Plotdb fiction writer's database.

2008-05-08 Thread David May
I am pleased to announce the availability of an application developed to 
aid fiction writers on Linux.  It is called plotdb, the plot database.  It 
is designed to help track all the components of a story, including 
characters, objects, concepts and locations, and to attach them to 
chapters and scenes in a way that facilitates the story-writing component 
of authoring.  I wrote this application to scratch an itch I had for free 
(as in beer and as in freedom) novel writing software for Linux.

The pure python version of plotdb is v.0.3.  This sounds extremely low, 
like pre-alpha, but the application began existence in the early fall of 
2007 using a different database engine.  Recently, I decided to move to 
sqlite as the database back end, which is supported as a native module in 
python 2.5.x.  The first release of the version written in pure python was 
dated 4/30/2008.

I have used the original version of this software extensively since it's 
initial incarnation in August of 2007.  I have used this pure python 
version since I ported it to sqlite.  There is no real difference that I 
can see in the two versions, except the pure python version is easier to 
maintain, albeit slightly slower.  I would consider this beta quality 
software, tested somewhat in real usage but not full production yet.  I am 
currently writing a novel and use this software daily for that purpose.

I, David May, am the sole party of blame in the production of this 
application.  It was conceived and written by me from scratch.  You can 
get plotdb with my compliments at:

plotdb is released under GPL v.2.  I am willing, as time permits, to 
incorporate changes made by users into the application.  I am particularly 
interested in portability changes that allow plotdb to be used on Windows 
or Mac, since I use Linux almost exclusively.  You can contact me at

dmay at cnm dot edu

If this is not the correct forum to announce this software, please accept 
my apologies in advance.  And thanks in advance for any direction anyone 
can provide on where else this should be posted to capture the largest 
audience of interest.  I do not lurk this list, so please respond to my 
email as well as (or in lieu of) posting to the list.

Kind regards,

David F. May

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Python Bootcamp at Big Nerd Ranch

2008-05-08 Thread David Beazley

"It's just a flesh wound!"  - Student Review

Just a quick reminder that it's not too late to register for my upcoming Python 
course at Big Nerd Ranch, June 9 - 13 in Atlanta, GA.

This class is an intense hands-on introduction to Python and its standard 
libraries.  Even 
if you've used Python before, this class may have a lot to offer as it is fully 
with modern Python features.

The above web site has more information, but feel free to contact me personally 
for more 
details about the class.

David Beazley
(Course Instructor)


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REMINDER: Python Sprint Weekend This Weekend!

2008-05-08 Thread Trent Nelson
Just a friendly reminder that this weekend is the Python sprint weekend!  Look 
forward to seeing everyone on #python-dev over the course of 
the weekend!


On 16 Apr, 18:52, Trent Nelson wrote:
>Following on from the success of previous sprint/bugfix weekends and
>sprinting efforts at PyCon 2008, I'd like to propose the next two
>Global Python Sprint Weekends, taking place on the following dates:
>* May 10th-11th (four days after 2.6a3 and 3.0a5 are released)
>* June 21st-22nd (~week before 2.6b2 and 3.0b2 are released)
>It seems there are a few of the Python User Groups keen on meeting
>up in person and sprinting collaboratively, akin to PyCon, which I
>highly recommend.  I'd like to nominate Saturday across the board
>as the day for PUGs to meet up in person, with Sunday geared more
>towards an online collaboration day via IRC, where we can take care
>of all the little things that got in our way of coding on Saturday
>(like finalising/preparing/reviewing patches, updating tracker and
>documentation, writing tests ;-).
>For User Groups that are planning on meeting up to collaborate,
>please reply to this thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let every-
>one know your intentions!
>As is commonly the case, #python-dev on will be
>the place to be over the course of each sprint weekend; a large
>proportion of Python developers with commit access will be present,
>increasing the amount of eyes available to review and apply patches.
>For those that have an idea on areas they'd like to sprint on and
>want to look for other developers to rope in (or just to communicate
>plans in advance), please also feel free to jump on this thread via
>python-dev@ and indicate your intentions.
>For those that haven't the foggiest on what to work on, but would
>like to contribute, the bugs tracker at is
>the best place to start.  Register an account and start searching
>for issues that you'd be able to lend a hand with.
>All contributors that submit code patches or documentation updates
>will typically get listed in Misc/ACKS.txt; come September when the
>final release of 2.6 and 3.0 come about, you'll be able to point at
>the tarball or .msi and exclaim loudly ``I helped build that!'',
>and actually back it up with hard evidence ;-)
>Bring on the pizza and Red Bull!

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[ANN] Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, May 13, 2008, 08:00pm

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Müller

=== Leipzig Python User Group ===

We will meet on Tuesday, May 13 at 8:00 pm at the training
center of Python Academy in Leipzig, Germany
( ).

Christian Theune will give a talk about Grok ( ).

Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short
confirmation mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so we can prepare

Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is interested in
learning more about the language is encouraged to participate.

While the meeting language will be mainly German, we will provide
English translation if needed.

Current information about the meetings are at .


== Leipzig Python User Group ===

Wir treffen uns am Dienstag, 13.05.2008 um 20:00 Uhr
im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig
( ).

Christian Theune wird einen Vortrag über Grok ( ) 

Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt. Eine Anmeldung unter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wäre nett, damit wir genug Essen
besorgen können.

Willkommen ist jeder, der Interesse an Python hat, die Sprache
bereits nutzt oder nutzen möchte.

Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind unter zu finden.

Viele Grüße


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ANN: Assembly Line 0.5

2008-05-08 Thread Greg Ewing

I've uploaded a new version of my PyWeek 6 game, Assembly Line.

As a potential Pyggy entry, I'm keen to get some testing and feedback on it.

This version is greatly expanded. Some of the new features include:

* More machine types and enhanced machine functionality
* Simulation of a market that's buying your products
* Multiple factories
* Extensive reports showing what's going on with sales and finances
* Sales and profit targets to aim for, and salary raises to seek after

Note that not all the products and machines are available at once now. The new 
machines will become available as the game progresses (about one every two 
months of game time) and you need to spend money to research new products.

I still haven't done much playtesting or balancing -- I've verified that the 
Phunky Phrisbee, Mojo Mallet and Supa Slice can be manufactured and sold at a 
profit, but I don't know about the others yet.


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