[python] M`I,5`Persec ution - Harass ment throu gh the Radi o

2017-03-31 Tema obsahu fefevmvmi

MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 9 July,. 1999

Harassment. in Poland, July 1999

And still it continues in my. last fax I said that provided MI5 made no
attempts at harassment during my two-week holiday this summer,. or after I
returned to England, then I would discontinue. these faxes. Unfortunately
MI5 have continued to harass me, both during the. holiday and after my
return to London. I really dont want to continue these articles,. since
they take up so much time and effort, not. to mention expense; but the
Security Service wont even let me. have a holiday in peace and quiet, so I
have. to make further efforts to bring their activities out into the open.

In early July I visited my aunt and her family in Poland. On Saturday. 3
July 1999, I. went to a family barbecue at an allotment outside the
city. One of my aunts family has previously shown himself to be in. the
"enemy" camp, by saying the. Polish equivalent of "something wrong with
him", and various other unprovoked insults. It is disappointing that. one
of my family could forsake the usual ties of blood and take part. in the
actions against me, but thats the. way it is. This guy turned up at the
barbecue, and started making insults against me.. In particular, he started
to say something about the video camera which. I had brought along on the
trip, and the relevance of the video-camera to my fight against. the
persecution. It seemed pretty obvious to me that my enemies had told. him
to turn up to this occasion, and most likely. schooled him in precisely
what words. to say; since hes an  unintelligent person and would not be
able. to think for himself what insults to make against me.

Harassment in London, week ending Friday 9 July. 1999

Got back to London Wednesay. afternoon. Two incidents on the Underground
returning from the airport. Unfortunately I wasnt recording because. I
wasnt expecting trouble, so. these slipped through the net. One of these
was verbal sexual abuse, of the type Ive. heard many, many times before
these last three-and-a-half. years.

Yesterday, Thursday 8/July/1999, I switched on Heart FM which had. never
"got at" me before and the presenter. started making jokes about "mad,
crazy" etc. Again, wasnt. recording this because Id never had any trouble
from this radio. station and wasnt expecting any.

Also yesterday, on a bus (155?) from. Balham to Clapham, a couple of girls
started harassing me with taunts of "crazy". By now I. was expecting
trouble and recorded an audio file of. this instance of abuse, at web URL;

The cynical reader might think. my demeanour or behaviour had given rise to
the taunts of "crazy" recorded. above. But I assure you my behaviour on the
bus would not have made anyone think I was ill; and. the taunts the
previous day were the same sexual words as. previously; so I'm quite sure
that these incidents. are either deliberately staged, or indicative of an
overall high level of. awareness among the London public, particularly in
the part of London where. I live.

Keith Hill MP (Labour - Streatham), my elected representative, as. ever
refuses. to help.

MI5 Persecution: Harassment through the. Radio

One of the. aspects of the MI5 persecution has been harassment through the
broadcast and print media;. and one of the aspects of harassment through
the. broadcast media is being "got at" by radio presenters. This being "got
at" from the radio takes various forms,. the most obvious form being
through overt or hidden words and insults. But there. are other, subtler
forms. In Canada a couple of years ago, I used to listen. to the local
radio stations every morning driving to work, and. listened to the music
only, switching between radio. station presets rapidly as soon as a
presenters voice came on, so that I would not be subjected. to any verbal
harassment by the D.J.s. But they found a way. around this; they kept on
playing the same song, every bl**dy morning at the. same time, which had
the words "all coming back to me"; the perceptive reader will. remember
that the words "coming. back" have special meaning (see the Private Eye
cover. at web URL; for the
hidden. meaning).

And thats not the only time. theyve allowed the songs themselves to be used
as abuse against me; many years ago. Radio-1 in the UK did exactly the
same, and the DJ. even made it explicitly clear by saying, "dont you
sometimes. feel as if the songs were made just for you".

"We. should be done for attempted manslaughter" says Chris Tarrant

Capital Radio DJs have been "in on it" from. the start. One of the first
things I heard in the summer of 1990 was from a Capital DJ. who said, "If
he listens to Capital then he can't be all bad". (supportive, you
see. We're not bastards). Much of what came over the. radio in 1990 is now
so far away. the precise details have been obliterated by time. No diary
was kept of the details, and although archives. if they exist may give
pointers, the ambiguity of what. broadcasters said would leave that 

[python] M`I,5`Persec ution - Harass ment throu gh the Radi o

2007-12-31 Tema obsahu fefevmvmi

MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 9 July,. 1999

Harassment. in Poland, July 1999

And still it continues in my. last fax I said that provided MI5 made no
attempts at harassment during my two-week holiday this summer,. or after I
returned to England, then I would discontinue. these faxes. Unfortunately
MI5 have continued to harass me, both during the. holiday and after my
return to London. I really dont want to continue these articles,. since
they take up so much time and effort, not. to mention expense; but the
Security Service wont even let me. have a holiday in peace and quiet, so I
have. to make further efforts to bring their activities out into the open.

In early July I visited my aunt and her family in Poland. On Saturday. 3
July 1999, I. went to a family barbecue at an allotment outside the
city. One of my aunts family has previously shown himself to be in. the
enemy camp, by saying the. Polish equivalent of something wrong with
him, and various other unprovoked insults. It is disappointing that. one
of my family could forsake the usual ties of blood and take part. in the
actions against me, but thats the. way it is. This guy turned up at the
barbecue, and started making insults against me.. In particular, he started
to say something about the video camera which. I had brought along on the
trip, and the relevance of the video-camera to my fight against. the
persecution. It seemed pretty obvious to me that my enemies had told. him
to turn up to this occasion, and most likely. schooled him in precisely
what words. to say; since hes an  unintelligent person and would not be
able. to think for himself what insults to make against me.

Harassment in London, week ending Friday 9 July. 1999

Got back to London Wednesay. afternoon. Two incidents on the Underground
returning from the airport. Unfortunately I wasnt recording because. I
wasnt expecting trouble, so. these slipped through the net. One of these
was verbal sexual abuse, of the type Ive. heard many, many times before
these last three-and-a-half. years.

Yesterday, Thursday 8/July/1999, I switched on Heart FM which had. never
got at me before and the presenter. started making jokes about mad,
crazy etc. Again, wasnt. recording this because Id never had any trouble
from this radio. station and wasnt expecting any.

Also yesterday, on a bus (155?) from. Balham to Clapham, a couple of girls
started harassing me with taunts of crazy. By now I. was expecting
trouble and recorded an audio file of. this instance of abuse, at web URL;

The cynical reader might think. my demeanour or behaviour had given rise to
the taunts of crazy recorded. above. But I assure you my behaviour on the
bus would not have made anyone think I was ill; and. the taunts the
previous day were the same sexual words as. previously; so I'm quite sure
that these incidents. are either deliberately staged, or indicative of an
overall high level of. awareness among the London public, particularly in
the part of London where. I live.

Keith Hill MP (Labour - Streatham), my elected representative, as. ever
refuses. to help.

MI5 Persecution: Harassment through the. Radio

One of the. aspects of the MI5 persecution has been harassment through the
broadcast and print media;. and one of the aspects of harassment through
the. broadcast media is being got at by radio presenters. This being got
at from the radio takes various forms,. the most obvious form being
through overt or hidden words and insults. But there. are other, subtler
forms. In Canada a couple of years ago, I used to listen. to the local
radio stations every morning driving to work, and. listened to the music
only, switching between radio. station presets rapidly as soon as a
presenters voice came on, so that I would not be subjected. to any verbal
harassment by the D.J.s. But they found a way. around this; they kept on
playing the same song, every bl**dy morning at the. same time, which had
the words all coming back to me; the perceptive reader will. remember
that the words coming. back have special meaning (see the Private Eye
cover. at web URL; for the
hidden. meaning).

And thats not the only time. theyve allowed the songs themselves to be used
as abuse against me; many years ago. Radio-1 in the UK did exactly the
same, and the DJ. even made it explicitly clear by saying, dont you
sometimes. feel as if the songs were made just for you.

We. should be done for attempted manslaughter says Chris Tarrant

Capital Radio DJs have been in on it from. the start. One of the first
things I heard in the summer of 1990 was from a Capital DJ. who said, If
he listens to Capital then he can't be all bad. (supportive, you
see. We're not bastards). Much of what came over the. radio in 1990 is now
so far away. the precise details have been obliterated by time. No diary
was kept of the details, and although archives. if they exist may give
pointers, the ambiguity of what. broadcasters said would leave that open to
