Re: [PyQt] SVG Glyphs in PyQt

2010-09-15 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Kyle Covington wrote:

 Anyway, my solution is providing a good workaround for the problem, I just
 wanted to give the code out in case someone else was having the same
  If pyqt would like an example of a cairo svg from R that didn't render I
 can send one if you would like to tackle the problem.

It's probably worth submitting this as a qt bug, as it's likely to be a 
problem in qt itself. If you can write a quick testcase that is.



PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] Howto use the Qt documentation successfully - Was: Re: Access to lines of text on textEdit.

2010-09-15 Thread Hans-Peter Jansen
On Wednesday 15 September 2010, 01:25:39 Peter Milliken wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
  Come on, Peter, that's not fair. Phil decided to not provide the bulky
  docs in an otherwise pretty complete package for Windows users: please
  respect that. He has to pay for your downloads in some ways (and is
  doing a lot of work for generating those packages beforehand).

 It was an attempt at constructive criticism, I have only admiration for
 the job Phil is doing. But perhaps some hints as to what is missing, why
 and where you can go to fill in the blanks would be appropriate? You do
 WANT people to take up PyQt don't you? Please take my comments in the
 vein of making you aware of where improvements may be possible. I do
 after all come from that unique standpoint of being completely new to
 PyQt and Qt :-)

Didn't I mentioned this in the following paragraph that you omitted?

  You get what you deserve. It's *your* decision after all.

 True :-)

 After reviewing and reflecting on my experiences with PyQt over the last
 two weeks and also considering the implications of some of your comments
 here which relate to a depth of knowledge that isn't immediately obvious
 to a newbie such as myself, I think I will abandon my migration to PyQt
 and Qt for the foreseeable future. I think you all do a sterling job in
 promoting and supporting PyQt but at this point of time I think I
 deserve something that requires a little less work :-). 

I'm sorry to hear that. Getting used to of something that big is taking a 
while, and you tackled already some of the advanced aspects that doesn't 
help in this respect either (threads, composites, py2 to py3 transition). 
Unfortunately, you never reached a state, where you solely enjoyed the 
power of it: using tables with a million rows without any noticeable delay 
(even if they originate from some database server), redesigning complex UIs 
within minutes, using self created composites within designer, full unicode 
and i18n support, complete documentation, great books, support, etc...

Then you start to realize, how simple it is to add your own C++ modules, 
that these objects are pure compiled code (ultra thin C/C++ interface 
layer, no python trampolines at all), and even huge class hierarchies load 
instantly (due to delayed lookup). I will stop here..

I've done projects with tkinter, pmw, wxpython and always regretted it at 
some point: painfully slow startup and runtime, convoluted code and 
concepts, missing features, non deterministic behavior changes across 
platforms, to name a few. Ever tried to track problems down to its bones 
through all the layers: I did, and it was a nightmare. Qt on the other hand 
is comprehensible in most aspects as well as sound in most concepts, and it 
is just _one_ layer away from your python code (the thin, mostly boring, 
sip layer code in between).

If there ever will be usable python apps on mobile devices (they will) with 
complex UIs, that not always let the user remember the interpreted python 
penalty, those will be from our camp.

 I have enjoyed 
 my journey and I don't regret the time I have spent bouncing around in
 the PyQt world - perhaps one day I might dust off my books and notes and

 Thanks for the efforts

You're still welcome ;-)

PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] SVG Glyphs in PyQt

2010-09-15 Thread Colin McPhail

On 15 Sep 2010, at 09:57, Jeremy Sanders wrote:

 Kyle Covington wrote:
 Anyway, my solution is providing a good workaround for the problem, I just
 wanted to give the code out in case someone else was having the same
 If pyqt would like an example of a cairo svg from R that didn't render I
 can send one if you would like to tackle the problem.
 It's probably worth submitting this as a qt bug, as it's likely to be a 
 problem in qt itself. If you can write a quick testcase that is.

Off-list Kyle provided me with a quite large example file.  I have cut it down 
to the attached test case.  On my platform (Mac OS X 10.6.4, PyQt-mac-gpl-4.7.6 
and Qt 4.6.3) Safari, Firefox and Gimp display it as a rectangle with a letter 
L in the middle of it.  The Qt and PyQt versions of the svgviewer demo both 
display only the rectangle.

I'll leave it to Kyle to report the bug since he discovered it.

-- Colin

inline: test-2.svg___
PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] Howto use the Qt documentation successfully - Was: Re: Access to lines of text on textEdit.

2010-09-15 Thread fpp
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Peter Milliken wrote:

 After reviewing and reflecting on my experiences with PyQt over the last two
 weeks and also considering the implications of some of your comments here
 which relate to a depth of knowledge that isn't immediately obvious to a
 newbie such as myself, I think I will abandon my migration to PyQt and Qt
 for the foreseeable future. I think you all do a sterling job in promoting
 and supporting PyQt but at this point of time I think I deserve something
 that requires a little less work :-). I have enjoyed my journey and I don't
 regret the time I have spent bouncing around in the PyQt world - perhaps one
 day I might dust off my books and notes and revisit.
 Thanks for the efforts

Again, that is your choice and yours alone.

However, as a fellow newbie, I suggest you might perhaps reconsider
and not stop at the first bump(s) in the road.

Sticking with what you know can be both a short-term gain and a long-term loss.

A (very) amateur programmer myself, I have made such a fundamental
choice many, many years ago in (slowly) learning Python and using it
exclusively, never looking back. I consider that choice a good one,
because Python is one of those rare opportunities of short-term *and*
long-term gain.

Choosing a toolkit to build GUI apps in Python, however, was very far
from such a clear-cut process. Over the years I have tried my hand at
quite a few such frameworks, some mainstream, some obscure :
wxPython (and the nice but orphaned PyCard), PyGTK, pyGame and whatnot
(with the notable exception of TkInter). I was never able to quite
wrap my mind around any of them, either because of their own
limitations or mine, lack of proper documentation and support tools,

(Py)Qt is the last one I tried (mostly due to the Nokia happenings),
and it is also the first one that started to make sense to me after a
while. Over the last 12 months it has enabled me to achieve
non-trivial stuff I had previously thought out of my reach. Yes, it
definitely is a huge mouthful at first, it certainly has its warts
too, but it is the most coherent and complete tool I have seen to
date, with comprehensive (if dense :-) documentation, a deep mine of
information on the Web, good support tools, a helpful community, and
enough heavyweights behind it to ensure it will keep evolving for the
foreseeable future.

The main hassle, at the very start, is realizing over and over again
that you have written too much complicated code because you didn't
look well enough first to find the one single line that does what you
need. But that fades away after a while, leaving just the deep
enjoyment (as others have already said) of reading the C++ docs, then
appreciating how much easier it is once translated to Python :-)

Good luck,
PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] Howto use the Qt documentation successfully - Was: Re: Access to lines of text on textEdit.

2010-09-15 Thread fpp
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:

 You're still welcome ;-)

Oooops, I took too long to write that message, and Hans-Peter beat me
to the punch, with almost the same arguments :-)
PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] Howto use the Qt documentation successfully - Was: Re: Access to lines of text on textEdit.

2010-09-15 Thread fpp
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:

 If there ever will be usable python apps on mobile devices (they will) with
 complex UIs, that not always let the user remember the interpreted python
 penalty, those will be from our camp.

Actually there are a lot of those already, thanks to Nokia's Maemo5
Linux platform and the N900 device.

Although originally in GTK, the Maemo UI is evolving to Qt in the next
revision, and further on with the Nokia/Intel MeeGo venture.

Meanwhile, Qt, Python and PyQt are officially supported on the N900,
and a large fraction of the interesting third-party apps provided by
the community rely on those. I'm finishing one myself currently :-)
PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] dip model types, properties, and syntax

2010-09-15 Thread Darren Dale
 class ExampleModel(Model):

 name = Str()

 def name(self):
 return self._name

I have an additional suggestion to follow up on this syntax. If a
model type's __call__ method were changed to call its getter method,
rather than return the default value, I think it would be possible to

class Test(Model):

foo = Str()

def bar(self):
return self._bar

That seems like a natural extension of the syntax to me, very similar
to using python's property built-in as a decorator. As things
currently stand, I thought we should already be able to do:

class Test(Model):

foo = Str()

def bar(self):
return self._bar

but for reasons I don't understand, that raises a SyntaxError.

PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] timers from mainwindow

2010-09-15 Thread Sebastian Elsner

Of course thats it, thanks :)

On 09/14/2010 08:01 PM, Doug Bell wrote:

Sebastian Elsner wrote:

I would like to start a QTimer from a mainwindow's menu, creating a
new instance of a custom class. See the example below. All works
except the timer's callback is never called. Asking if the timer is
active returns True. I ran out of ideas. Maybe I misunderstand how
timers work?! Any help appreciated.

def doit(self):

You're not keeping a reference to your Timers instance.  It's getting
garbage collected before the timer fires.

PyQt mailing list

PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] Howto use the Qt documentation successfully

2010-09-15 Thread Robert Lummis
I'd like to second Peter Milliken's sentiments. The PyQt documentation
that's available is (in my opinion) pretty poor. Finding a way to do
something that you haven't done before by browsing the documentation
is nearly impossible. Or at least it's so frustrating and
time-consuming that I often give up before finding what I need. The
only way I've successfully implemented something is by starting with a
working example I find by googling or in Mark Summerfield's book and
vary it to suit my needs. That's not an ok method for serious

To be more concrete, I think there are at least two main shortcomings.
1)  good meta-documentation isn't available. (Or, if it is available,
I haven't found it.) One part of the meta-documentation would guide
you to the classes, procedures, etc. you should read based on the
tasks you want to accomplish, and say which classes go together.  It
would contain indexed annotations on the existing pages so, for
example, if I want to program a way to edit fields in a database I
could look in its index under fields or database or edit and I
would be taken to a listing of all the relevant classes (not just the
ones with those words on their pages) with annotations about what each
does. Or if I want to control an external device I would find an
annotated listing of the classes that might be applicable.  This would
have to be written by hand, not generated by a program. 2) The
existing documentation itself, while extensive and obviously the
result of a huge effort, is still not good enough. For one thing it
assumes knowledge of C++. That is lame because a key advantage of PyQt
is that you can be productive without knowing C++. Also, many of the
pages have missing information, such as the list of arguments for a
class, and/or have missing or broken links, or the explanations refer
to arguments by name and the names don't match the names in the class
heading. All of these taken together, along with other shortcomings
I'm not mentioning, add up to a major barrier to learning. I guess if
you already know a lot of PyQt the documentation seems good because it
lets you look up some detail you didn't memorize. But it isn't very
helpful to potential users who don't know a lot yet.

I hope nobody takes these comments as personal criticisms because they
aren't meant as such. I am in awe at the talents, dedication, and hard
work by the Qt and PyQt developers and the gurus on this list who are
putting so much time into supporting PyQt users and learners. I'm
trying to be constructive by giving feedback from a typical learner,
and possibly spark a new effort to improve the documentation. I want
to learn to use PyQt and I'm willing to put a lot of time into it, but
the state of the documentation makes it unnecessarily hard. I haven't
given up yet but I'm pretty discouraged.

If I'm wrong about what is lacking, which I may be, I hope someone
will (tactfully) enlighten me. However, even if I'm wrong my
frustration is an indication that everything isn't what it should be.
Robert Lummis
PyQt mailing

[PyQt] Weird problem with QSystemTrayIcon

2010-09-15 Thread Eric Frederich
I looked at the example with PyQt for system tray icons and tried to use it
in my application.
I couldn't get it to work.
I couldn't find what the example was doing that I wasn't doing.  I even did
the stuff in the same order.

I wound up taking the example and in-lining a bunch of functions then bit by
bit removing things until I got a minimalistic system tray icon program.
In the end, I wound up with a small sample application where for some reason
I need to call QtGui.QGroupBox() with some string or I'll never see the
system tray icon.

Below is example code.

If you remove the line ...
self.WHY_DO_I_NEED_TO_DO_THIS = QtGui.QGroupBox(A)
... then I don't see any system tray icon.

Can anyone else verify this?
I'm on Linux 64 bit with Python 2.6.5 and PyQt 4.7.2.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

class Window(QtGui.QDialog):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()

self.WHY_DO_I_NEED_TO_DO_THIS = QtGui.QGroupBox(A)

self.restoreAction = QtGui.QAction(Restore, self,

self.quitAction = QtGui.QAction(Quit, self,

self.trayIconMenu = QtGui.QMenu(self)

self.trayIcon = QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon(self)


mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
mainLayout.addWidget(QtGui.QPushButton(Help Please))
self.resize(400, 300)

if __name__ == '__main__':

import sys

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)

if not QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.isSystemTrayAvailable():
QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(None, Systray,
I couldn't detect any system tray on this system.)


window = Window()
PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] Weird problem with QSystemTrayIcon

2010-09-15 Thread Hans-Peter Jansen
On Wednesday 15 September 2010, 20:34:12 Eric Frederich wrote:

 In the end, I wound up with a small sample application where for 
 some reason I need to call QtGui.QGroupBox() with some string or I'll
 never see the system tray icon.

 Below is example code.

 If you remove the line ...
 self.WHY_DO_I_NEED_TO_DO_THIS = QtGui.QGroupBox(A)
 ... then I don't see any system tray icon.

 Can anyone else verify this?
 I'm on Linux 64 bit with Python 2.6.5 and PyQt 4.7.2.

I cannot confirm this with
Python version: 2.6
sip version: 4.10.5
Qt4 version: 4.6.3
PyQt4 version: 4.7.4

on openSUSE 11.1/i586 with KDE3 window manager.

and the code looks fine without your voodoo speel. I cannot imagine, why 
this should make any difference. 

Mind you checking the Qt4 example? (If it's not compiled already, a 
qmake  make should do)

PyQt mailing

Re: [PyQt] Howto use the Qt documentation successfully

2010-09-15 Thread Hans-Peter Jansen
On Wednesday 15 September 2010, 19:50:11 Robert Lummis wrote:
 I'd like to second Peter Milliken's sentiments. The PyQt documentation
 that's available is (in my opinion) pretty poor. Finding a way to do
 something that you haven't done before by browsing the documentation
 is nearly impossible. Or at least it's so frustrating and
 time-consuming that I often give up before finding what I need. The
 only way I've successfully implemented something is by starting with a
 working example I find by googling or in Mark Summerfield's book and
 vary it to suit my needs. That's not an ok method for serious

 To be more concrete, I think there are at least two main shortcomings.
 1)  good meta-documentation isn't available. (Or, if it is available,
 I haven't found it.) One part of the meta-documentation would guide
 you to the classes, procedures, etc. you should read based on the
 tasks you want to accomplish, and say which classes go together.  It
 would contain indexed annotations on the existing pages so, for
 example, if I want to program a way to edit fields in a database I
 could look in its index under fields or database or edit and I
 would be taken to a listing of all the relevant classes (not just the
 ones with those words on their pages) with annotations about what each
 does. Or if I want to control an external device I would find an
 annotated listing of the classes that might be applicable.  This would
 have to be written by hand, not generated by a program.

While I understand your needs, I never came across a project, that provided 
a considerable amount of such meta documentation. All GUI programming 
books/manuals do this by example. Assistant comes close, since it has 
groupings of classes (e.g. Database classes), and topic overviews 
(e.g. The Qt 4 Database GUI Layer).

 2) The 
 existing documentation itself, while extensive and obviously the
 result of a huge effort, is still not good enough. For one thing it
 assumes knowledge of C++. That is lame because a key advantage of PyQt
 is that you can be productive without knowing C++.

I beg to disagree: what you need to learn is what parts of C++ism's you can 
ignore completely, and what parts need be be transformed.

Maybe, we should put a mini C++ survival guide into the PyQt wiki, that 
explains the basics..

 Also, many of the 
 pages have missing information, such as the list of arguments for a
 class, and/or have missing or broken links, or the explanations refer
 to arguments by name and the names don't match the names in the class
 heading. All of these taken together, along with other shortcomings
 I'm not mentioning, add up to a major barrier to learning. I guess if
 you already know a lot of PyQt the documentation seems good because it
 lets you look up some detail you didn't memorize. But it isn't very
 helpful to potential users who don't know a lot yet.

I'm so used to assistant, that I only occasionly lookup things in the PyQt 
documentation (apart from pyqt4ref.html of course). If I find a deviation  
from Qt in PyQt, I go straight into the sip files, since they contain both: 
a description of that, and the method signatures, I'm usually after.

 I hope nobody takes these comments as personal criticisms because they
 aren't meant as such. I am in awe at the talents, dedication, and hard
 work by the Qt and PyQt developers and the gurus on this list who are
 putting so much time into supporting PyQt users and learners. I'm
 trying to be constructive by giving feedback from a typical learner,
 and possibly spark a new effort to improve the documentation. I want
 to learn to use PyQt and I'm willing to put a lot of time into it, but
 the state of the documentation makes it unnecessarily hard. I haven't
 given up yet but I'm pretty discouraged.

 If I'm wrong about what is lacking, which I may be, I hope someone
 will (tactfully) enlighten me. However, even if I'm wrong my
 frustration is an indication that everything isn't what it should be.

Please try to find your way through assistant, and call back with the issues 
you have. I'm sure, that you won't miss much after a while.

C++ is bitchy, if you need to program with it, but happily, we can ignore 
all those ugly and black voodoo parts completely. 

With the raise of Python 3 and the declination of QString and QVariant, 
programming with PyQt has a even brighter future to offer.

PyQt mailing