Hi all,

I'm trying to make a button that, when pressed gives a popup menu that has the top left corner aligned with the top left corner of the button (i.e. I want to create a modified GtkOptionMenu where there are no arrows and it is activated by a button press).

The call back below _almost_ works. The popup has the correct x coordinate, but the y coordinate is not correct.

One thing that I am not sure of is whether I can or should do anything with the GtkMenu.attach_to_widget method. I'm not really sure what this does...

Has anyone else had any success doing this?



def on_new_strategy_button_press_event(button, event):

        # Get the position of the button within the window
        allocation = button.get_allocation()

        # Get the position of the window
        (x, y) = button.get_parent_window().get_root_origin()

        def positionFunction(menu):
                # Return the top-left corner of the button
                return (x+allocation.x, y+allocation.y, gtk.FALSE)

        # Get the menu (defined elsewhere via glade)
        strategyMenu = xml.get_widget("strategyMenu")
        strategyMenu.popup(None, None, positionFunction, event.button, event.time)

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