Hi Andi, all,

I have just came across behaviour which seems strange -- I have built
lucene and wrapped solr + my own extension with JCC (ver. 2.7; OS is
Mac, Python 32bi 2.6; using generics in all of the packages) All of
the packages are compiled in the shared mode -- I import them in the
correct order of: lucene, solr, my extension.

Now i realized it was not possible to initialize a HashMap until the
first extension (in this case lucene) is started

Is this the effect of building them in the shared mode - where one
depends on one another?

Thank you,


In [1]: from solrpie import initvm
Warning: we add the default folder to sys.path:

In [2]: sj = initvm.solrpie_java

In [3]: sj.initVM()
Out[3]: <jcc.JCCEnv object at 0x194b70>

In [4]: sj.Hash
sj.HashDocSet  sj.HashMap     sj.HashSet     sj.Hashtable

In [4]: sj.HashMap().of_(sj.String, sj.String)
InvalidArgsError                          Traceback (most recent call last)

/x/dev/workspace/sandbox/solrpie/python/<ipython console> in <module>()

InvalidArgsError: (<type 'HashMap'>, 'of_', (<type 'String'>, <type 'String'>))

In [5]: import lucene

In [6]: sj.HashMap().of_(lucene.String, lucene.String)
InvalidArgsError                          Traceback (most recent call last)

/x/dev/workspace/sandbox/solrpie/python/<ipython console> in <module>()

InvalidArgsError: (<type 'HashMap'>, 'of_', (<type 'String'>, <type 'String'>))

In [7]: lucene.HashMap().of_(lucene.String, lucene.String)
InvalidArgsError                          Traceback (most recent call last)

/x/dev/workspace/sandbox/solrpie/python/<ipython console> in <module>()

InvalidArgsError: (<type 'HashMap'>, 'of_', (<type 'String'>, <type 'String'>))

In [8]: lucene.initVM()
Out[8]: <jcc.JCCEnv object at 0x194cd0>

In [9]: lucene.HashMap().of_(lucene.String, lucene.String)
Out[9]: <HashMap: {}>

In [10]: sj.HashMap().of_(sj.String, sj.String)
Out[10]: <HashMap: {}>

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