Thanks Jared. A lot of fantastic tips there. Much appreciated.


On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 6:03 AM, Jared Sampson
<> wrote:
> Hi Ahmad -
> Here are a few suggestions:
> I'm still a bit new to the API so I'm not sure which commands to use.
> At least I know I will start with name, string
> selection).
> How can I tell Pymol to:
> 1) look within a certain radius distance, and return resi's within
> that distacne.
>'mysele', 'byres all within 5 of sele')
> See for more handy
> operators (`beyond`, `around`, `expand`, etc.)
> 2) find all polar interactions within a distance,
> You can use cmd.distance (, e.g.
> (as done in the GUI by [A] > find > polar contacts...)
>     cmd.dist("mysele_polar_conts","mysele","all within 5 of
> mysele",quiet=1,mode=2,label=0,reset=1)
> or for a list of atoms, check out
> use sticks,
>'sticks', 'mysele')
> or to hide all other representations,
>     cmd.show_as('sticks', 'mysele')
> color by atom
>     util.cnc('mysele')
> I use this one all the time ("cnc" == color non-carbon).  There is also
> `util.cbc` == color by chain.
> hide everything else
>     cmd.hide('everything', 'all and not mysele')
> and output an image of the selections and interactions around it.
>     cmd.zoom('mysele', 5)
>     cmd.png('mysele.png', ray=1)
> Please feel free to throw in any useful commands that can you might think is
> helpful.
> One useful trick to learn new commands is to open a log file (via `log_open
> log.pml` or the File menu) and then perform the desired action in the GUI.
> The log file will show the API commands that are called from the GUI.  It
> doesn't work for everything (e.g. wizards), but for most basic actions, it
> should be helpful.  At least it will give you the right command to look up
> on the PyMOL wiki!
> Hope that helps.
> Cheers,
> Jared
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
> Regards.
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