Re: [Python] ANN: Sqlkit 0.9.3

2011-03-09 Per discussione Massimo Capanni
Sembra interessante, non lo conoscevo.

2011/3/9 Alessandro Dentella

 Ho rilasciato l'ultima release di Sqlkit. In passato su questa lista
 qualcuno ha manifestato dei problemi nella installazione di PyGTK, su cui è
 basato Sqlkit. Nel frattempo è stato rilasciato un installer unico per GTK
 PyGTK che facilita molto l'installazione. Nella sezione download spiego
 dettaglio, suggerendo anche un modo alternativo.

 È disponibile anche il pacchetto Ubuntu per il quale ringrazio Pietro

 In questa occasione ho anche rinnovato la home page nella speranza di
 più comunicativo.

  ANNOUNCE: sqlkit 0.9.3

  March, 3 - 2011

 I'm happy to announce release 0.9.3 of sqlkit package for Python.

 This release

 This is a release with a great number of changes and new features,
 the main important ones are:

 * Added image/file fields
 * Added enum-like field
 * Correctly implemented duplication of records
 * Removed dependancy on glade
 * Moved toward a better MVC pattern
 * Fixed behaviour of hooks that allows better interaction/customization
 * Many bug fixes

 The python package
 SQLkit PyGtk package provides Mask and Table widgets to edit database
 data. It's meant as a base for database desktop applications.

 The application
 It also provides 'sqledit' a PyGTK application based on sqlkit that can be
 used from command line to browse and edit data.

 The package has 2 very rich demo suites for sql widgets (the main one in
 sqlkit/demo/sql/ and for layout creation


 If you like sqlkit and want to help translating, you may find the project

 Main features of sqlkit:

  * editor of databases in 2 modes: table  mask
  * based on sqlalchemy: can cope with many different databases
  * very powerfull filtering capabilities:
- each field can be used to filter records
- filter may span relationship
- date filtering possible also on relative basis (good for saved
  * completion on all text field and foreign keys
  * very easy way to draw a layout for mask views
  * completely effortless editing of relationships
  * very easy way to set defaults
  * possibility to display totals of numeric fields
  * any possible sql constraint can be attached to a Mask or a
Table. It can be expressed as a normal sqlalchemy query or with
django-like syntax
  * sqledit: the application to edit db

 Sqlkit is based on:
  * python (= 2.5)
  * PyGtk
  * Sqlalchemy (= 0.5.4)
  * python-dateutil
  * babel (localization)
  * your db driver of choice

 Dowload  more:

  * Download:
  easy_install sqlkit
  * Source:   hg clone
  * Google Group:
  * Translation:
  * Tutorial:
  * Changelog:
  * License:  GNU GPLv3

 Sandro Dentella  *:-) Soluzioni libere per le scuole
 http://sqlkit.argolinux.orgSQLkit home page -
 Python mailing list

Python mailing list

[Python] ANN: Sqlkit 0.9.3

2011-03-08 Per discussione Alessandro Dentella

Ho rilasciato l'ultima release di Sqlkit. In passato su questa lista
qualcuno ha manifestato dei problemi nella installazione di PyGTK, su cui è
basato Sqlkit. Nel frattempo è stato rilasciato un installer unico per GTK +
PyGTK che facilita molto l'installazione. Nella sezione download spiego ogni
dettaglio, suggerendo anche un modo alternativo.

È disponibile anche il pacchetto Ubuntu per il quale ringrazio Pietro 

In questa occasione ho anche rinnovato la home page nella speranza di essere
più comunicativo.

  ANNOUNCE: sqlkit 0.9.3

  March, 3 - 2011

I'm happy to announce release 0.9.3 of sqlkit package for Python.

This release

This is a release with a great number of changes and new features, 
the main important ones are:

 * Added image/file fields
 * Added enum-like field
 * Correctly implemented duplication of records
 * Removed dependancy on glade
 * Moved toward a better MVC pattern
 * Fixed behaviour of hooks that allows better interaction/customization
 * Many bug fixes

The python package
SQLkit PyGtk package provides Mask and Table widgets to edit database
data. It's meant as a base for database desktop applications.

The application
It also provides 'sqledit' a PyGTK application based on sqlkit that can be
used from command line to browse and edit data. 

The package has 2 very rich demo suites for sql widgets (the main one in
sqlkit/demo/sql/ and for layout creation

If you like sqlkit and want to help translating, you may find the project on:

Main features of sqlkit:

  * editor of databases in 2 modes: table  mask
  * based on sqlalchemy: can cope with many different databases
  * very powerfull filtering capabilities:
- each field can be used to filter records
- filter may span relationship
- date filtering possible also on relative basis (good for saved 
  * completion on all text field and foreign keys
  * very easy way to draw a layout for mask views
  * completely effortless editing of relationships
  * very easy way to set defaults
  * possibility to display totals of numeric fields
  * any possible sql constraint can be attached to a Mask or a 
Table. It can be expressed as a normal sqlalchemy query or with 
django-like syntax
  * sqledit: the application to edit db

Sqlkit is based on:
  * python (= 2.5)
  * PyGtk   
  * Sqlalchemy (= 0.5.4)
  * python-dateutil
  * babel (localization)
  * your db driver of choice

Dowload  more:

  * Download:
  easy_install sqlkit
  * Source:   hg clone
  * Google Group:
  * Translation:
  * Tutorial:
  * Changelog:
  * License:  GNU GPLv3

Sandro Dentella  *:-) Soluzioni libere per le scuole
http://sqlkit.argolinux.orgSQLkit home page - PyGTK/python/sqlalchemy
Python mailing list