CodeInvestigator 0.18.0

2009-10-29 Thread hans moleman
CodeInvestigator 0.18.0 was released on October 29.

It mainly deals with bug fixes:
 - Simple statements all on the one line separated by a semicolon.
 - Generators and yield.

It has one enhancement:
 - An Entry Point filter was added. It allows you the leave out the
entry points you're not interested in.

You need Python 2.6 and Firefox for CodeInvestigator.

CodeInvestigator is a tracing tool for Python programs.

Running a program through CodeInvestigator creates a recording.
Program flow, function calls, variable values and conditions are all
stored for every line the program executes.
The recording is then viewed with an interface consisting of the
code. The code can be clicked: A clicked variable displays its
a clicked loop displays its iterations.
You read code, and have at your disposal all the run time details of
that code. A computerized desk check tool and another way to learn
about your program.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Bazaar 2.0.1 and 2.1.0b1 released

2009-10-29 Thread John Arbash Meinel
Our first post-2.0 releases of Bazaar have finally become official. Now
that we are at 2.0, we decided to split a stable releases series and a
development series. As such, 2.0.1 has only bugfixes relative to the 2.0
release, while new features and potential compatibility changes are
contained only within 2.1.0b1. All of the changes in 2.0.1 are available
in 2.1.0b1.

Thanks to everyone who has helped polish the 2.0.1 release, and ensure
that our next 2.1 stable release will have lots of interesting changes
to come.

To get your own copy, please visit
Packages for many popular platforms are available.

The short summaries of changes are:
bzr 2.0.1

:Codename: Stability First
:2.0.1: 2009-10-14

The first of our new ongoing bugfix-only stable releases has arrived. It
includes a collection of 12 bugfixes applied to bzr 2.0.0, but does not
include any of the feature development in the 2.1.0 series.

bzr 2.1.0b1

:Codename: While the cat is away
:2.1.0b1: 2009-10-14

This is the first development release in the new split "stable" and
"development" series. As such, the release is a snapshot of
without creating a release candidate first. This release includes a
fair amount of internal changes, with deprecated code being removed,
and several new feature developments. People looking for a stable code
base with only bugfixes should focus on the 2.0.1 release. All bugfixes
present in 2.0.1 are present in 2.1.0b1.

Highlights include support for ``bzr+ssh://host/~/homedir`` style urls,
finer control over the plugin search path via extended BZR_PLUGIN_PATH
syntax, visible warnings when extension modules fail to load, and
improved error handling during unlocking.


This is the full NEWS entry about all bugs/features fixed and released
relative to 2.0.0:

bzr 2.1.0b1

:Codename: While the cat is away
:2.1.0b1: 2009-10-14

This is the first development release in the new split "stable" and
"development" series. As such, the release is a snapshot of
without creating a release candidate first. This release includes a
fair amount of internal changes, with deprecated code being removed,
and several new feature developments. People looking for a stable code
base with only bugfixes should focus on the 2.0.1 release. All bugfixes
present in 2.0.1 are present in 2.1.0b1.

Highlights include support for ``bzr+ssh://host/~/homedir`` style urls,
finer control over the plugin search path via extended BZR_PLUGIN_PATH
syntax, visible warnings when extension modules fail to load, and improved
error handling during unlocking.

New Features

* Bazaar can now send mail through Apple OS X
  (Brian de Alwis)

* ``bzr+ssh`` and ``bzr`` paths can now be relative to home directories
  specified in the URL.  Paths starting with a path segment of ``~`` are
  relative to the home directory of the user running the server, and paths
  starting with ``~user`` are relative to the home directory of the named
  user.  For example, for a user "bob" with a home directory of
  ``/home/bob``, these URLs are all equivalent:

  * ``bzr+ssh://b...@host/~/repo``
  * ``bzr+ssh://b...@host/~bob/repo``
  * ``bzr+ssh://b...@host/home/bob/repo``

  If ``bzr serve`` was invoked with a ``--directory`` argument, then no
  home directories outside that directory will be accessible via this

  This is a feature of ``bzr serve``, so pre-2.1 clients will
  automatically benefit from this feature when ``bzr`` on the server is
  upgraded.  (Andrew Bennetts, #109143)

* Extensions can now be compiled if either Cython or Pyrex is available.
  Currently Pyrex is preferred, but that may change in the future.

* Give more control on BZR_PLUGIN_PATH by providing a way to refer to or
  disable the user, site and core plugin directories.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #412930, #316192, #145612)

Bug Fixes

* Bazaar's native protocol code now correctly handles EINTR, which most
  noticeably occurs if you break in to the debugger while connected to a
  bzr+ssh server.  You can now can continue from the debugger (by typing
  'c') and the process continues.  However, note that pressing C-\ in the
  shell may still kill the SSH process, which is bug 162509, so you must
  sent a signal to the bzr process specifically, for example by typing
  ``kill -QUIT PID`` in another shell.  (Martin Pool, #341535)

* ``bzr add`` in a tree that has files with ``\r`` or ``\n`` in the
  filename will issue a warning and skip over those files.
  (Robert Collins, #3918)

* ``bzr dpush`` now aborts if uncommitted changes (including pending merges)
  are present in the working tree. The configuration option ``dpush_strict``
  can be used to set the default for this behavior.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #438158)

* ``bzr merge`` and ``bzr remove-tree`` now requires --force if pending
  merges are present in the working tree.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #426344)

* Clearer message when Ba

Wing IDE 3.2.2 released

2009-10-29 Thread Wingware


Wingware has released version 3.2.2 of Wing IDE, our integrated development
environment for the Python programming language.

This bug fix release includes the following:

* Added Toggle Bookmark for unnamed bookmarks, visual indicator
  of bookmarks, and bookmark traversal menu in editor
* Improved syntax highlighting for Mako templates (*.mako)
* Show number of replacements for Replace All operations
* Several performance improvements for large projects and for editor
* Added toolbar to OS Commands tool and option to auto-save before
  executing a command
* Fix for hanging up the editor on certain Python files
* Several other bug fixes and minor features.  See the change log for

*Wing 3.2 Highlights*

Version 3.2 of Wing IDE includes the following new features not present
in Wing IDE 3.1:

* Support for Python 3.0 and 3.1
* Rewritten version control integration with support for Subversion, CVS,
  Bazaar, git, Mercurial, and Perforce (*)
* Added 64-bit Debian, RPM, and tar file installers for Linux
* File management in Project view (**)
* Auto-completion in the editor obtains completion data from live runtime
  when the debugger is active (**)
* Perspectives: Create and save named GUI layouts and optionally automatically
  transition when debugging is started (*)
* Improved support for Cython and Pyrex (*.pyx files)
* Added key binding documentation to the manual
* Added Restart Debugging item in Debug menu and tool bar (**)
* Improved OS Commands and Bookmarks tools (*)

(*)'d items are available in Wing IDE Professional only.
(**)'d items are available in Wing IDE Personal and Professional only.

The release also contains many other minor features and bug fixes; see the
change log for details:


Wing IDE Professional and Wing IDE Personal are commercial software and
require a license to run. A free trial license can be obtained directly from
the product when launched.  Wing IDE 101 can be used free of charge.

Wing IDE Pro 3.2.2

Wing IDE Personal 3.2.2

Wing IDE 101 3.2.2

*About Wing IDE*

Wing IDE is an integrated development environment for the Python programming
language.  It provides powerful debugging, editing, code intelligence,
testing, version control, and search capabilities that reduce development and
debugging time, cut down on coding errors, and make it easier to understand
and navigate Python code.

Wing IDE is available in three product levels:  Wing IDE Professional is
the full-featured Python IDE, Wing IDE Personal offers a reduced feature
set at a low price, and Wing IDE 101 is a free simplified version designed
for teaching entry level programming courses with Python.

System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later for PPC or
Intel (requires X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit).
Wing IDE 3.2 supports Python versions 2.0.x through 3.1.x.

*Purchasing and Upgrading*

Wing 3.2 is a free upgrade for all Wing IDE 3.0 and 3.1 users. Any 2.x license
sold after May 2nd 2006 is free to upgrade; others cost 1/2 the normal price
to upgrade.

Upgrade a 2.x license:

Purchase a 3.x license:


The Wingware Team
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development


   Support the Python Software Foundation: