python Barcamp in Cologne - regional unconference

2010-04-07 Thread Reimar Bauer
The german python usergroup pyCologne announces a barcamp at 17.4 in
For further details see  (Sorry, this page is
in German only)

An unconference is a facilitated, participant-driven conference
centered on a theme or purpose (



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PyCon Australia Call For Proposals

2010-04-07 Thread Richard Jones
Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce that on the 26th and 27th of June we are running PyCon
Australia in Sydney!

We are looking for proposals for Talks on all aspects of Python programming
from novice to advanced levels; applications and frameworks, or how you
have been involved in introducing Python into your organisation.

We welcome first-time speakers; we are a community conference and we are
eager to hear about your experience. If you have friends or colleagues
who have something valuable to contribute, twist their arms to tell us
about it! Please also forward this Call for Proposals to anyone that you
feel may be interested.

To find out more go to the official Call for Proposals page here:

The deadline for proposal submission is the 29th of April. Proposal
acceptance will be announced on the 12th of May.

See you in Sydney in June!

Richard Jones
PyCon AU Program Chair

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ANN: oejskit 0.8.8 JavaScript in-browser testing with py.test plugin and glue

2010-04-07 Thread Samuele Pedroni

I'm happy to announce a new release of OE jskit 0.8.8 available on PyPI.

Main points of interest:

* the code to check for the presence of browsers locally has been
improved, browser specifications can now with much more confidence list 
absent browsers and the respective runs/tests will be skipped

* added a workaround to a bug in Firefox 3.5 that interferes with the
global variable leak detection code, this is simply turned off for
FF3.5. The bug itself is fixed in FF3.6

About OE jskit:

jskit contains infrastructure and in particular a py.test plugin to
enable running unit tests for JavaScript code inside browsers.
It contains also glue code to run JavaScript tests from
based test suites.

The approach also enables to write integration tests such that the
JavaScript code is tested against server-side Python code mocked as
necessary. Any server-side framework that can already be exposed through
WSGI can play.

The plugin requires py.test 1.1.1 and should also work with current trunk.

More information and downloading at:

including a changelog, documentation and the talk I gave at Europython 2009.

jskit was initially developed by Open End AB and is released under the
MIT license.

In various incarnations it has been in use and useful at Open End for
more than two years, we are quite happy to share it.

Samuele Pedroni for Open End

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WxPython's Py Suite (PyCrust, etc.) updated with new "magic" features and new notebook interface shell, PySlices

2010-04-07 Thread David Mashburn

WxPython's Py Suite (PyCrust, etc.) updated with new "magic" features and new 
notebook interface shell, PySlices.

WxPython has, for a long time, included PyCrust, one of the most popular
Python shells.  PyCrust has found uses in a number of projects, including
Stani's Python Editor and some projects at Enthought.  PyCrust, part of the
larger "Py suite" of tools, had been dormant for some time now, but it is
now under a new maintainer and has recently been updated!  Py Suite
can be found in the wxPython 2.9 svn branch (import path is,
on a Google code page (
and in PyPI (package name is wx_py).
Py Suite requires wxPython 2.8 or later.
A summary of the major changes follows:

The biggest change is certainly the inclusion of a new notebook interface
version of PyCrust called "PySlices" into the Py suite!  It features
multi-line execution in re-runnable code blocks called "slices" and the
ability to save to a simple .pyslices format that when converted to .py
is still valid python code!  PySlices is a great lightweight alternative
to the excellent SAGE and Reinteract projects.

Both PyCrust and PySlices now include some ipython style "magic" features:

Unix-style path functions:
   "cd", "ls", and "pwd" all work as expected
Space based function calls:
   "f 1" will automatically convert to "f(1)"
"?" character to call help:
   "?dir" is equivalent to "help(dir)"
"!" character to call operating system shell commands:
   "!foobar" is automatically converted to "commands.getoutput('foobar')"

There is also a highly experimental shell (not included in the wxPython svn
version) called SymPySlices that uses sympy for for automatic symbol
creation, and allows for the use of unicode charcters directly in python.
Mathematical operators (including some infix operators via ast parsing) are
supported.  SymPySlices additionally requires Python 2.6 or later and sympy.
This is still very experimental, so please let me know if you have
questions, problems, or ideas (!

You can read more about these projects on the google code page:
at the PyPI page:
and in the original wxTrac ticket:

Feel free to email me with questions, bugs, and feature requests!";>Py Suite - WxPython's Py 
Suite (PyCrust, etc.) updated with new "magic" features and new notebook interface shell, PySlices.   


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virtualenvwrapper 2.0

2010-04-07 Thread Doug Hellmann

What is virtualenvwrapper

virtualenvwrapper_ is a set of extensions to Ian Bicking's virtualenv_
tool.  The extensions include wrappers for creating and deleting
virtual environments and otherwise managing your development workflow,
making it easier to work on more than one project at a time without
introducing conflicts in their dependencies.

What's New in 2.0

This new version uses a significantly rewritten version of the
hook/callback subsystem to make it easier to share extensions.  For
example, released at the same time is virtualenvwrapper-emacs-desktop_,
a plugin to switch emacs project files when you switch virtualenvs.

Existing user scripts should continue to work as-written. Any failures
are probably a bug, so please report them on the bitbucket
tracker. Documentation for the new plugin system is available in the
virtualenvwrapper docs_.

I also took this opportunity to change the name of the shell script
containing most of the virtualenvwrapper functionality from
virtualenvwrapper_bashrc to This reflects the
fact that several shells other than bash are supported (bash, sh, ksh,
and zsh are all reported to work). You'll want to update your shell
startup file after upgrading to 2.0.

The work to create the plugin system was triggered by a couple of
recent feature requests for environment templates and for a new
command to create a sub-shell instead of simply changing the settings
of the current shell. The new, more powerful, plugin capabilities will
make it easier to develop these and similar features.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the community comes up with. I
especially want someone to write a plugin to start a copy of a
development server for a Django project if one is found in a
virtualenv. You'll get bonus points if it opens the home page of the
server in a web browser.

.. _virtualenv:

.. _virtualenvwrapper:

.. _virtualenvwrapper-emacs-desktop:

.. _docs:


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Grease 0.2 Released

2010-04-07 Thread Casey Duncan
Grease is a pluggable and highly extensible 2D game engine and framework for

The intent of this project is to provide a fresh approach to Python game
development. The component-based architecture allows games to be constructed
bit by bit with built-in separation of concerns. The engine acknowledges that
all game projects are unique and have different requirements. Thus Grease does
not attempt to provide one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead it provides
pluggable components and systems than can be configured, adapted and extended
to fits the particular needs at hand.

This early release has only basic functionality, but it already
demonstrates the power
of the underlying architecture for rapid development.

The goals of the project include:

* Making Python game development faster and more fun by allowing the developer
  to focus on creating their game rather than getting bogged down in
  architecture, low-level apis and adapting ill-fitting tools together.

* To provide pluggable and extensible parts that implement first-class
  techniques and algorithms that can be leveraged for many projects.

* To fully document the engine and provide examples that demonstrate best
  practices for others to base their projects on.

* To facilitate outside contribution of parts and ideas into the framework
  that have proven useful in the wild.

* To provide optional native-code optimized parts for maximum performance,
  but also provide equivalent parts coded in pure Python for ease
  of installation and distribution.

Not all of these goals have been realized yet, but I feel the project is well
on their path.


Grease is distributed under a permissive MIT-style open source license. This
license permits you to use grease for commercial or non-commercial purposes
free of charge. It makes no demands on how, or whether, you license, or
release the code derived from or built upon Grease, other than preservation of
copyright notice.

For a complete text of the license see the ``LICENSE.txt`` file in the source


Grease is platform-independent and should run on any operating system
supporting Python and Pyglet.

The following are required to build and install Grease:

* Python 2.6 (
* Pyglet 1.1 (

Downloading Grease

You can download Grease from the Python package index (pypi):



You can browse the documentation online at:


The documentation is also available for offline viewing in the
``doc/build/html`` subdirectory for the source distribution.

Development Status

Grease is alpha software under active development. The APIs may change in
future releases, however efforts will be made to minimize breakage between

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[ANN] Greenlet 0.3.1 released

2010-04-07 Thread Kyle Ambroff
Announcing the release of greenlet 0.3.1:

0.3.1 is a bugfix release that fixes a critical reference leak bug. The 0.3
release introduced support for passing keyword arguments to the switch method.
There was an edge case where an empty keyword argument dictionary would not have
its reference count decremented, which would cause a memory leak.

Thanks to Marcin Bachry for reporting the bug and providing a patch.

What is Greenlet?
The greenlet package is a spin-off of Stackless, a version of CPython
that supports micro-threads called "tasklets". Tasklets run
pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads)
and are synchronized with data exchanges on "channels". A "greenlet",
on the other hand, is a still more primitive notion of micro-thread
with no implicit scheduling; coroutines, in other words.

greenlet is used by several non-blocking IO packages as a more flexible
alternative to Python's built in coroutines.

 * concurrence
 * eventlet
 * gevent

Mercurial repository:


-Kyle Ambroff

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ANN: pydf 9

2010-04-07 Thread garabik-news-2005-05
pydf displays the amount of used and available space on your
filesystems, just like df, but in colours. The output format is
completely customizable.

Pydf was written and works on Linux, but should work also on other
modern UNIX systems (including MacOSX).


public domain

Changes since the last version:

 * remove stray ANSI escape sequence when using --bw mode
 * convert to run with python3 (thanks to Dror Levin), while python2 
   remains supported.

| Radovan GarabĂ­k |
| __..--^^^--..__garabik @ |
Antivirus alert: file .signature infected by signature virus.
Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread!

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