Re: [python] cx_oracle GROUP BY

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu Jaroslav Lukesh
Zkuste ten dotaz přepsat ručně, nekopírujte ho. Půjde to pak? Mám s tím 
totiž jisté neblahé zkušenosti...

- Original Message - 
From: "Petr Nesládek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
a na tom poslednim řádku to spadne na neregulérní zápis sql klauzuje - a 
pokud výraz vypadá bez toho BY:

sqldotaz = "SELECT * FROM DOP GROUP SERIAL_NO" - tak vyvolá vyjímku, kde je 
výslovně, že mu za klíčovým slovem GROUP chybí 'BY'

Python mailing list

[python] cx_oracle GROUP BY

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu Petr Nesládek
Zatím jsem nikde nenarazil na odpověď v žádném z manuálů a - tak zkusím štěstí 
- pokud nemáte někdo větší zkušenosti s cx_Oracle :

při cursor.execute s klauzulí GROUP BY vyvolá vyjímku:

konkrétně to vypadá nějak takhle:

conn = cx_Oracle.connection(connectstring)
cursor = conn.cursor()

a na tom poslednim řádku to spadne na neregulérní zápis sql klauzuje - a pokud 
výraz vypadá bez toho BY:

sqldotaz = "SELECT * FROM DOP GROUP SERIAL_NO" - tak vyvolá vyjímku, kde je 
výslovně, že mu za klíčovým slovem GROUP chybí 'BY'

Oracle podle SQLPLus příručky samozřejmě implemenuje klauzuli 'GROUP BY'  a v 
zdojovém kodu cx_Oracle se mi nepodařilo najít frázi , kde parsuje předaný 
příkaz - takže toho víc nevím.

Používám Python 2.4.4, cx_Oracle kompilované pro win325 verzi 4.1.2 a  Oracle 

Nesetkal jste se s tím už někdo?

Za každou připomínku, kde hledat chybu (krom toho, že u mne) budu rád


Omlouvám se za formulaci dotazu Oracle mám přístupný jen v týdnu a píši to 
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Re: [python] cx_oracle

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu petr . nesladek
Pri importu potřebuje cx_Oracle nainstalovany SQLPlus klienta Oracle - to
je ta knihovna, kterou hleda - kromě toho potřebuje stejnou verzi Oracle
- jinak bude opět způsobovat pády.

Python mailing list

[python] MI5 Persecution: Neil Fox (Nov/1998) (6470)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

Foxy's Showtime on Capital FM 25/11/98 7.35pm

Certainty level: 100%

This one, I can say with absolute certainty, is about me. It was recorded
on my Sony Recording Walkman on the evening of Wednesday 25 November 1998.
It doesn't mention me by name, so the objective observer might have trouble
understanding why I'm so sure it's about me. I'm sure, because the
harassment had restarted over the period when this piece was broadcast, and
what Capital transmitted would have been in context with events at the time.
(Sorry if that explanation is somewhat opaque, but I don't really want to
embarrass myself by giving an explanation in detail, and an intelligent
reader should be able to work it out for him/her self.)

This isn't the first time Capital have "got at" me; they were doing so
right at the very beginning in summer 1990, when they said, "if he listens
to Capital then he can't be all bad"; and Tarrant made remarks about me
in his breakfast show in spring 1994, when he said, "you know this bloke?
he says we're trying to kill him. We should be done for attempted

Unfortunately I didn't record those previous, much more conclusive
instances of harassment by Capital DJs, and Capital Radio tells me they
only keep recordings for three months. But lately I've been recording
everything, and here is one product of that recording.

Neil Fox was introducing some petite Swedish songstress, sounded like
Amelia, when he said something about her petite-ness ;

"she's a big big girl, actually she's really about tiny, she's this big,
would you say what less than."

then one of his studio staff shouted, "six inches"

then Fox laughed and said, "less than a meter tall, definitely"

What I think the "six inches" referred to should be obvious. I think it's
sexual abuse directed at me.

Also there were a lot of words like "crazy", "mad" etc on this programme,
which reinforced my belief that this was on purpose directed at myself.

I think Fox may be something of an unwilling participant in this abuse, he
doesn't want to be an abuser but the persecutors are using his show and
his staff to get at me. This is not the first time this sort of thing has
happened from his show; and my guess is that it won't be the last


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[python] MI5 Persecution: Neil Fox (March/1998) (5247)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

Neil Fox's Juke Box on Capital Radio (week ending 15/March/1998)

Certainty level: 70%

Here is an excerpt from Neil Fox's show on Capital Radio 95.8FM, sometime
during the week ending Sunday 15/March/1998 (probably during the weekend,
but I don't remember).

First I will give the text of the conversation between Neil Fox and
telephone caller Martin, then I will state my interpretation.

(conversation) (F=Dr Fox, M=Martin the caller)

F: coming up on the jukebox, the hotline's 0171-4848-958, just a quick shout
here and so who's this going to be then Mr Producer?
(staff, shouting) MARTIN!
F: Couldn't quite hear you, it's going to be?
(staff, normal voice) Martin.
F: Thank you. Martin, hello.
M: Hello, Foxy.
F: How are you Martin.
M: Er, knackered.
F: Why?
M: Didn't get much sleep last night. Party down the road.
F: What time did you go to bed?
M: Four o'clock this morning.
F: Well that sounds quite a reasonable Saturday night if you ask me.
M: I was up at eight.
F: You were up at eight this morning?
M: Yeah.
F: That's sick. Why? What on earth made you get out of bed at eight this
M: My father.
F: Well that's no good. Why is he being sicko, is he being a sadist?
M: No, he out there, sort of clearing room.
F: Listen, is your dad there?
M: No, he's downstairs.
F: Oh mate, can you get him?
M: No.
F: Does he not let you on the phone? The only reason is that I wouldn't mind
having a chat with someone who makes anyone get up at eight o'clock on a
Sunday morning. I'm sorry, that's ill isn't it, that's out of order.
M: It's sick.
F: I'm just going to ask around here. What do you think then, eight o'clock
Sunday morning? That's out of order isn't it, for any father?
(staff) Yeah, definitely.
F: Is he like victimising you or something, is there any reason why he wanted
you up at eight o'clock? To clean your room?
M: Well as I say I got up at eight this morning to clean my room and it looks
worse that it did yesterday.
F: Well I should have just left it and stayed in there until eleven o'clock
if I was you.
M: Well I was up, I didn't get out of bed.
F: What, you didn't get out of bed at eight o'clock? No, he woke you up at
eight o'clock. Did you do any cleaning at all?
M: I haven't touched my bedroom.
F: Top man. Boy you're going to get your arse kicked later aren't you. Now
a song for you, what can we play?
M: Guns and Roses, "Sweet Child of Mine".
F: And we're going to dedicate this to your father?
M: No we're not, we'll dedicate this to my good mate Jamie, who's sitting
on the bed now.
F: Right, hello Jamie. And anyone else? Any top totty in your life at the
M: Unfortunately no.
F: The totty factor is quite low at the moment is it?
M: It's dead.
F: It's dead? What, nothing?
M: Nothing.
F: What, zero? Well, that's pathetic. No wonder you're down. You stay out
til four o'clock and nothing. We'd better have words when we're off the
radio I think. We need to give you a team talk. You have a good night tonight.
M: And you.
F: Take care.
(song starts)
F: Actually something was going through my mind. I think I'll leave it.

I'm not really sure whether this is in any way about me. It probably isn't.
Probably it's just my nasty suspicious mind finding links where none exist.
However, here is an explanation of why it might, possibly, be about me.

Throughout this interview, I was throwing abuse at the radio, and to my mind,
Neil Fox was hearing the abuse, and responding interactively. This explains
why he sounds so stressed when talking to telephone caller Martin, and the
general violence of his words including "Boy you're going to get your arse
kicked later aren't you".

The piece starts of with the producer shouting the name of the caller, which
might be related to my loud vocalisations at the radio. The trouble starts
off with Fox saying "That's sick". "Sick" might be taken as a reference to my
condition. Then Fox says, "Why is he being sicko, is he being a sadist?",
again sick = my illness, "sadist" = attitude of my oppressors towards me.
"that's ill isn't it" = further comment on my illness. "Is he like
victimising you or something" = again what my enemies are doing to me.

Fox sounds quite happy when he gets Martin to say "It's sick"; as you would
expect him to, if the comment were directed at me. It is a constant feature
of my enemies' harassment of me that they get intermediaries to verbalise the
abuse. Immediately after saying "victimising you" Fox gives a little laugh,
to show he thinks the victimisation (of me, not Martin) is funny.

Fox gets increasingly nasty as the piece progresses. "Boy you're going to get
your arse kicked later aren't you" is not really what you would expect him to
say if he were just talking to Martin. Fox is on the same side as Martin, so
why would he be so verbally aggressive to him? On the other hand, if the
piece is about me, then his strong words start to make sense.

Fox's jubilation at finding that Martin's "totty factor" is "dead" again
doesn't make much sense unless

[python] MI5 Persecution: Capital Radio (11/April/1997) (4024)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

Capital Radio (11/April/1997)

Certainty level: 10%

A nice easy one here. The DJ is heard to say (around 8.30pm);

"Jacko in town, what a gig it's going to be, that guy is amazing, and
psychotic, but amazing on stage, 0171-420-0958, on stage he's a madman
but he's wonderful"

I was listening to Capital loud and clear, trying to get a reaction.
The above may have been a reaction. I'm not sure if it was, and I'm not
sure that it wasn't.


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[python] MI5 Persecution: GLR: David Hepworth (9/May/1997) (2801)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

GLR-David Hepworth (9/May/1997)

Certainty level: 100%

This time I deliberately listened to Hepworth with the sound turned up on
the radio, to try to get a reaction. Sure enough, he and his cronies

David: "we have executive drivetime, and we have Brian in charge of the prize
cupboard. Brian it's not a bad prize cupboard this week is it?"
Brian: "no David in fact it's an absolute (EMPHASIS) embarrassment
(END-EMPHASIS) of prizes this evening" (laughter)
David: "what have we got?"
Brian: "well in my left hand alone we've got that  Gary Clale, I don't
know if you remember him obviously still alive and kicking and that's
just in my left hand"

David: "So it's certainly worth competing. Rock and roll spelling test is
your first opportunity to take advantage of this embarrassment of prizes"

What I "read into" this item should again be quite obvious. Remember, I
sent off a letter of complaint to Hepworth after his spying activity
during the previous show. Here the emphasis on "absolute embarrassment"
of prizes shows he knows this is a "key" phrase.

It might be interesting to try to talk to DJs like Hepworth and ask them
what they get out of abusing their listeners. But if you challenge them
directly, they show their true colour (yellow) by either not answering
the challenge, or by denying that harassment has taken place.


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[python] MI5 Persecution: GLR: David Hepworth (21/Feb/1997) (1578)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

GLR-David Hepworth (21/Feb/1997)

Certainty level: 80%

I was listening to BBC Greater London Radio (GLR) by stealth, ie. on my
walkman with headphones, with the sound turned right down, to prevent
anyone from hearing what I was listening to. Yet somehow "they" are still
able to tell what station I am listening to on the walkman. After half
an hour or so listening to GLR, DJ David Hepworth came out with this;

"I assume Brian, do we have an embarrassment of prizes in there, we do,
don't we, absolute obscene amounts of prizes, there will no doubt be a
riot at the back door, and that's A-level coming up after this"

The key phrases in what he said are, "EMBARRASSMENT of prizes", and what he
himself emphasised verbally, "ABSOLUTE OBSCENE amount of prizes". It is my
belief (based on content and tone of voice) that when he spoke these phrases he
knew I was listening, and that the phrases refer directly to my situation. The
"EMBARRASSMENT" is the embarrassment he and other media people would feel at
having their wrongdoing exposed; the "ABSOLUTE OBSCENE" (which he verbally
emphasised) described the disgusting sexual abuse which the harassers have been
throwing at me.

Of course, I can't prove that this is what he meant, although this has
happened enough times that it's hard not to recognise it when you see it.
I sent David Hepworth a copy of this explanation, with the results listed
in a subsequent item (David Hepworth 9/May/1997).


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[python] MI5 Persecution: Life is so hard (355)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

Life is so hard

Certainty level: 100%

This relates to harassment at my workplace in Canada. Yes, "they" had
their claws into my employers in North America, it doesn't just happen
in England, it happens here as well.

During the second half of 1996, at work, I was sitting near a co-worker
whom we shall call Mark (we can, because that's his name). This guy
occasionally came out with words and phrases that made me think that
"they" had got to him and were supplying him with information about my
home life (not social life please note, because of course I don't actually
have a social life here).

During November 1996 I tried to catch him in the act of saying something
"meaningful", a difficult exercise because as soon as he saw a tape
recorder, he shut up completely, except for times when he knew he would
be out of range of the walkman. (Note that the quality of this recording
is not very good; I was just using a four-year-old tape walkman with
a cheap microphone, quite low-tech).

During the evening of 12 November 1996, at home in my apartment (flat to
you UK-ers), I said "life is so hard, and then you die". A nihilistic,
negative thing to say, but quite distinctive. The following day,
13 November, Mark said loudly, "life is so hard eh, and then you die"
followed by loud laughter.

In my book the precise repetition of the words makes this incident a
100% certainty. You, the reader, may differ, but then living in a free
country allows each of us to have our own opinions, doesn't it?


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[python] MI5 Persecution: BBC1 TV News - 18/Dec/2002 (7693)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

BBC1 TV News - 18/Dec/2002

Certainty level: 30%

This item occurred on Wednesday 18/December/2002, on BBC1 TV News shortly after 
6pm. It is one of the "coincidence"
category of happenings, where people by supposed coincidence repeat exactly the 
words I have said or thought very recently.
In this case, the BBC's New York correspondent Stephen Evans, live from NYC, 
says the words "airy fairy language",
during a piece on Britain's entry in the competition for a successor to the WTC 
after 9/11.

I had been thinking the words "airy fairy" a day or two previously and may have 
spoken them in my sleep. I did not speak them awake.
The TV practice in 1990-92 had been to repeat on TV/radio (or at work) words 
which I had either spoken while awake, or words I had
thought but not said consciously - since I know that I sometimes say things in 
my sleep, but cannot later recall saying them,
obviously since I was unconscious at the time. The TV news reader or reporter 
then finds a context in which to drop a particular phrase;
this practice has a famous exemplar in the "Phil the Greek" item relating to 
the Duke of Edinburgh - who had been called Phil the Greek
in Private Eye, then a TV reporter managed to structure his report to include 
the words "fill the Greek community with alarm".
It might appear funny, but when such "intentional coincidence" happens a lot, 
as in 1990-92, and when it supports other methods of obscenity,
then the amusement value wanes.

The choice of words appears to form a homosexual reference - the way it works 
is that the Security Service are blokes fantasising continually
about another bloke, so to avert the obvious observation of their being gay
see here for another instance of unwholesome MI5 fantasising in public),
they try to assign the attribute to the victim - they do this sort of thing all 
the time, with all sorts of attributes. However, in this
particular case I give it only a one in three probability, since this incident 
seems to have been a one-off at that particular time.


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[python] MI5 Persecution: Channel Four TV News - 10/April/2002 (6470)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

Channel Four TV News - 10/April/2002

Certainty level: 80%

I was watching Jon Snow on Channel Four TV News on Wednesday 10 April, and he 
again reacted on seeing me
watching his programme. At 7.25pm he was reading an item on atrocities during 
the Balkan war;

JS: "It was Europe's worst massacre since the Second World War, and Dutch army 
officers [cough] and the
United Nations should share the blame. So says the first authoritative report 
into the murder of
thousands of Muslim men in Srebrenice at the height of the Bosnian war in 1995. 
The 7,500 page document
took Dutch Government researchers six years to prepare, and it condemns 
military and political leaders
for sending peacekeepers on a mission impossible. Our Foreign Affairs 
correspondent Gaby Rado,
who went to Srebrenice very soon after the massacre, is with us now. Gaby, how 
damning is this report?"

GR: "Well it is very severe. It accuses the Dutch Government of sending badly 
armed and badly briefed
Dutch soldiers into a very dangerous space out of a sense of national arrogance 
basically. It accuses
the United Nations basically of..."

There are two incidents in this one recording. The first (80% certainty) is 
when Jon Snow develops a frog in
his throat in the first sentence, shortly after reading the text "Europe's 
worst massacre". There is both
verbal expression and facial expression at that point; he is laughing at me, 
which is at odds with the serious
material he is reading. His eyebrows twitch upwards, and he is smirking at the 
"Europe's worst massacre", and its application to the Security Service's 
actions against me. Another aspect
is that when Snow said "Europe's worst massacre", I facially reacted; in 
return, Snow would have seen
my change of expression, and followed it with his own reaction. He almost says 
"United States" instead of
"United Nations"; he isn't looking at his autocue, his mind is off what he is 
reading, instead he is looking
at me in the little monitor where he sees me through the television.

The first incident I'm fairly sure about, but the second I only give a 20% 
certainty to; it's when Gaby Rado
talks of a "sense of national arrogance", supposedly about the Dutch, but 
perhaps the English actions
against me for over a decade. If Rado's statement were about me, then it would 
be condemnatory of MI5
as being "arrogant"; but I cannot be reasonably certain it's about me, or much 
less so that Snow's
reaction in the first instance, anyway.


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Re: [python] MI5 Persecution: BBC-TV See You, See Me - 7/Dec/2001 (5247)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu azurIt
naozaj sa s tym neda nic urobit ?

>-Pôvodná správa-
>Od: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Predmet: [python] MI5 Persecution: BBC-TV See You, See Me - 7/Dec/2001 (5247)
>BBC-TV "See You, See Me" - 7/Dec/2001
>Certainty level: 80%
>On Friday 7 December 2001, BBC Schools aired a TV programme from their "See 
>You, See Me" series.
>The series was based in Scotland, with Grant Stott and Wilma Kennedy trying to 
>find some stolen jewels.
>Its web home is
>The programme appeared to make some "subtext" references to my situation. 
>Kennedy refers to "it's not fair",
>which is a key phrase; its existence started with OCTS MD Hugh S.-W. who 
>humorously referred to my treatment
>with the same phrase.
>The subtle statement is that it is fair, because we're doing it, and we're 
>always right, even when we're wrong.
>The phrase "useless idiot" from the police chief is a clear insult directed at 
>me, and needs no explanation.
>But it is the third item in this clip which is most telling. Stott says the 
>words, "humiliating in front of
>the whole public, it would crucify us" if the investigation were called off. 
>That's the phrase that assures
>this clip of an 80% probability rating. MI5 are trying to humiliate me "in 
>front of the whole public",
>and their strategy is a mixture of ambiguous covert, such as this very 
>programme, and clear overt.
>Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service
>Unlimited Access, Anonymous Accounts, Uncensored Broadband Access
>Python mailing list

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[python] MI5 Persecution: BBC-TV See You, See Me - 7/Dec/2001 (5247)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

BBC-TV "See You, See Me" - 7/Dec/2001

Certainty level: 80%

On Friday 7 December 2001, BBC Schools aired a TV programme from their "See 
You, See Me" series.
The series was based in Scotland, with Grant Stott and Wilma Kennedy trying to 
find some stolen jewels.
Its web home is

The programme appeared to make some "subtext" references to my situation. 
Kennedy refers to "it's not fair",
which is a key phrase; its existence started with OCTS MD Hugh S.-W. who 
humorously referred to my treatment
with the same phrase.
The subtle statement is that it is fair, because we're doing it, and we're 
always right, even when we're wrong.

The phrase "useless idiot" from the police chief is a clear insult directed at 
me, and needs no explanation.

But it is the third item in this clip which is most telling. Stott says the 
words, "humiliating in front of
the whole public, it would crucify us" if the investigation were called off. 
That's the phrase that assures
this clip of an 80% probability rating. MI5 are trying to humiliate me "in 
front of the whole public",
and their strategy is a mixture of ambiguous covert, such as this very 
programme, and clear overt.


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[python] MI5 Persecution: C4 SnowMail - January/2001 (4024)

2007-08-25 Tema obsahu MI5Victim

C4 SnowMail - January/2001

Certainty level: 50%

In January 2001 I signed up for Channel 4 TV News's email service SnowMail, 
under an anonymous email address.
Quite soon Jon Snow and others started getting at me in the SnowMail bulletins, 
so I promptly unsubscribed.
Here are three distributed messages which may be intended to be against me; I 
have given these items a joint
probability of 50% only, since it is quite difficult to be sure these are 
against me, although I think they
may well be.

First item is from 5 January 2001. "Back passage contacts" might genuinely be 
about Labour were communicating
in a shielded way with ITN; but it may be about Snow's covert communications 
with me on his programme and in
this bulletin; and it's a slightly strange thing for him to say, it suggests 
the human body's back passage.
"I wish they'd come and talk on our website" Snow knows I'm subscribed to 
his mailing list, and he may be
encouraging me to talk to him by email; again, if that comment were genuinely 
about Labour, then it would be
a strange thing to say, since the politicians talk to Snow by phone and on his 
programme, so they wouldn't talk
to him by email; my suspicion at the time is that he was trying to persuade me 
to talk to him by email,
so he could decently lie that my thoughts of reference were incorrect.

From: "Snow C4N, Jon"
Subject: Channel 4 News briefing
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 17:15:06 -
MIME-Version: 1.0

January 5, 2000

Good afternoon dear viewer,

Well the 'snowmail' drew a little ire from Labour HQ yesterday. A sensitive 
call at 6.35pm from my friendly
mentor there sought to correct the impression I gave in yesterday's missive 
that in some way Labour was bounced
into naming these latest millionaire donors. Well I'm afraid they 
assured Paul Hamlyn would not have
been named without the diligent sleuthing of my colleagues, and had HE not been 
named neither would these latest two.

The only serious inaccuracy I must plead to was the promise that we would put 
these matters to a 'senior Labour
person'...alas none was forthcoming...I shall make no such rash promise again. 
My same mentor was on the phone again
during last night's Channel 4 News urging us to 'get some reality into the 
programme'. I fear we may have touched a
sensitive nerve...and the election campaign has not even started, or has it? I 
shall try to keep you posted with these
'back passage contacts' as the campaign unfolds..from all sides. I do wish 
they'd come and talk things over with all
of us on the web's an open invitation... 

So to today:

Harold Shipman murdered as many as 250 people it now turns out. But he is never 
to be tried and relatives who seek
closure to their uncertainties will never reap satisfaction..we have the DPP, 
the Chief Medical Officer and a solicitor
for aggrieved and bereaved families on the programme..the world's second-worst 
mass murderer..can he be allowed to
escape further action?

Sending private/sexy emails in company time gets workers the sack..Big Brother 
spies on office electronic
life in the work place getting out of hand? We explore what we can...and if you 
are not sure what you can and can't
send, our site spells out the legal dos and don'ts and gives you the chance to 
put your views to us.

The CIA publishes its risk assessment for the world in the coming years..beyond 
the CIA itself, what's the biggest
threat to life and liberty? Find out on Channel 4 News..and a major encounter 
with a man expected to take a top job
in the Bush administration...

And a sumptuous piece from Nicholas Glass in Valencia..a city transformed by a 
brilliant young architect for half
the price of what the Dome cost us.

Lots moving, see you at 7.00,best as ever, 

Jon Snow

The next contact was on 11 January, with the unsubtle words "the lunatics have 
taken over the newsroom"
from Krishnan GM. The phrase needs no explanation as to why it might be a dig 
at me.

From: "Guru-Murthy C4N, Krishnan"
Subject: Channel 4 News briefing
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 16:56:25 -
MIME-Version: 1.0

January 11, 2001

Good Afternoon. Jon's away so the lunatics have taken over the newsroom. I am 
joined by Samira for tonight's show.

The Depleted Uranium confusion deepens. What did Ministers and senior officers 
know about the risks to soldiers?
What did they tell others? And why the lack of candour over the recent 
documents that have surfaced? Having
dismissed the army report leaked yesterday warning of the dangers of exposure 
to DU as written by a trainee and
littered with mistakes, the Ministry of Defence now accepts it was written by 
an experienced officer.
But they won't say who. More awkwardly it emerges that senior officers decided 
a month after it was written that
the report should be circulated to all personnel likely to come into contact 
with DU. But was it? Nobody seems to
know. Our Science Correspondent Andrew Veitch has also visited the lab in