[PyQt] pyqt does not find phonon (from kde.org) at build time

2010-04-17 Thread linux fan
PyQt fails to use non-qt, externally installed phonon preferred by KDE4 .

Attachment (perl script) adds external phonon's include_dirs and
lib_dirs when phonon is built to KDE4 specs with qt -no-phonon and
external phonon.

(why configure.py cannot do itself?)
(configure.py acts hard-coded that it is in qt dir)

# USAGE: perl -i [path_to]PyQt-KDE-phonon.pl configure.py

# This adds external phonon's include_dirs and lib_dirs
# when phonon built to KDE4 specs with qt -no-phonon and external phonon
# (why configure.py cannot do itself?)
# (configure.py acts hard-coded that it is in qt dir)

$sys_cmd = 'pkg-config --variable=prefix phonon';
if (open(SYS_CMD, $sys_cmd |)) {
  while (SYS_CMD) {

$eid_eld = ;
if ($PHONON_PREFIX ne ) {
  if ($PHONON_PREFIX =~ m@/usr@) {
$eid_eld = , extra_include_dirs=[\${PHONON_PREFIX}/include/phonon\]\);
  elsif ($PHONON_PREFIX !~ m@/qt@) {
$eid_eld = , extra_include_dirs=[\${PHONON_PREFIX}/include\, 

while () {
  if ($eid_eld ne ) {
$_ =~ s...@^(\s+new Phonon::VideoWidget\(\))\)@$1$eid_eld@;
$_ =~ s...@^(\s+generate_code\(phonon)\)$...@$1$eid_eld@;
PyQt mailing listPyQt@riverbankcomputing.com

[PyKDE] pyqt qt-win error

2006-03-30 Thread linux

Hi All

i have installed QT4.1.1-win-mingw opensource in windows 
and i want to work with pyqt but the last version that i 
have downloaded (PyQt-win-nc-msvc-3.13.exe) dosen't work 
it gives an error a qt dll not found.
so what's is the appropriate version of pyqt that supports 
qt4.1.1 ??

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PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] import error in pyqt

2006-03-30 Thread linux


i have installed that packages under windows


whene i try to import qt from python it prints the error 
'no module named qt'

should i change the version of pyqt ??

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PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] How To Publish a pyqt application

2006-03-28 Thread linux

Hello all

thanks for that nice mailling-list ; and also pyqt .
but i have a serious problem with pyqt.
the problem is that i can't (or i don't know how to) 
publish my applications written using pyqt .
as you know every pyqt application begins with from qt 
import * and qt itself imports sip and qscintilla .

so if i give my .py application to some one who has only 
linux installed with python it won't work because he don't 
have pyqt installed

i have tried cx-freeze in order to build a binary 
executable but it comes with a lot of errors .

so all that for me is a serious problem and i can't 
distribute my application

is there a way to create a .tar.gz file for my 
applications ?? so that the other users will just type 
$python configure.py  make  makeinstall

or provide me with an other solution 
thanks !

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PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] problem with pyqt

2006-03-14 Thread linux


i'm a python developper and i want to build GUI 
applications that uses qt gui (pyqt)

but i have a serious problem that is whene i code an 
application it can't be used by other personnes because 
the qt module is not present (from qt import *) so that 
generates an error

so other personnes that wants to run my apps must install 
pyqt and it's not easy to do , they sould must install qt 
, qscintilla ,sip and finally pyqt and this is not easy 
and takes a lot of time to compile qt and pyqt
 the question is  is there a way to resolve that problem 
for exemple installing pyqt with rpm that is easy???

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PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de

[PyKDE] also about pyqt

2006-03-14 Thread linux
i have downloaded cx-freeze and i have found that lines in 
the readme file

Assume that you have a script called hello.py 
containing the line
print 'Hello World!'. To freeze this script you would 
issue the following


FreezePython --install-dir dist hello.py

This would create the following files (the exact number 
and names of files
will depend on the platform and version of Python that is 


please explain how to build an rpm-package from that files

and thanks for all
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PyKDE mailing listPyKDE@mats.imk.fraunhofer.de