[PyKDE] PyQt on Windows Mobile

2005-12-11 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I developed a program for Linux using PyQt which I now have to port to a PDA
running Windows Mobile 5.  As far as I can tell, Qt is not available for
Windows Mobile, so it follows that PyQt is not either.  However, I am
hoping that someone can confirm this conclusion before I waste a lot of
time learning some other GUI library and rewriting my code.  Thanks.

Gee, while I'm at it I might as well ask whether anyone has any opinions on
the next best GUI library (that also runs on Windows Mobile 5).  I'm
thinking it's either Tkinter or wxPython.
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Tabs in QListBoxText

2005-04-14 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I have a statement:

QListBoxText(clb, '%s:\t%s' % (key, thing[key]))

The tab does not appear (it's a space).  Do I have to set tab stops, or
is there no way to use tabs in listboxes?

What I really want is for the keys and things to line up vertically.  A
QListView could do that with 2 columns, but I don't want the column
headers.  Any suggestions appreciated.
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Generating dropdown list dynamically

2005-04-10 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I would like to generate a readonly dropdown list dynamically.  I catch
the focusInEvent, which gets triggered when I click on the down arrow
of the box.  At this point, I would generate the contents of the
listbox and use QListBoxText to enter it.  However, when I select one
of the items in the dropdown list, I get another focusInEvent.  It's
critical that I not get a second focusInEvent after the listbox has
been created as I don't want to create the list a second time.  I tried
setting the focus proxy on the combobox to None, figuring that the
second focusInEvent was coming from the listbox.  I tried setting the
focus policy to NoFocus (on both the the combobox and the listbox).  I
tried setting the focus policy of the combobox to NoFocus after
receiving the first focusInEvent and then turning it on again after the
selection of the item.  I tried setting the focus policy of the main
window to NoFocus.  Nothing I do suppresses the second focusInEvent. 
I'm apparently barking up the wrong tree.  

Remember that I'm the troglodyte using version 2.3.2 (because that's all
that's available for the Zaurus).  But at least I found the
documentation for this version at Trolltech.

import sys
from qt import *

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args):
QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args)

self.cb = MyComboBox(self)
for i in range(3): self.cb.insertItem("item %d" % i)

QObject.connect(self.cb, SIGNAL('activated(int)'), self.clicked)
QObject.connect(self.cb, PYSIGNAL('focusInEvent'),

def clicked(self, index):
print 'Received click on index =', index, 'with text:',

def focusEvent(self):
print 'Received focusInEvent'

class MyComboBox(QComboBox):
def __init__(self, parent):
QComboBox.__init__(self, parent)
self.lb = self.listBox()

def focusInEvent(self, event):
print 'in focusInEvent'
self.emit(PYSIGNAL('focusInEvent'), ())

def main(args):
app = QApplication(args)
win = MainWindow()
app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] QPEApplication complains about ZCS file

2005-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I started using QPEApplication rather than QApplication to integrate my
application in Qtopia.  The first problem that I had was a complaint
that there was no libsl.qmid file.  I figured out that this file is
related to internationalization.  I created a trivial .pro file and ran
pylupdate on it to produce an empty .ts.  Then I ran lrelease on
the .ts to produce a .qm.  I renamed it libsl.qmid and put it in the
right place.  The complaint disappeared.  However, in its place, I am
now getting the complaint "it seems this file is not ZCS file."  This
one has me stumped as I can find no reference to ZCS files in the
Qt-interest mailing list, this group, or a blanket Google search.  Any
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Re: Updating GUI from another thread

2005-04-07 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Giovanni Bajo wrote:

> Jeffrey Barish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I tried using
>> a custom event.  I found that I need a timer in the GUI thread to
>> trigger a processEvents call.
> The timer should not be needed at all: the main thread is sitting in
> the event loop, so there is no reason why you need to call
> processEvents().
That's what I expected, but without the call to processEvents the GUI
doesn't update unless I do something (e.g., scroll the item out of the
display or maximize/restore) to trigger an update.  My test program
displays this behavior too.  Just comment out the timer start
statement.  Clicking on the minimize button is sufficient to get the
window to updte even though it doesn't minimize.

>> Then I discovered that I don't seem to
>> need the custom event: I can simply deselect the item from the task
>> thread, although the processEvents call is still necessary.  Is the
>> issue that something bad could happen if I happen to try selecting
>> the item at the same time the task thread is trying to deselect it?
> Yes, you should not be doing this. If you really need this, you must
> use app.lock() / app.unlock() in the thread to block the main thread.
> Basically, in Qt 3, the only safe thing you can do is sending a custom
> event across threads. In Qt 4 you can connect signals/slots across
> threads (across QThreads actually) and Qt will do the right thing.
>> Is the solution with the custom event optimal?
> Yes, without QTimer. You should not need it.
> Giovanni Bajo

Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Updating GUI from another thread

2005-04-06 Thread Jeffrey Barish
This problem seems to come up regularly, but I am wondering whether the
solution I found for my situation is safe.  I have a program in which I
run a time-consuming task in its own thread.  Every time the task
reaches a milestone, I want it to deselect a listbox item.  In the test
program below, the GUI thread creates a listbox with 3 items.  The user
can select one and then push the button.  The object is to deselect the
selected item from another thread.  I tried using a custom event.  I
found that I need a timer in the GUI thread to trigger a processEvents
call.  Then I discovered that I don't seem to need the custom event: I
can simply deselect the item from the task thread, although the
processEvents call is still necessary.  Is the issue that something bad
could happen if I happen to try selecting the item at the same time the
task thread is trying to deselect it?  Is the solution with the custom
event optimal?  The timer seems inelegant.  I had hoped to find a
solution where the thread could somehow order the GUI thread to
deselect and update.

# The purpose of this test is to explore the problem of deselecting a
# listbox item from another thread.

import sys
import thread
from qt import *

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args):
QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args)

self.mainWidget = QWidget(self)
self.lb = QListBox(self.mainWidget)
self.button = QPushButton("Clear selections", self.mainWidget)
QObject.connect(self.button, SIGNAL('clicked()'),
for i in range(3): QListBoxText(self.lb, "some text %d" % i)
self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout(self.mainWidget)

self.timer = QTimer()
QObject.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"),

def periodicCall(self):

def clearSelections(self):
thread.start_new_thread(self.do_clearSelections, ())

def customEvent(self, e):
if e.type() == 65432:
lbi = e.lbi
lb = e.lb
lb.setSelected(lbi, False)

def do_clearSelections(self):
lbi = self.lb.firstItem()
while lbi:
print "lbi.selected() =", lbi.selected()
if lbi.selected():
##e = MyEvent(self.lb, lbi)
##app.postEvent(self, e)
self.lb.setSelected(lbi, False)
lbi = lbi.next()

class MyEvent(QCustomEvent):
def __init__(self, lb, lbi):
QCustomEvent.__init__(self, 65432)
self.lb = lb
self.lbi = lbi

def lbi(self):
return self.lbi

app = None

def main(args):
global app

app = QApplication(args)
win = MainWindow()
app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Re: QListBoxItem.isSelected() does not exist

2005-03-30 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Giovanni Bajo wrote:

> Jeffrey Barish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here's one that I'm pretty sure is a bug.  In the following complete
>> code sample, the line that is commented out tests whether the
>> listboxitem is selected.  However, that line produces an
>> AttributeError.  The line above it works correctly, but according to
>> the documentation selected() is obsolete.
> Works for me:
>>>> "isSelected" in dir(QListBoxText)
> True
>>>> "selected" in dir(QListBoxText)
> False
> I also tried a cut-down version of your sample and everything appears
> to work as expected:
>>>> a = QApplication([])
>>>> l = QListBox(None)
>>>> i = QListBoxText(l, "foo")
>>>> i.isSelected
>>>> i.selected
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in ?
> AttributeError: selected
>>>> l.firstItem() is i
> True
> Which version of Qt/PyQt are you using?
> Giovanni Bajo
Yes, that could explain it.  I am using version 2.3.2, which is what
comes with the kopsis package for the Zaurus.  Perhaps isSelected
became standard in version 3.  Is that the version you are running?
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] QListBoxItem.isSelected() does not exist

2005-03-30 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Here's one that I'm pretty sure is a bug.  In the following complete
code sample, the line that is commented out tests whether the
listboxitem is selected.  However, that line produces an
AttributeError.  The line above it works correctly, but according to
the documentation selected() is obsolete.

import sys
from qt import *

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args):
QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args)

self.lb = QListBox(self)
QListBoxText(self.lb, "some text")

lbi = self.lb.firstItem()
print "lbi.selected() = ", lbi.selected()
##print "lbi.isSelected() = ", lbi.isSelected() # AttributeError

print QListBoxText.__bases__[0].__dict__.get('isSelected') # the
# is QListBoxItem, and 'isSelected' does not appear in its
# even though documentation indicates that it is a public

def main(args):
app = QApplication(args)
win = MainWindow()
app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Re: Re: Shading after QListView.setSelected()

2005-03-29 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> I should also mention that with this
> sample, the selection (after setSelected) is not gray.  Trying to get
> the shading to blue was what led me to this problem in the first
> place. At this point, I don't know what it is in the full program that
> changes
> the shading to gray.  Does the gray shading mean that the item is
> disabled?
For the record: it was gray because the listview was not the focus. 
Using self.setFocus() in the constructor for the listview solved the
problem.  In the sample program, there was only one box, so it
automatically got the focus.
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] ListBoxItems are invisible

2005-03-29 Thread Jeffrey Barish
I hope that someone can explain something to me.  In the following code
sample, I expect to see 3 lines of text in a listbox.  When I uncomment
the line that is commented out and comment out the 2 lines above it, I
get the expected result.  With the code as shown, I get a listbox, but
no text is visible in it.  In both case, however, the print loop
confirms that there are 3 lines of text and the text is what was set. 
So why don't I see anything with the code as shown?  Is there a way to
make the text visible when I put it in a QListBoxItem?  When working
with a QListViewItem, it works to create a QListViewItem and then set
its text (in fact, one must because unlike QListBox.insertItem,
QListView.insertItem does not accept a text argument).  Why does it
work with views but not boxes?

Incidentally, when I first wrote this sample, I had 

self.insertItem(lbi, -1)

after the two lines in question.  In that case, I wound up with 6 lines
of text, and the last 3 were all "some text 2".  What I believe I was
supposed to learn is that the constructor for QListBoxItem connects the
resulting lbi to the parent specified, so the insertItem was making
redundant connections.  I'm not clear on why the lines of text were
numbered 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 (rather than 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2), but what I
really want to know is what insertItem(lbi) is properly used for.  I
suppose it must be for situations in which the lbi being inserted has a
different parent, but I can't imagine such a situation.

import sys
from qt import *

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args):
QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args)

self.mlb = MyListBox(self)

class MyListBox(QListBox):
def __init__(self, parent):
QListBox.__init__(self, parent)
for i in range(3):
lbi = QListBoxItem(self)
lbi.setText("some text %d" % i)
##self.insertItem("some text %d" % i, -1)
for i in range(self.count()):
print "text at position", i, self.text(i)

def main(args):
app = QApplication(args)
win = MainWindow()
app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Re: Re: Shading after QListView.setSelected()

2005-03-29 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
> Since your sample code isn't complete in this form, it's hard to tell
> you _anything_. Do you really expect us to form something runable
> from your artifacts to prove you right or wrong?
> Pete
Well, yes.  I actually thought that my mistake was so basic that it
would be obvious even in this fragment.  Sorry.  Here's a complete
sample which I tried to make as short as possible.  I even eliminated
the subclassing (of QListViewItem), which is what I thought might be
producing the problem.  When I uncomment the line with the setEnabled
call, I get an attribute error.  I should also mention that with this
sample, the selection (after setSelected) is not gray.  Trying to get
the shading to blue was what led me to this problem in the first place. 
At this point, I don't know what it is in the full program that changes
the shading to gray.  Does the gray shading mean that the item is

import sys
from qt import *

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, *args):
QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args)

self.mainWidget = QWidget(self)
self.mlv = MyListView(self.mainWidget)
self.vlayout = QVBoxLayout(self.mainWidget)


class MyListView(QListView):
def __init__(self, parent):
QListView.__init__(self, parent)

def update(self):
for key in ['one', 'two', 'three']:
self.addColumn(key, 80)

for thing in [['isaone', 'isatwo', 'isathree'],
  ['isanotherone', 'isanothertwo', 'isanotherthree'],
  ['yetanotherone', 'yetanothertwo', 'yetanotherthr']]:
lvi = QListViewItem(self)
for col in range(3): lvi.setText(col, thing[col])

item = self.firstChild()
self.setSelected(item, True)
print 'item = ', item   # it's a QListViewItem (that's right)
##item.setEnabled(True) # produces AttributeError (that's wrong)

def main(args):
app = QApplication(args)
win = MainWindow()
app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Re: Shading after QListView.setSelected()

2005-03-29 Thread Jeffrey Barish
Phil Thompson wrote:

>> This question has to be something simple, but I just started
>> programming
>> PyQt.  I fill a listview with lines of text then select the first
>> line
>> with QListView.setSelected(QListView.firstChild(), True).  The
>> appropriate item is shaded, but the shading is grey rather than blue.
>> I figure that means that the item is not enabled.  Right so far?  So
>> I
>> tried QListView.firstChild().setEnabled(True).  I get an
>> AttributeError.  The Qt documentation says that
>> QListView.firstChild() returns a QListViewItem and that QListViewItem
>> has an attribute
>> setEnabled.  Is this a bug?  Using isEnabled() also produces an
>> AttributeError.
> Can you post a small, complete example that demonstrate's the problem
> - and the text of the exception?
> Phil
I subclassed QListViewItem to provide a place to stash some data.  I
printed self.firstChild() to confirm that it is a MyListViewItem.  I
did dir(QListViewItem) to confirm that there really is no attribute
setEnabled.  Here's the code that calls setEnabled():

class MyListView(QListView):
def getSelections(self):
for thing in self.things:
lvi = MyListViewItem(self, thing['data'])
for col, key in zip(range(len(self.keys)), self.keys):
lvi.setText(col, thing['text'])

self.setSelected(self.firstChild(), True)
self.firstChild().setEnabled(True)  # produces AttributeError

class MyListViewItem(QListViewItem):
def __init__(self, parent, data):
QListViewItem.__init__(self, parent)
    self.data = data

def getItemData(self):
return self.data

I am using python 2.4 (the kopsis package).
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] Shading after QListView.setSelected()

2005-03-28 Thread Jeffrey Barish
This question has to be something simple, but I just started programming
PyQt.  I fill a listview with lines of text then select the first line
with QListView.setSelected(QListView.firstChild(), True).  The
appropriate item is shaded, but the shading is grey rather than blue. 
I figure that means that the item is not enabled.  Right so far?  So I
tried QListView.firstChild().setEnabled(True).  I get an
AttributeError.  The Qt documentation says that QListView.firstChild()
returns a QListViewItem and that QListViewItem has an attribute
setEnabled.  Is this a bug?  Using isEnabled() also produces an
Jeffrey Barish

PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de