been released.

You can find second released version of PyScintilla2 at <http://sra.itc.it/people/cavada/PyScintilla2.html>.
License is LGPL.

Best regards, rob ----------- What's new? These (mandatory) methods were missing in first version 1.99.1: get_text, get_sel_text, get_line, get_cur_line

What's that?
Scintilla is a powerful, multi-platform, general purpose editing widget, developed by Neil Hodgson.

Michele Campeotto realized a binding for pygtk-0.6.5, named PyGtkScintilla. Since there was not support for GTK2, I developed PyScintilla2 from scratch, by using GtkScintilla2.

GtkScintilla2 is a Scintilla widget for GTK2, developed and maintained by Dennis J Houy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

 _/_/_/   _/_/_/   Roberto Cavada
_/   _/ _/        ITC-irst   http://www.irst.itc.it
_/   _/ _/        Automated Reasoning Systems - Formal Methods Group
/_/_/  _/        Via Sommarive, 18 - 38050 Povo (TN) - Italy
  _/  _/       Tel: +39 0461 314 321   Fax: +39 0461 302 040
   _/   _/_/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://sra.itc.it/people/cavada

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