Version 1.99.0 of pygtkmvc has been released. 

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About pygtkmvc

pygtkmvc is a fully Python-based implementation of the
Model-View-Controller (MVC) and Observer patterns for the PyGTK2

MVC is a pattern that can be successfully used to design and
develop well structured GUI applications. The MVC pattern
basically helps in separating semantics and data of the
application, from their representation.

The Observer pattern helps to weaken dependencies among parts that
should be separated, but need to be connected each other.

pygtkmvc provides a powerful and still simple infrastructure to
help designing and implement GUI applications based on the MVC and
Observer patterns.

The framework has been designed to be:

* Essential and small, it does only what it was designed for.
* Not an external dependency for your application: it fits in
   80KB and can be released along with it.
* Easy to understand and to use; fully documented.
* Portable: straightly runs under many platforms.

License: LGPL

About release 1.99.0

Released version 1.99.0

This is a major release that breaks backward compatibility with the
1.2 family.

Also, this version is not stable yet, as there might be some changes
in the forthcoming releases toward version 2.0.0.

* New features
  Features 1 and 2 cause this version to be no backward compatible.
  1. View's constructor no longer takes a controller.

  2. Controller's constructor takes a view.
     This allows (together with 1.) to have multiple controllers
     controlling a shared view, making possible to decompose
     controllers (see the website for details)

  3. Support for SQLObject (support for SQLAlchemy delayed to 1.99.1)

  4. Support for custom observable properties in Models.
     Now it is possible to define observable properties whose values
     are stored outside the model, in a DB, a file, a network, etc.

  5. New syntax for defining observable properties.
     Now class attributes are used as in common ORMs.

  6. Explicit declaration of observing methods into observer through

  7. Views have attributes 'glade' and 'top' to simplify their

  8. gtkmvc has now its own logging system that users can set when
     required. Previous naive prints have been removed. 

* Documentation
  1. New website
  2. New Quick Start Guide
* Refactoring, Bug fixes
  1. Improved performances
  2. Cleaned up View construction, that is now much more simple
  3. Fixed a row of minor bugs

Thanks to those who provided feedback and bug reports.
In particular, to:

Henrik Bohre <henrik TOD bohre TA gmail TOD com>
Joel Cross
Alessandro Dentella <sandro TA e-den TOD it>
Christopher Groskopf <cgroskop TA calpoly TOD edu>

Roberto Cavada <roboogle TA gmail TOD com>

<P><A HREF="";>pygtkmvc 1.99.0</A> -
Pygtk MVC is a thin, multiplatform framework that helps to design
and develop GUI applications based on the PyGTK toolkit. (01-Apr-09)

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