On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 19:44:30 +0100
Danny Milosavljevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > XPN (X Python Newsreader) i
> Very nice :)


> Let me nitpick for a bit though:
> - This layout is missing:
>   [groups]
>   [threads]
>   [message]
>   I have a small screen so having every part span the whole line is
> best
> - This layout is missing:
>   [groups]
>   [threads]  [message]
>   It's arguable if that would be useful or not :)

Lots of layouts are missing, I only coded the most (or at least those
I think are the most used), maybe I'll add more layouts in future
> (and dont do the number labels in the display settings - just use
> h/vboxes with frames and the actual text in - or does that take too
> much space? probably)

To much space ... and to much code ;-)
> - There are several things that are out of fashion on Gnome, at least.
> For example "Yes"/"No" buttons. Better use (for the first dialog)
> "Configure" and "Quit" 

You are right but XPN is not a "Gnome" newsreader it's a "GTK"
newsreader, I tried to read the Gnome HIG but they are painful for me.

> (or "Cancel"? - not sure what "No" does -
> didn't try because I didnt want to break it - if I said "No" once,
> who knows if it were to ask me again later...)

You could say "No", it doesn't ask you again because when you close
XPN it creates the config file.
> - I must get used to have to double-click on something that neither
> opens a new window/app as a reaction nor destroys the current window's
> content (eg in the group treeview) - why not just react on selection
> change? Or will "opening" a group also cause destructive stuff to run
> - i.e. expiration - ? If so, double clicking is ok...

In the groups treeview (and in the articles treeview too) you have
both choice, you can use double-click or single-click (it's
configurable) to "open" the group.
> - In the preferences, "Groups properties", the purge options dont have
> labels that tell the unit (i.e. "days" (?))

You are right, it's only in the tooltip.

> - What's the funny Status Number in the leftmost column of the threads
> view? "6"? What? :) Oh, playing for a few minutes I *think* it's the
> number of unread posts in the thread...  


> - There is something called GtkExpander that does what your "Hide
> Headers" button does, automatically. Not saying that you should use
> it, just making sure you know...

I discovered it just after I already coded "my" expander, I also tried
to use it ... but I don't like it, my button is nices ;-)
> - Reading a message also needs me to double click in the threads
> view... I think that actions that are non-destructive and non-long-
> running can also be done just fine with one click :)

It's configurable (like groups), tab "Miscellaneous" in Config Window,
"One Click Enter Article".

> - The default message font is too small - best default to what
> GtkSettings property "gtk-font-name" says 

Ah! I didn't know GtkSettings ^__^;;

> Hope that helps :)

Thank you.

 |\ |       |HomePage   : http://nem01.altervista.org
 | \|emesis |XPN (my nr): http://xpn.altervista.org
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