On Friday 22 February 2002 07:30 pm, Gerrit Sere wrote:
> I made a little tutorial  (74 pages) about Python and Qt. It handles
> nearly all the basic widgets.
> I don't have a web site to distribute it.  Is there a place where I can
> drop it ?

Here are a few suggestions:

Make it an open-book and submit it to:

Make it a HOW-TO and submit it to:

Make it a SourceForge website-only project at:

Get it on the KDE website by talking to the people who do that kind of stuff:

> Boudewijn Rempt's book is much better but ... I did my best for the
> absolute beginner (like me)

I would be excited to see it regardless. Everyone has a different perspective 
on the way things work and the way they should work, and it is useful to 


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