Re: [pypy-dev] Moving the project forward

2011-08-31 Thread Jesse Noller
I've put up a splash page for the project this AM:

pypy-dev mailing list

Re: [pypy-dev] Moving the project forward

2011-08-30 Thread Jesse Noller
(Re-sending intentionally - I wasn't subbed to pypy-dev and got rejected)

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Jesse Noller wrote:
 Here's a summary (nicely put together by Nick Coghlan):

 - OSU/OSL have set up the machine itself (details in the July list archives)
 - I am the machine admin (I have root)
 - Tennessee and Miquel are working on getting codespeed up and running

 - I and Maciej are already too busy to handle the coordination/admin
 side of things

 I just added the speedracer account - a common account to setup
 things as needed. Currently, I don't see activity from Miquel on
 setting up the codespeed instance. I know Tennessee has been looking
 at setting up the runner.

 What we need is this, very simply:

 1 - A working, running codespeed instance installed
 2 - Benchmark runner(s) setup and going - for PyPy and CPython 2.x
 since the benchmarks don't run on Python 3 yet.

 Other needs/notes:
 - a project issue tracker doesn't appear to exist yet (needs to be done)
 - a better 'placeholder/about' page would be useful that offered links to:
  - the mailing list signup page
  - the issue tracker (once it exists)
  - the codespeed repo

 Ideally, the front landing page would end up looking like:

 - the aim is to eventually have the web front end running on different
 (but still OSU/OSL hosted) hardware, although that likely isn't
 critical right now

 - the current 5 GB /tmp size may be a problem for PyPy

 Where do we go from here - I can not be the one to keep pestering the
 group to make forward progress. On behalf of the PSF, and the CPython
 and PyPy teams, I got us a donated platform for running these shared,
 common benchmarks. Right now we have a 10,000$+ paper weight taking
 rack space in OSU/OSL.

 I need someone to take lead on this and get the project moving forward
 - as a reminder, here was the original proposal I made to the board,
 after PyCon 2011:

 Coming out of the PyCon VM and language summits, it was commonly
 agreed that PyPy, CPython, IronPython and Jython should strive to move
 to a common set of benchmarks and a single performance-oriented site.
 This was agreed upon by the maintainers present at the conference, and
 included leads from all of the major implementations. This project
 would be lead by the various VM development teams, and based around
 the Unladen Swallow/PyPy benchmark suite. The site would be derived

 There are already GSOC students potentially lined up to work on
 porting the test suite to Python 3!

 There, of course, is the requirement that we have:

 1 A machine
 2 Hosting for that machine

 And I took the job of finding both. As the OSU/OSL [1] has come up
 several times in discussions about free, monitored hosting, I felt
 that now would be the time to float the trial balloon and start a
 continuing relationship with the OSU/OSL team. I got to speak with
 some of the team at PyCon, and I was quite impressed with their
 enthusiasm and willingness to help out.

 I need help from everyone to get this up and running: the PyPy team is
 most familiar with the system. If we could
 get a dump of what needs to be done to get things setup, that may help
 get more hands involved.

 I am feeling personally responsible that this has not been moving
 forward - I need your help to get this up and running for the
 betterment of CPython and PyPy. This project benefits both projects,
 and Python in general immensely.

 Once up and running, this system will be prominently placed on the home page, and be used by potential users to help select
 and evaluate their Python runtime.


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