ANN: Gmatch, a tiny matcher of google-like queries

2009-02-02 Thread denis-bz-gg
Gmatch is a tiny matcher of google-like query patterns, called

gm = Gmatch( color: blue - sky  size:  100 )
if gm.match( record ): ...
matching_records = [rec for rec in records if gm.match( rec )]

A record is a dict, or namedtuple, or Dotdict,
or anything with record.get( key ) - value.

A goopat pattern is made up of the following elements, here with

color:  a key or field name, followed by a : colon

blu words made of letters and numbers match anywhere in a
case-insensitive: blu matches Blue Blur sublunar

blue skymatch all the words, anywhere in a field, in any
bluesky sky-blue frisky ... blues

blue - sky   blue but not sky -- put blanks around the -
blue green - sky cloud   blue and green but not sky and not cloud

Double quotes are used for:
key.word,;  names containing special
sky blue  sky, any amount of white space, then blue
 sky blue   an exact word or phrase, not e.g. frisky blues

rregular expression
see .
Gmatch compiles them with re.I case-insensitive
and re.X, ignore white space except \  and [ ] ;

size:  =  = == !=  compare record.get( size ) to a number or
size:  100 here size must be a number, or a string like
size: = Large  here it must be a string (beware: Small 
size: = 100  200  matches sizes in the range 100 to 200.

Notes, ramblings, corner cases

(REs are pretty fast, ~ 20 Mbytes/sec on my mac ppc with python
2.5.1 .)

Download files, 2feb --


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AVC 0.7.0 released

2009-02-02 Thread Fabrizio Pollastri
Announcing AVC 0.7.0


What is AVC?
AVC is a multiplatform, fully automatic, live connection among
graphical interface widgets and application variables for the python
language. AVC supports in a uniform way the most popular widget
toolkits: GTK+, Qt3, Qt4, Tk, wxWidgets.

New features
* Added support for advanced widgets: list view and tree view.
* Added support for progress bar widget.

* Fully transparent widget-variable connections
* Automatic connection by matching widgets and variables names
* Multiple matching namespaces
* Dynamic connections
* No design pattern, no application redesign, no widget toolkit
  dependent code, separation between application logic and GUI.
* Multiple widget toolkits support: GTK+, Qt3, Qt4, Tk, wxWidgets.
* Full compatibility and support for Glade, Qt Designer, Visual Tcl
  and wxGlade interface design tools.
* Normal widgets: button, check button, combo box, entry, label,
  progress bar, radio button, slider, spin button, status bar, text
  view/edit, toggle button.
* Advanced widgets: list view, tree view.
* Normal variable types: boolean, integer, float, string, list, tuple.
* Advanced variable types: 2D table (list of lists), hierarchical tree
  (dictionary with path of values inside tree as keys).
* Multiple widgets to one variable connection
* Dual update timing of variable value views: immediate or periodic.
* Testing printout logging activity with selectable verbosity
* Python package written in pure python
* Free software ( GNU GPL license )


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ANN: gmpy 1.04 released

2009-02-02 Thread casevh

A new version of gmpy is available. gmpy is a wrapper for the GMP
multiple-precision arithmetic library. This version of gmpy also
supports the MPIR multiple-precision arithmetic library. gmpy 1.04  is
available for download from

There are several new features in this release:

- Support for rich comparisons.
- Faster conversion to/from Python longs and other formats.
- Fixed conversion of very large numbers to a string (only limited by
- Support for pickling.
- Support for divexact.
- Support for bit_length.
- Special helper functions to improve the performance of mpmath, an
arbitrary-precision floating point library written in Python, (http://
- Support for MPIR, an alternative multiple-precision library based on
GMP, (
- Added fround() to round an mpf value.


A (possibly) significant change was made to the handling of mpf
values. GMP would frequently return more bits in a result than
requested. This led to bugs such such as mpf(1.1)*mpf(1) != mpf(1.1)
but mpf(1.1) / mpf(1) == mpf(1.1). The results of all floating point
calculations are now rounded to the requested precision. mpf
calculations may now produce slightly different results but the
results are still within the bounds of the requested accuracy. As an
alternative, the mpmath library provides consistently rounded floating
point arithmetic and support a wide variety of transcendental

Comments on provided binaries

The 32-bit Windows installers were compiled using MPIR 0.9 RC2 and
will automatically recognize the CPU type and use code optimized for
that CPU.

gmpy 1.04 libraries are also provided for 64-bit Windows and Python
2.6. There is no installer; the appropriate gmpy.pyd must be copied to
the site-packages directory.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Financial aid for PyCon 2009 is now available

2009-02-02 Thread Ted Pollari
I'm happy to announce that the Python Software Foundation has  
allocated funds to help people attend PyCon 2009!

If you would like to come to PyCon but can't afford it, the PSF may be  
able to help you pay for registration, lodging/hotel costs and  
transportation (flight etc.). Please see 
 for full details, or email with questions.


   Support the Python Software Foundation: