[python] M-I'5`Persec ution - Mol estation dur ing Tr avel

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu emevmemiv

MI5. Persecution: Molestation during Travel

MI5s persecution of me varies in intensity. Since 1990 it. has been steady
for perhaps 80% of the time; there. was a notable quiet period in 1993, and
another quiet. period in Jan-Feb 1995, as well as a hiatus in the first two
months of 1999. It. puzzles me that they cease and restart, seemingly
without any. logic or reason. But one aspect of MI5s activities against me
which is relatively. predictable is this weeks articles topic, which is
Molestation during Travel.. Almost every time I cross the Atlantic, go to
the. Continent or even try to enjoy a holiday in this country, you can bet
that MI5 will. be there doing their utmost to wreck it all.

This aspect of the harassment is. particularly relevant as I will be
travelling to Europe again. in a months time, with naturally the Minidisc
recorder in tow; so it will be interesting to. see if I can record the
abuse which will almost certainly take place, either on the. Tube going to
the airport,. at the airport, on the flight, in the terminal building - MI5
have previously instituted instances of abuse. at each of these locations,
so well see how much taxpayers money they waste this time, and whether. it
will prove possible to capture their. abuse on minidisc.

Read about the MI5 Persecution on the. Web

June. 1992 in Polands mountain resort of Zakopane

The persecution started in June 1990, and for the first two. years I stayed
in the UK apart from a couple of brief day trips to Calais. By. the summer
of 1992 Id had enough of being cooped up. in England with abusive fellow
employees egged on by an abusive secret police service,. and decided to
spend 10 days in southern. Poland, on what was intended to be a holiday at
the mountain resort town of. Zakopane.

Unfortunately the psychopaths of the Security Service. were not willing to
allow me to enjoy a holiday in peace and quiet. The journey to. Zakopane
was by coach from the. meeting point at Londons Victoria coach station
(National Express) followed by ferry followed by another. coach across
Europe. As we left Victoria a youth and his girlfriend started. a loud
tirade of abuse directed at this bloke, where. the bloke was never
named, but it was very clear that the bloke was. myself. The youth said
they had found somebody from his school, and he was. always really
stressed. at school, a real psycho. Again, the label they was not
elaborated on, but it was. clear that they = the persecutors from
MI5.. The boy also said, he was in a bed and breakfast for only one night
and they got him. By a. not unexpected coincidence I had been in a BB in
Oxford a week previously, which had been. booked from work; other things
lead me to the. conclusion that the company's offices were bugged for most
of the 2 1/2 years. that I was there, so they would have known a room in
the BB had been booked. After a few minutes. of this I went back to where
they were sitting and asked where they were travelling. The boy. named a
village in France, and the girl's. giggling suddenly ceased; presumably it
permeated to her brain cell what the purpose of. the boy's abuse was.

It is now very clear to me that MI5 were trying to have me. incarcerated,
assaulted or killed on this trip across Europe. The degree. of verbal
violence inescapably leads to this conclusion.. When we arrived at our
destination,. it became clear that many people, both in our tour group and
its guide, and among. the ordinary residents of the town, knew there was a
movement under way to get me.. MI5 employed many people and significant
resources for an action which they knew. would only take a maximum of ten
days. A commercial operation would never have. felt able to waste such
resources on such. an unproductive and temporary action; only a
state-sponsored, taxpayer-funded entity like the Security Service. would be
able to be so. wasteful.

To give some examples of what happened. in those ten days; I was walking in
some woods outside. the town, when a Polish woman, looking at me, said the
English shit in a strongly Polish-accented voice.. For the first three
years 1990-92 MI5 had been trying to force. this word on me. Another
example; I was walking. near my hotel when a mother said laughing to her
child, a wiesz ze. to prawdziwy wariat which means you know hes a real
madman. And the TV reacting happened there. too; on Polish TV, a bemused
looking journalist said to another, to. jest sprawa Anglikow, which means
its the concern of the. English, in other words, none of our business,
despite what. the English are trying to force down our throats.

Just before we. left for home, I went with some others from our group to a
nearby bar. There a man shouted at. me the same sexual obscenity which MI5
have constantly thrown at me these last three years.. I think MI5 try to
justify their various terms of. abuse by repeating them at me until I say
them, either while conscious or while talking in my sleep; and. then they
seize on my saying 

[python] M, I.5 Persecu tion , MI 5 a re Afr aid to Admit The yre Behind th e Persecut ion

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu eifim

MI5 are Afraid to Admit. They're Behind the Persecution

MI5 have issued. a formal denial of any involvement in my life to the
Security Service Tribunal, as you. might expect them to; but, more
importantly, the persecutors have. never denied that theyre from the
Security Service, despite several years. of accusations from my corner on
usenet and. in faxed articles. I am not surprised that the Security Service
Tribunal found. no determination in your favour. I am however a little
surprised that. the persecutors have refused to confirm my identification
of. them; by doing so, they implicitly admit that my guess was right.

No determination. in your favour says the Security Service Tribunal

In 1997, I. made a complaint to the Security Service Tribunal, giving only
the bare outlines of my case. I do not think it would. have made very much
difference. if Id made a much more detailed complaint, since the Tribunal
has no ability to perform investigatory functions. It can only. ask MI5 if
they have an interest in a subject, to which MI5. are of course free to be
economical with the truth. A couple of. months after my complaint the
Tribunal. replied that;

The Security Service Tribunal. have now investigated your complaint and
have asked me to inform. you that no determination in your favour has been
made. on your complaint.

Needless to say this reply didnt. surprise me in the slightest. It is a
well established fact that the secret service are a den of liars. and the
Tribunal a toothless watchdog, so to see. them conforming to these
stereotypes might be disappointing but. unsurprising.

It is noteworthy that the Tribunal never. gives the plaintiff information
on whether. the no determination in your favour is because MI5 claims to
have. no interest in him, or whether they claim their interest is
justified. In. the 1997 report of the Security Service Commissioner he
writes that The ambiguity of. the terms in which the notification of the
Tribunals decision is expressed is intentional, since a. less ambiguous
answer would indicate to the plaintiff whether he. were indeed under MI5
surveillance. But I note that the ambiguity also. allows MI5 to get away
with lying to the question. of their interest in me; they can claim to the
Tribunal that they have. no interest, but at a future date, when it becomes
clear that they did indeed. place me under surveillance and harassment,
they can claim their interest was. justified - and the Tribunal will
presumably. not admit that in their previous reply MI5 claimed to have no

He. doesnt know who we are

In early January 1996 I flew on a British. Airways jet from London to
Montreal; also present on the plane, about three or four rows behind. me,
were. two young men, one of them fat and voluble, the other silent. It was
quite clear that. these two had been planted on the aircraft to wind me
up. The fat. youth described the town in Poland where I had spent
Christmas, and made some unpleasant personal slurs against. me. Most
interestingly, he said the words, he doesnt. know who we are.

Now. I find this particular form of words very interesting, because while
it is not. a clear admission, it is only a half-hearted attempt at denial
of my guess that they = MI5. Had. my guess been wrong, the fat youth
would surely have said so more clearly. What he. was trying to do was to
half-deny something he knew to be. true, and he was limited to making
statements which he knew to be not false;. so he made a lukewarm denial
which on the face. of it means nothing, but in fact acts as a confirmation
of my guess. of who they are.

On one of the other occasions when I. saw the persecutors in person, on the
BA flight to. Toronto in June 1993, one of the group of four men said, if
he tries to run away well find. him. But the other three stayed totally
quiet and avoided eye contact.. They did so to avoid being apprehended and
identified -. since if they were identified, their employers would have
been revealed, and it would become known that it was the. secret services
who were behind the. persecution.

Why. are MI5 So Afraid to admit their involvement?

If you. think about it, what has been going on in Britain for the last nine
years is simply. beyond belief. The British declare themselves to be
decent by definition, so when they engage in. indecent activities such as
the persecution of. a mentally ill person, their decency because were
British is still in the forefront of their minds, and. a process of mental
doublethink kicks in, where. their antisocial and indecent activities are
blamed on the victim. because its his fault were persecuting him, and
their. self-regard and self-image of decency remains untarnished. As
remarked in another article some time ago, this. process is basically the
same as a large number of Germans employed fifty years ago. against Slavic
untermenschen and the Jewish threat. - the Germans declared, Germans
are known  to be. decent and the minorities are at fault 

[python] M`I'5`P ersecution - No Ju stice f or t he Vict ims of M I5

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu fvimf

MI5. Persecution Update: Friday 11 June, 1999

Harassment in a pub in. Clapham, Tuesday lunchtime

Once a month, or once every other month, I. meet a Polish friends of mine
who lives in Clapham North, and sometimes we. go to a particular pub near
where he lives. The last time. was some two months ago; I did not have my
minidisc-walkman with me, and. consequently was seriously harassed by
people MI5 had instructed. to harass me, in the pub.

This Tuesday, 8 June 1999, we. again went to the same pub for a pre-meal
drink. This time I did have my minidisc-walkman. with me. As you can guess,
we were followed into the pub by a. couple of young people (Im getting
older and older. - isnt it funny how the MI5 agents all look young these
days?). They started talking about my situation, in particular some. travel
I had booked the previous. day. Unfortunately, they were talking fairly
quietly, and my minidisc. didnt pick up their speech.

MI5s. schizophrenic reasoning is that simultaneously I am very important
and worthy of their acts of persecution, and I am. also totally unimportant
and their abuse of me doesnt matter. Perhaps they should. test their
agents and managers for. obsessive personalities or psychotic features in
the. same way as employees are drug-tested. MI5 might lose their worst
cases employees if some psychological testing were. applied to their
recruitment. procedure.

Toothless Watchdogs. What a. Surprise.

Recently I have been engaging. in communications with two watchdogs, the
Security Service Tribunal which deals with complaints against. the security
service (and always clears MI5 of any wrongdoing),. and the Data Protection
Registrar, which. is mandated to investigate misuse of personal data held
on. computer.

In. a letter to Nick Brooks, Security Service Tribunal secretary, dated 20
April, I asked him if the Tribunal,. as an allegedly independent body, had
the means. to investigate complaints against MI5 other than asking MI5 to
themselves. investigate complaints. To my disappointment, his reply two
weeks later. answered the question only indirectly, in the
negative. Whatever the reader might think of. the merits of the case I have
been putting before you. in faxed articles this last year and half, you
will. surely recognise that it is a significant anomaly for the Tribunal to
have no independent means of investigating. complaints, particularly given
the. view expressed even by previous home secretaries that the security
services are. untrustworthy.

MI5. Persecution: No Justice for the Victims of MI5

In a previous article I detailed. the similarities between the current MI5
Persecution in England, and other historical instances. of similar
persecution, notably. that by the Nazi Germans in the thirties and
forties. The Germans persecuted first. the mentally ill, the epileptics and
those suffering from schizophrenia, then moved. on to racial groups; in
todays. Britain the persecution is again directed at those with mental
illness, which the British in their cowardice find easier than taking. on
racial groups as the Germans. did. But just as in Thirties Germany there
was no recourse against a malign and omnipotent state, so. the MI5 Secret
Police in the modern British Fascist State allow no justice for. their

No Recourse. Against the Security Services Illegal Harassment

It has become apparent to. me over the last nine years just how loaded the
dice are in. todays Britain, a fundamentally fascist country which
masquerades as a democracy. Britain is a. democracy in name only; the
Establishment, the defence. and MI5 secret police are always there,
regardless of which party has. been voted into power most recently - and
from New. Labours conduct in office one finds it difficult to tell them
apart from Old. Tories, in their crackdowns on the sick and vulnerable in

In thirties Germany the victims of the Nazi. regime had no legal recourse
against. their State oppressors; and in todays Fascist British state, the
victims of the Establishment and its MI5. Secret Police similarly have no
recourse against the. illegal state-funded and organised oppression. There
is supposed to be. a mechanism for dealing with MI5 crimes, in the shape of
the Security Service Tribunal and. Commissioner; yet these have never found
favour. of a plaintiff. One might as well ask the Nazi SS to investigate
crimes against epileptics or Jews. as ask the Security Service Tribunal to
investigate MI5 crimes against British citizens; it is. quite obvious what
the. answer is going to be, regardless of what you say to them, and what
evidence you. provide. The Tribunal and Commissioner are a mere formality,
a whitewashing body to give the Secret. Services a veneer beneath which
they hide their shabby. criminality.

Institutional Racism. and Bigotry in the Metropolitan Police

The recent inquiry. into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence found clear
evidence. of systematic and deliberate racism in the Metropolitan 

[python] M'I.5'Pe rsecution , MI5 Ha ve Systematica lly Destroyed My L ife

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu ivemie

MI5. Have Systematically Destroyed My Life

This. is getting depressing. From the feedback Ive received, the recipients
of these faxes are tired of hearing my complaints, and. in truth I am tired
of sending them. The reason I havent. yet ceased sending faxes is because I
cannot think of any other effective means of replying to. MI5s actions
against me, and I feel I have. to do something to try to defend
myself. Three/four years ago I got the. MI5 harassment out of my system by
posting about it on Internet newsgroups, and for a. few months this tactic
was quite. effective - I received (and indeed still do today) support from
newsgroup regulars, and felt I could make my voice heard and break. the MI5
monopoly. on access to the British media. But that was years ago, and today
nobody. gives a tinkers cuss about my internet posts - so I have sought to
escalate matters. by communicating directly with the politicians who
allegedly say how this country is supposed to be. run.

Of course, its. quite expensive to keep up a campaign of fax messages for
many weeks. Each set of faxes takes. approx 50 hours to send over the
weekend, and costs perhaps 35. My phone bill for the. last quarter was
350. These figures are naturally insignificant compared. to what MI5 have
been spending against me over a similar period. It also takes. a lot of
time and energy to create a new article every. week, and try and find new
and fresh. aspects and viewpoints on MI5s persecution of me. I am beginning
to run out of both new topics and energy to write. these articles.

So I have a suggestion to put. before the MI5 persecutors who have been
wrecking my life since. 1990. In a few days time I will be going on holiday
to Poland and Germany, for a couple of weeks. Previously,. almost every
time I have travelled by plane, or. gone anywhere on holiday, the MI5
wreckers have been most assiduous. in destroying these trips. My
suggestion is; if MI5 leave me alone on this next trip, I will. cease
transmitting these articles. If, however, there are any. clear instances of
harassment (and I am very capable of recognising MI5 harassment when. I see
it), then I will make public these instances. and publish any recordings I
may make of them, and, unwillingly and. unhappily, continue the articles.

Read about. the MI5 Persecution on the Web

Keith Hill MP (Labour -. Streatham), my elected representative, as ever
refuses to. help.

MI5 Refuse to Allow me to. have a Normal Life

Its kind of difficult to contemplate having a normal existence. when you
know your. entire house is bugged from top to bottom, for audio and, very
unpleasantly, video; when your employment is. systematically destroyed,
over and over again; when every time you leave. the country your travel is
disrupted by MI5 plants on the plane yelling abuse at you.. you get the
idea. I would like to have some semblance of a normal. life, like my Polish
and English friends do. But MI5 have made. this impossible, and they have
leached massive resources from the taxpayer. to institute a life not worthy
of the. name on me.

A few years ago MI5 were very open about their aims. in persecuting
me. They were shouting suicide at me, both in. Canada where I lived at
the time, and during my. occasional visits to London. You cant get much
clearer than that. There have been. instances as recently as a few weeks
ago of this intention being voiced by their side; on 15. April 1999, a
woman at the next ticket counter at the Royal Festival. Hall said;

it. would kill it, you know, it would just be overkill... they can't stop
can. they

meaning that they were trying to kill. it i.e. me and they cant
stop. The audio. file is at;

I wonder. why they cant stop. Nobody (who doesnt know already) believes
my claims. - so what difference would it make, if they were to
stop persecuting me? Perhaps what. this persons remarks indicates, is the
depth of the obsession MI5 have with. this case. They have chosen at random
a person from the general. population, and done their worst to ruin my
life. What is wrong with these. people, that they persecute a national of
the country whose citizens they are supposed. to protect?

No Chance of a. Harassment-Free Job

Since the harassment started in 1990 I have had three jobs,. the first near
Guildford, the second. in Oxford, and the third overseas in Canada. All
three jobs have. been systematically destroyed by MI5. It is so ironic that
MI5 employs a team of agents, each well. compensated for their efforts, to
persecute just one person paid a mere. fraction of what they get for their
work. In. fact, it is a joke that MI5 is allocated resources for this
sort of effort. If this area of government were run along. commercial lines
then MI5 would be very rapidly closed down,. they produce nothing of any
value, instead spending their. time obsessed with the bugging and
surveillance of their former employees like. Shayler, dangerous subversives
like Straw and Mandelson, and threats to 

[python] M`I,5`Persec ution - Harass ment throu gh the Radi o

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu fefevmvmi

MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 9 July,. 1999

Harassment. in Poland, July 1999

And still it continues in my. last fax I said that provided MI5 made no
attempts at harassment during my two-week holiday this summer,. or after I
returned to England, then I would discontinue. these faxes. Unfortunately
MI5 have continued to harass me, both during the. holiday and after my
return to London. I really dont want to continue these articles,. since
they take up so much time and effort, not. to mention expense; but the
Security Service wont even let me. have a holiday in peace and quiet, so I
have. to make further efforts to bring their activities out into the open.

In early July I visited my aunt and her family in Poland. On Saturday. 3
July 1999, I. went to a family barbecue at an allotment outside the
city. One of my aunts family has previously shown himself to be in. the
enemy camp, by saying the. Polish equivalent of something wrong with
him, and various other unprovoked insults. It is disappointing that. one
of my family could forsake the usual ties of blood and take part. in the
actions against me, but thats the. way it is. This guy turned up at the
barbecue, and started making insults against me.. In particular, he started
to say something about the video camera which. I had brought along on the
trip, and the relevance of the video-camera to my fight against. the
persecution. It seemed pretty obvious to me that my enemies had told. him
to turn up to this occasion, and most likely. schooled him in precisely
what words. to say; since hes an  unintelligent person and would not be
able. to think for himself what insults to make against me.

Harassment in London, week ending Friday 9 July. 1999

Got back to London Wednesay. afternoon. Two incidents on the Underground
returning from the airport. Unfortunately I wasnt recording because. I
wasnt expecting trouble, so. these slipped through the net. One of these
was verbal sexual abuse, of the type Ive. heard many, many times before
these last three-and-a-half. years.

Yesterday, Thursday 8/July/1999, I switched on Heart FM which had. never
got at me before and the presenter. started making jokes about mad,
crazy etc. Again, wasnt. recording this because Id never had any trouble
from this radio. station and wasnt expecting any.

Also yesterday, on a bus (155?) from. Balham to Clapham, a couple of girls
started harassing me with taunts of crazy. By now I. was expecting
trouble and recorded an audio file of. this instance of abuse, at web URL;

The cynical reader might think. my demeanour or behaviour had given rise to
the taunts of crazy recorded. above. But I assure you my behaviour on the
bus would not have made anyone think I was ill; and. the taunts the
previous day were the same sexual words as. previously; so I'm quite sure
that these incidents. are either deliberately staged, or indicative of an
overall high level of. awareness among the London public, particularly in
the part of London where. I live.

Keith Hill MP (Labour - Streatham), my elected representative, as. ever
refuses. to help.

MI5 Persecution: Harassment through the. Radio

One of the. aspects of the MI5 persecution has been harassment through the
broadcast and print media;. and one of the aspects of harassment through
the. broadcast media is being got at by radio presenters. This being got
at from the radio takes various forms,. the most obvious form being
through overt or hidden words and insults. But there. are other, subtler
forms. In Canada a couple of years ago, I used to listen. to the local
radio stations every morning driving to work, and. listened to the music
only, switching between radio. station presets rapidly as soon as a
presenters voice came on, so that I would not be subjected. to any verbal
harassment by the D.J.s. But they found a way. around this; they kept on
playing the same song, every bl**dy morning at the. same time, which had
the words all coming back to me; the perceptive reader will. remember
that the words coming. back have special meaning (see the Private Eye
cover. at web URL; for the
hidden. meaning).

And thats not the only time. theyve allowed the songs themselves to be used
as abuse against me; many years ago. Radio-1 in the UK did exactly the
same, and the DJ. even made it explicitly clear by saying, dont you
sometimes. feel as if the songs were made just for you.

We. should be done for attempted manslaughter says Chris Tarrant

Capital Radio DJs have been in on it from. the start. One of the first
things I heard in the summer of 1990 was from a Capital DJ. who said, If
he listens to Capital then he can't be all bad. (supportive, you
see. We're not bastards). Much of what came over the. radio in 1990 is now
so far away. the precise details have been obliterated by time. No diary
was kept of the details, and although archives. if they exist may give
pointers, the ambiguity of what. broadcasters said would leave that open to


[python] Winter qual1ty w4tches offer 2dbu

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu Al Morgan

New Year is knocking, 0rder precious repl1ca w4tches!
Brand new models of w4tches, purses  bags from 2008!


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