
I'm using PyGTK (2.0) to do the graphical representation in a UML modeling
tool (http://gaphor.sourceforge.net). I have created a small demo setup in
a test program like this:
+ Model node
  + Package
    + Actor (data element)
    + UseCase (data element)
    + Diagram

The diagram holds a DiaCanvas canvas inside, with two canvas items: one
referencing the actor and one to the use case.

Here comes my problem: If I remove all references to the data structure,
no objects seem to be freed (at least the objects in the canvas are not freed).
is it possible to wrap the canvas is such a way that it can be freed using
the garbage collector? I noticed that the PyGObject has the HAVE_GC flag set.

As it is now, the canvas object will only free itself if an explicit
"del diagram.canvas" is done. It looks like the wrapper will not free the
object, even if it holds only one reference...

What can I do about this?



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