We are pleased to announce the CCP4 workshop titled 

"CCP4 school: From data processing to structure refinement and beyond"

which will take place on 23-28 of May 2008 at the Advanced Photon Source
(APS) near Chicago.

The aim of this inaugural workshop in the USA will be to cover all areas
involved in the structure solution process in macromolecular
crystallography, starting from data processing, through phasing and
refinement and ending with validation and deposition.

There will be lectures in the morning, tutorials in the afternoons and
problem solving in the evening.


The workshop will also cover many of the popular programs used for data
processing and structure solution with the software developers available
to help throughout the week. Programs covered will include Mosflm,
Scala, HKL2000, Refmac, ArpWarp, PHENIX, Phaser, Coot, SHELXC/D/E,
Balbes, Mrbump, Buccaneer and many more.


Lecturers and tutors include Anastassis Perrakis, Gerrit Langer, Phil
Evans, Garib Murshudov, Tim Grune, Dominika Borek, Ethan Merritt, Kevin


Students are encouraged to bring their problematic datasets and are
expected to articulate what the problem is. They are expected to have
some experience in crystallography in general and be familiar with using
the CCP4 package in particular. 


Application should include a letter describing experience, the current
problem you are trying to solve and a letter of support from your

Application should be sent to: Ruslan Sanishvili (Nukri)  at
rsanishv...@anl.gov <mailto:rsanishv...@anl.gov>   

Deadline for applications is March 31. While participation in the
lecture session is open, only 20 applications will be selected for
tutorials and problem-solving session, and will be equipped with
computers. Therefore, early application is encouraged.


Local hospitalities (accommodation and food) will be covered by the
workshop. Travel expenses will be a responsibility of the applicant


Garib, Ronan and Nukri

Ruslan Sanishvili (Nukri), Ph.D.

GM/CA-CAT, Bld. 436, D007
Biosciences Division, ANL
9700 S. Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60439

Tel: (630)252-0665
Fax: (630)252-0667

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