I know that this probably is a GTK+ issue not a pygtk issue, but I was
wondering if anyone else had seen this and come up with a suitable
workaround using pygtk...


I have a TreeView that is using a ListStore model to supply
1-dimensional data.  I have connected the "changed" signal of the
treeview's selection object to my application.  Right now, I'm just
printing a message when it changes, but the intent is to have a separate
view updated when the user selects things.  Similar to the pygtk

...except, that I don't want an initial selection in the list.  After I
load the data, I call selection.unselect_all() and, visually, there's
nothing in the list.  If I call selection.selected_foreach() immediately
after I do the unselect, there's nothing in the selection.

Problem is that when I actually select an item in the list (somewhere in
the middle), I get the following:

Selected idx = 0; val = '110127612040731.zip'
Selected idx = 7; val = 'applets'

where 'applets' was the one that I actually clicked.  Subsequent clicks
(currently using single-select mode) generate what you'd expect, but
after about an hour and a half of trying to work around this with
'mouse-pressed/released' and switches among other things, I'm running
out of ideas.

Any suggestions?  Am I losing my mind, or, more likely, missing
something with the way you're supposed to use the API?

Thanks in advance,


Oh, after my earlier attempts to use the gnome.ui and having crashes, I
reverted back to the "stock" RedHat 8 RPMS for everything so that I
wouldn't get crashes.  Relevant versions are:


I had earlier tried to upgrade to the CVS versions of the relevant
python bindings, but I was having problems running anything that had to
do with gnome.  I'm planning to use the GnomeIconList or GnomeCanvas, so
that's why I went back to a known point.
Andrew S. Townley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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