[python] M-I'5`Persec ution - Mol estation dur ing Tr avel

2017-03-31 Tema obsahu emevmemiv

MI5. Persecution: Molestation during Travel

MI5s persecution of me varies in intensity. Since 1990 it. has been steady
for perhaps 80% of the time; there. was a notable quiet period in 1993, and
another quiet. period in Jan-Feb 1995, as well as a hiatus in the first two
months of 1999. It. puzzles me that they cease and restart, seemingly
without any. logic or reason. But one aspect of MI5s activities against me
which is relatively. predictable is this weeks articles topic, which is
Molestation during Travel.. Almost every time I cross the Atlantic, go to
the. Continent or even try to enjoy a holiday in this country, you can bet
that MI5 will. be there doing their utmost to wreck it all.

This aspect of the harassment is. particularly relevant as I will be
travelling to Europe again. in a months time, with naturally the Minidisc
recorder in tow; so it will be interesting to. see if I can record the
abuse which will almost certainly take place, either on the. Tube going to
the airport,. at the airport, on the flight, in the terminal building - MI5
have previously instituted instances of abuse. at each of these locations,
so well see how much taxpayers money they waste this time, and whether. it
will prove possible to capture their. abuse on minidisc.

Read about the MI5 Persecution on the. Web

June. 1992 in Polands mountain resort of Zakopane

The persecution started in June 1990, and for the first two. years I stayed
in the UK apart from a couple of brief day trips to Calais. By. the summer
of 1992 Id had enough of being cooped up. in England with abusive fellow
employees egged on by an abusive secret police service,. and decided to
spend 10 days in southern. Poland, on what was intended to be a holiday at
the mountain resort town of. Zakopane.

Unfortunately the psychopaths of the Security Service. were not willing to
allow me to enjoy a holiday in peace and quiet. The journey to. Zakopane
was by coach from the. meeting point at Londons Victoria coach station
(National Express) followed by ferry followed by another. coach across
Europe. As we left Victoria a youth and his girlfriend started. a loud
tirade of abuse directed at "this bloke", where. the "bloke" was never
named, but it was very clear that the "bloke" was. myself. The youth said
"they" had "found somebody from his school, and he was. always really
stressed. at school, a real psycho". Again, the label "they" was not
elaborated on, but it was. clear that "they" = the persecutors from
MI5.. The boy also said, "he was in a bed and breakfast for only one night
and they got him". By a. not unexpected coincidence I had been in a B&B in
Oxford a week previously, which had been. booked from work; other things
lead me to the. conclusion that the company's offices were bugged for most
of the 2 1/2 years. that I was there, so "they" would have known a room in
the B&B had been booked. After a few minutes. of this I went back to where
they were sitting and asked where they were travelling. The boy. named a
village in France, and the girl's. giggling suddenly ceased; presumably it
permeated to her brain cell what the purpose of. the boy's abuse was.

It is now very clear to me that MI5 were trying to have me. incarcerated,
assaulted or killed on this trip across Europe. The degree. of verbal
violence inescapably leads to this conclusion.. When we arrived at our
destination,. it became clear that many people, both in our tour group and
its guide, and among. the ordinary residents of the town, knew there was a
movement under way to "get" me.. MI5 employed many people and significant
resources for an action which they knew. would only take a maximum of ten
days. A commercial operation would never have. felt able to waste such
resources on such. an unproductive and temporary action; only a
state-sponsored, taxpayer-funded entity like the Security Service. would be
able to be so. wasteful.

To give some examples of what happened. in those ten days; I was walking in
some woods outside. the town, when a Polish woman, looking at me, said the
English "shit" in a strongly Polish-accented voice.. For the first three
years 1990-92 MI5 had been trying to force. this word on me. Another
example; I was walking. near my "hotel" when a mother said laughing to her
child, "a wiesz ze. to prawdziwy wariat" which means "you know hes a real
madman". And the "TV reacting" happened there. too; on Polish TV, a bemused
looking journalist said to another, "to. jest sprawa Anglikow", which means
"its the concern of the. English", in other words, none of our business,
despite what. the English are trying to force down our throats.

Just before we. left for home, I went with some others from our group to a
nearby bar. There a man shouted at. me the same sexual obscenity which MI5
have constantly thrown at me these last three years.. I think MI5 try to
justify their various terms of. abuse by repeating them at me until I say
them, either while conscious or while talking in my sleep; an

[python] M-I'5`Persec ution - Mol estation dur ing Tr avel

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu emevmemiv

MI5. Persecution: Molestation during Travel

MI5s persecution of me varies in intensity. Since 1990 it. has been steady
for perhaps 80% of the time; there. was a notable quiet period in 1993, and
another quiet. period in Jan-Feb 1995, as well as a hiatus in the first two
months of 1999. It. puzzles me that they cease and restart, seemingly
without any. logic or reason. But one aspect of MI5s activities against me
which is relatively. predictable is this weeks articles topic, which is
Molestation during Travel.. Almost every time I cross the Atlantic, go to
the. Continent or even try to enjoy a holiday in this country, you can bet
that MI5 will. be there doing their utmost to wreck it all.

This aspect of the harassment is. particularly relevant as I will be
travelling to Europe again. in a months time, with naturally the Minidisc
recorder in tow; so it will be interesting to. see if I can record the
abuse which will almost certainly take place, either on the. Tube going to
the airport,. at the airport, on the flight, in the terminal building - MI5
have previously instituted instances of abuse. at each of these locations,
so well see how much taxpayers money they waste this time, and whether. it
will prove possible to capture their. abuse on minidisc.

Read about the MI5 Persecution on the. Web

June. 1992 in Polands mountain resort of Zakopane

The persecution started in June 1990, and for the first two. years I stayed
in the UK apart from a couple of brief day trips to Calais. By. the summer
of 1992 Id had enough of being cooped up. in England with abusive fellow
employees egged on by an abusive secret police service,. and decided to
spend 10 days in southern. Poland, on what was intended to be a holiday at
the mountain resort town of. Zakopane.

Unfortunately the psychopaths of the Security Service. were not willing to
allow me to enjoy a holiday in peace and quiet. The journey to. Zakopane
was by coach from the. meeting point at Londons Victoria coach station
(National Express) followed by ferry followed by another. coach across
Europe. As we left Victoria a youth and his girlfriend started. a loud
tirade of abuse directed at "this bloke", where. the "bloke" was never
named, but it was very clear that the "bloke" was. myself. The youth said
"they" had "found somebody from his school, and he was. always really
stressed. at school, a real psycho". Again, the label "they" was not
elaborated on, but it was. clear that "they" = the persecutors from
MI5.. The boy also said, "he was in a bed and breakfast for only one night
and they got him". By a. not unexpected coincidence I had been in a B&B in
Oxford a week previously, which had been. booked from work; other things
lead me to the. conclusion that the company's offices were bugged for most
of the 2 1/2 years. that I was there, so "they" would have known a room in
the B&B had been booked. After a few minutes. of this I went back to where
they were sitting and asked where they were travelling. The boy. named a
village in France, and the girl's. giggling suddenly ceased; presumably it
permeated to her brain cell what the purpose of. the boy's abuse was.

It is now very clear to me that MI5 were trying to have me. incarcerated,
assaulted or killed on this trip across Europe. The degree. of verbal
violence inescapably leads to this conclusion.. When we arrived at our
destination,. it became clear that many people, both in our tour group and
its guide, and among. the ordinary residents of the town, knew there was a
movement under way to "get" me.. MI5 employed many people and significant
resources for an action which they knew. would only take a maximum of ten
days. A commercial operation would never have. felt able to waste such
resources on such. an unproductive and temporary action; only a
state-sponsored, taxpayer-funded entity like the Security Service. would be
able to be so. wasteful.

To give some examples of what happened. in those ten days; I was walking in
some woods outside. the town, when a Polish woman, looking at me, said the
English "shit" in a strongly Polish-accented voice.. For the first three
years 1990-92 MI5 had been trying to force. this word on me. Another
example; I was walking. near my "hotel" when a mother said laughing to her
child, "a wiesz ze. to prawdziwy wariat" which means "you know hes a real
madman". And the "TV reacting" happened there. too; on Polish TV, a bemused
looking journalist said to another, "to. jest sprawa Anglikow", which means
"its the concern of the. English", in other words, none of our business,
despite what. the English are trying to force down our throats.

Just before we. left for home, I went with some others from our group to a
nearby bar. There a man shouted at. me the same sexual obscenity which MI5
have constantly thrown at me these last three years.. I think MI5 try to
justify their various terms of. abuse by repeating them at me until I say
them, either while conscious or while talking in my sleep; an