upcoming Python training in Florida, April 27-29

2010-04-14 Thread Mark Lutz
Greetings Python fans,

Don't miss your chance to attend our upcoming Florida
Python training seminar later this month. This 3-day
public class will be held on April 27-29, in Sarasota,
Florida.  It is open to both individuals and groups.

For more details on the class, as well as registration
instructions, please visit the class web page:


If you are unable to attend in April, our next Sarasota
class is already scheduled for July 13-15.

Thanks, and we hope to see you at a Python class in
Florida soon.

--Mark Lutz (lutz @ learning-python.com)

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SciPy 2010 News: Specialized track deadline extended

2010-04-14 Thread Amenity Applewhite

Have you been meaning to prepare an abstract to submit for a SciPy 2010
specialized track (http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2010/papers.html#tracks 

Didn't find the time? Well you're in luck.
This weekend, we had technical issues with the email submissions for the
specialized tracks. In light of the inconvenience, we've decided to  

the deadline an additional two weeks until Sunday, April 25th.

If you have an abstract ready for one of the four specialized tracks,  

use the links below to submit it to the program chair. If you previously
submitted one and didn't receive confirmation that we received it, it  

be a great idea to submit it again to ensure we get it.

  * Biomedical/bioinformatics chaired by Glen Otero, Dell
submit/contact: 2010bioinformat...@scipy.org

  * Financial analysis chaired by Wes McKinney, AQR Capital Management
submit/contact: 2010fina...@scipy.org

  * Geophysics chaired by Alan Jackson, Shell
submit/contact: 2010geophys...@scipy.org

  * Parallel processing & cloud computing co-chaired by Ken Elkabany,
PiCloud & Brian Granger, CalPoly
submit/contact: 2010paral...@scipy.org

Main Conference Submissions
Submissions for the main SciPy 2010 conference closed Sunday. Thanks to
everyone who submitted. We'll announce the accepted talks Tuesday April

Student Sponsorships
If you're an academic and contribute to SciPy or related projects,  
make sure

to apply for one of our student sponsorships. The deadline to apply is
April 18th. We are also accepting nominations.

Don't forget to register...
Registrations are coming in pretty steadily now. Remember that to get  

registration prices you need to [8]register before May 10th!

The SciPy 2010 Team
@SciPy2010 on Twitter

Amenity Applewhite
Enthought, Inc.
Scientific Computing Solutions


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 2.0.6 released

2010-04-14 Thread Nagappan Alagappan

About LDTP:

Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test
automation framework (using GNOME / Python) and cutting-edge tools that can
be used to test Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility
libraries to poke through the application's user interface. We strive to
help in building a quality desktop.

Changes in this release:

Bug 547572 - Components should be exposed in a hierarchical way
Bug 614249 - Connection refused when importing ldtp module

Special thanks to Ara Pulido [1], Anupa Kamath (VMware India), James Tatum

Download source:

Download RPM from
Will schedule deb build in openSUSE build service tomorrow

Documentation references:

For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

For information on various APIs in LDTP including those added for this
release can be got from http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/user-doc/index.html

Report bugs - http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/Bugs

To subscribe to LDTP mailing list, visit

IRC Channel - #ldtp on irc.freenode.net


[1] - http://ubuntutesting.wordpress.com/
[2] - https://launchpad.net/~jtatum

Linux Desktop (GUI Application) Testing Project -

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Reminder: Python BarCamp Cologne this Saturday, April 17, 2010, registration still open!

2010-04-14 Thread Christopher Arndt
(The following announcement is about a regional unconference in Cologne,
 Germany, so the reminder of the message is in German language.)

Hallo liebe Pythonfreunde,

ich möchte nochmals darauf hinweisen, dass an diesem Samstag, dem
17.14.2010 das erste Python BarCamp in Köln, organisiert von pyCologne,
der Python User Group Köln, statt findet.

Nähere Information zu dieser Unkonferenz findet man im deutschen Python


Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 beschränkt, es sind aber noch einige
Plätze für Kurzentschlossene frei! Informationen zur Registrierung
findet man unter der angegebenen URL. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos, das
Mittagessen wird teilweise gesponsort aber jeder Teilnehmer sollte die
Bereitschaft mitbringen, eine etwa 30-45 minütige Session zu einem
Pythonthema seiner Wahl zu leiten.

Es würde uns freuen, wenn ihr Informationen über dieses Event kräftig in
euren Blogs oder über Twitter u.ä. verbreitet, sowohl im Vorfeld als
auch während der Veranstaltung, falls ihr es nicht sowieso schon getan
habt. Aber am besten kommt ihr natürlich selbst vorbei!

Für diejenigen, die nicht dabei sein können, werden wir auf jeden Fall
Audio-Aufzeichnungen der Sessions machen, eventuell auch Videoaufnahmen,
und diese dann im Wiki und anderen Stellen veröffentlichen. Die
Teilnehmer sind angehalten auch selbst fleißig über das Event im
Internet zu berichten.

Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme, bis Samstag in Köln!

Christopher Arndt
für pyCologne (http://pycologne.de/)

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