Thank you, Andi. Recompilled, it works just fine now.


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Andi Vajda <> wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Oct 2010, Roman Chyla wrote:
>> I tried to use the PatternAnalyzer, but am getting NotImplementedError
>> - in case it is not available, shall I rather use PythonAnalyzer and
>> implement the regex pattern analyzer with that?
>> using version: 2.9.3
>> In [44]: import lucene
>> In [45]: import pyjama #<-- this package contains java.util.regex.Pattern
>> In [46]: p = pyjama.Pattern.compile("\\s")
>> In [47]: p
>> Out[47]: <Pattern: \s>
>> In [48]: import lucene.collections as col
>> In [49]: s = col.JavaSet([])
>> In [50]: s
>> Out[50]: <JavaSet: org.apache.pylucene.util.python...@16925b0>
>> In [51]: pa = lucene.PatternAnalyzer(p,True,s)
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call
>> last)
>> /Users/rca/<ipython console> in <module>()
>> NotImplementedError: ('instantiating java class', <type
>> 'PatternAnalyzer'>)
> This is because no constructors were generated for PatternAnalyzer. That in
> turn is because the java.util.regex package is missing from the JCC command
> line in PyLucene's Makefile, causing methods and constructors using classes
> in that package to be skipped.
> To fix this, add
>            --package java.util.regex \
> around line 214 to PyLucene's Makefile.
> It is also strongly recommended that you rebuild pyjama with --import lucene
> on the JCC command line so that you don't have JCC generate wrappers again
> for classes that are shared between pyjama and lucene.
> Andi..

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