
I'm in the process of wrapping the irrlicht 3d engine. So far, things have been working smoothly. However, now I stumbled over a problem that so far has not been willing to be disappearing, intensive gdb-use notwithstanding.

There is a pure abstract class in Irrlicht, IEventReceiver. It looks like this:

//! Interface of an object which can receive events.
class IEventReceiver

        virtual ~IEventReceiver() {};

        //! called if an event happened. returns true if event was processed
        virtual bool OnEvent(SEvent event) = 0;

This class I wrapped in SIP this way:

   class IEventReceiver /Abstract/ {
#include <IEventReceiver.h>
     bool OnEvent(irr::SEvent event);

Which seems to work fine. Now of course I'm having troubles subclassing this class in Python, which is the reason I created a dummy-implemntation

namespace irr {
  class PyIEventReceiver : public IEventReceiver {
    virtual ~PyIEventReceiver();
    bool OnEvent(SEvent event);

It is declared in my SIP-file as this:

   class PyIEventReceiver : irr::IEventReceiver {

     bool OnEvent(irr::SEvent event);

I can subclass this class in python, and my SEvent-marshalling-code works fine as well, as the following test-script shows:

class MyER(irrlicht.irr.PyIEventReceiver):
    def OnEvent(self, event):
        print event

er = MyER()

event = (irrlicht.irr.EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT, 100, 100, .5, 1)

But now if I set this IEventReceiver to my IrrlichtDevice, I get the following error (inside GDB):

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000008
0x0297119f in irr::CIrrDeviceStub::postEventFromUser (this=0x141a8f0, event={EventType = EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT, {GUIEvent = {Caller = 0x145, EventType = 247}, MouseInput = {X = 325, Y = 247, Wheel = 0, Event = EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED}, KeyInput = {Char = 325, Key = KEY_CRSEL, PressedDown = false, Shift = false, Control = false}, LogEvent = {Text = 0x145 <Address 0x145 out of bounds>, Level = 247}, UserEvent = {UserData1 = 325, UserData2 = 247, UserData3 = 0}}}) at /Users/deets/Download/irrlicht-1.3.1/source/Irrlicht/MacOSX/../CIrrDeviceStub.cpp:164
164                     absorbed = UserReceiver->OnEvent(event);
(gdb) p UserReceiver
warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 'irr::NSOpenGLViewDeviceDelegate'
$1 = (IEventReceiver *) 0x1492ec0
Current language:  auto; currently c++

UserReceiver here is a pointer to a IEventReceiver, which seems to be correctly set. I tried stepping into the code, but wasn't able to.

This is with OSX 10.4, Python2.5, latest stable sip (4.7).

Any suggestions? Am I doing something fundamentally wrong wrt implementation of C++-interfaces?

Kind regards,


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