Release 0.19.0 of CodeInvestigator.

2009-11-20 Thread hans moleman
CodeInvestigator 0.19.0 was released on November 20.

Bug fixes:

An issue with 'from module import *'.

Functionality change:

Removal of most of the items on the Entry Points screen:
Indirect calls are now logged against the originating line.
These calls were clogging up the Entry Points screen before.

If a call of your code is made, and that call can't be clicked in
code, then that call is logged against the line that it originated
The line shows a triangle, and when that is clicked all these
indirect calls are shown in a list.

The __iter__, __repr__ and __getattr__ calls for example, show up
these lists.

Another example are callbacks. The call can't be clicked in the
but the line that calls them indirectly is 'gtk.main()'.
All the callbacks are logged against that line and can be clicked

The entry screen now only shows imports and threads.

You need Python 2.6 and Firefox for CodeInvestigator.

CodeInvestigator is a tracing tool for Python programs.

Running a program through CodeInvestigator creates a recording.
Program flow, function calls, variable values and conditions are all
stored for every line the program executes.
The recording is then viewed with an interface consisting of the
code. The code can be clicked: A clicked variable displays its
a clicked loop displays its iterations.
You read code, and have at your disposal all the run time details of
that code. A computerized desk check tool and another way to learn
about your program.

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Book: Programming Python 3 (Second Edition) now available

2009-11-20 Thread Mark Summerfield

I'm delighted to announce that a new edition of my Python 3 book is
now available in the U.S.

"Programming in Python 3 (Second Edition):
A Complete Introduction to the Python Language"
ISBN 0321680561

The book has been fully revised and updated and now covers both Python
3.0 and 3.1, and with the language moratorium (PEP 3003), this second
edition should be useful for many years to come. And in addition to
thorough updating, the book has been extended with new chapters on
debugging, testing, and profiling, and on parsing (including coverage
of the
PyParsing and PLY modules), as well as a new section on coroutines in
the advanced chapter.

The book is aimed at a wide audience, but assumes some programming
experience (not necessarily Python, not necessarily object-oriented).
It teaches solid procedural style programming, then builds on that to
teach solid object-oriented programming, and then goes on to more
advanced topics (e.g., including a nice way to create validated
attributes by combining class decorators with descriptors).
But even newcomers to Python 3 should be able to write
useful (although small and basic) programs after reading
chapter 1, and then go on to create larger and
more sophisticated programs as they work through the chapters.

All the examples are available for download from the book's web site.

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AVC 0.8.0 released

2009-11-20 Thread Fabrizio Pollastri

Announcing AVC 0.8.0


What is AVC?
AVC is a multiplatform, fully automatic, live connection among
graphical interface widgets and application variables for the python
language. AVC supports in a uniform way the most popular widget
toolkits: GTK+, Qt3, Qt4, Tk, wxWidgets, Swing.

New features
* Added support for java Swing widget toolkit, widgets: button, check
  box, combo box, label, progress bar, radio box, slider, spinner table,
  text area, text field, toggle button, tree.
* Changed real widget mapping: substituted eval of widget string names
  with dictionary of abstract widget classes keyed by real widget
* Added check for executed avc_init in avc_connect.
* Added dual install capability to setup to cope with both python and

* Fully transparent widget-variable connections
* Automatic connection by matching widgets and variables names
* Multiple matching namespaces
* Dynamic connections
* No design pattern, no application redesign, no widget toolkit
  dependent code, separation between application logic and GUI.
* Multiple widget toolkits support: GTK+, Qt3, Qt4, Tk, wxWidgets,
* Full compatibility and support for Glade, Qt Designer, Visual Tcl
  and wxGlade interface design tools.
* Normal widgets: button, check button, combo box, entry, label,
  progress bar, radio button, slider, spin button, status bar, text
  view/edit, toggle button.
* Advanced widgets: list view, tree view.
* Normal variable types: boolean, integer, float, string, list, tuple.
* Advanced variable types: 2D table (list of lists), hierarchical tree
  (dictionary with path of values inside tree as keys).
* Multiple widgets to one variable connection
* Dual update timing of variable value views: immediate or periodic.
* Testing printout logging activity with selectable verbosity
* Python package written in pure python
* Free software ( GNU GPL license )


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