GroupServer 11.03 — Pineapple Snow at a Child's Party

2011-03-31 Thread Richard Waid
The team at OnlineGroups.Net is pleased to announce the release of
GroupServer 11.03 — Pineapple Snow at a Child's Party. Pineapple Snow
is now available from:

Changes in this release concentrate on a new Change Email Settings
page. The the release notes contain more details on the changes that
have been made:

GroupServer is written in Python utilising the Zope and the ZTK framework.
We believe that GroupServer has the ease of use of web based groups such
as Google Groups, the administrative freedom of mailing list managers
such as Mailman, and the developer-freedom of open source software
with the GPL Licence.

A feature comparison is available:

We are now looking forward to the next release: GroupServer 11.04 —
Slushy Followed by a Pounding Headache. Details of what we are planning
in each release can be seen on the GroupServer Trac site:

If you wish to report a bug, please do so here:

We would love to hear what you think about GroupServer, you can email
us at:

We would like to acknowledge the ongoing support of the
project  in making GroupServer releases possible.

If you would like to have features added to GroupServer, are unable to
contribute technically, but have the means to contribute financially,
the team at OnlineGroups.Net would love to hear from you. We are
able to help with both generic GroupServer improvements as well as
bespoke GroupServer development and deployment for your organisation,
including web design. We can also provide setup assistance, including
remote hands support.

If you wish to try GroupServer in a hosted environment without
installing, and with the benefit of all the latest features, please
try OnlineGroups.Net at:

We hope you enjoy the new release as much as we have enjoyed bringing
it to you!

Best regards,

Richard Waid
Technical Lead


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Wing IDE 4.0.1 released

2011-03-31 Thread Wingware


Wingware has released version 4.0.1 of Wing IDE, an integrated development
environment designed specifically for the Python programming language.

Wing IDE is a cross-platform Python IDE that provides a professional code
editor with vi, emacs, and other key bindings, auto-completion, call tips,
refactoring, a powerful graphical debugger, version control, unit testing,
search, and many other features.

**Changes in Version 4.0.1**

* Several fixes in source analysis, find uses, and refactoring
* Improves Django support and adds support for Django 1.3
* Adds support for 64-bit Python 3.2 on Windows
* Improves diff/merge for non-ascii text and on Windows
* Adds support for debugging Python with -O command line option
* Avoids a potential hang in the debugger with wx and gtk GUI apps
* Fixes a potential crash on long lines in the editor
* Fixes problems that could lead to failure to start
* About 40 other bug fixes and minor improvements

See the change log for details.

**New Features in Version 4.0**

Version 4.0 adds the following new major features:

* Refactoring -- Rename and move symbols, and extract code to function 
or method

* Find Uses -- Find all points of use of a symbol
* Diff/Merge -- Graphical file and repository comparison and merge
* Django Support -- Debug Django templates, run Django unit tests, and more
* matplotlib Support -- Maintains live-updating plots in shell and debugger
* Simplified Licensing -- Includes all OSes and adds Support+Upgrades 

Complete Change Log:

Details on Licensing Changes:

**About Wing IDE**

Wing IDE is an integrated development environment designed specifically for
the Python programming language.  It provides powerful editing, testing, and
debugging features that help reduce development and debugging time, cut down
on coding errors, and make it easier to understand and navigate Python code.
Wing IDE can be used to develop Python code for web, GUI, and embedded
scripting applications.

Wing IDE is available in three product levels:  Wing IDE Professional is
the full-featured Python IDE, Wing IDE Personal offers a reduced feature
set at a low price, and Wing IDE 101 is a free simplified version designed
for teaching beginning programming courses with Python.

Version 4.0 of Wing IDE Professional includes the following major features:

* Professional quality code editor with vi, emacs, and other keyboard
* Code intelligence for Python:  Auto-completion, call tips, find uses,
  goto-definition, error indicators, refactoring, smart indent and 

  and source navigation
* Advanced multi-threaded debugger with graphical UI, command line 

  conditional breakpoints, data value tooltips over code, watch tool, and
  externally launched and remote debugging
* Powerful search and replace options including keyboard driven and 

  UIs, multi-file, wild card, and regular expression search and replace
* Version control integration for Subversion, CVS, Bazaar, git, 
Mercurial, and

* Integrated unit testing with unittest, nose, and doctest frameworks
* Django support:  Debugs Django templates, provides project setup tools,
  and runs Django unit tests
* Many other features including project manager, bookmarks, code snippets,
  diff/merge tool, OS command integration, indentation manager, PyLint
  integration, and perspectives
* Extremely configurable and may be extended with Python scripts
* Extensive product documentation and How-Tos for Django, matplotlib,
  Plone, wxPython, PyQt, mod_wsgi, Autodesk Maya, and many other frameworks

Please refer to for a detailed listing
of features by product level.

System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later 
X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit).  Wing IDE 

Python versions 2.0.x through 3.2.x and Stackless Python.

For more information, see the


Wing IDE Professional and Wing IDE Personal are commercial software and
require a license to run. A free trial can be obtained directly from the
product when launched.

Wing IDE Pro -- Full-featured product:

Wing IDE Personal -- A simplified IDE:

Wing IDE 101 -- For teaching with Python:

**Purchasing and Upgrading**

Wing 4.0 requires an upgrade for Wing IDE 2.x and 3.x users at a cost of
1/2 the full product pricing.

Upgrade a license:
Purchase a new license:


The Wingware Team
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

EuroPython 2011: call for paper is ending - Please spread the word

2011-03-31 Thread Palla
Hi everyone,
I'm Francesco and I am writing on behalf of "Python Italia APS", a no-profit
association promoting EuroPython conference. (

Europython End of Call for Presentations is April 6th. I'd like to ask to
you to forward this mail to anyone that you feel may be interested.

We're looking for proposals on every aspects of Python: programming from
novice to advanced levels, applications and frameworks, or how you have been
involved in introducing Python into your organisation.

**First-time speakers are especially welcome**; EuroPython is a community
conference and we are eager to hear about your experience.

If you have friends or colleagues who have something valuable to contribute,
twist their arms to tell us about it!

Presenting at EuroPython

We will accept a broad range of presentations, from reports on academic and
commercial projects to tutorials and case studies. As long as the
presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the Python community,
it will be considered for inclusion in the programme.

Can you show the conference-goers something new and useful? Can you show
attendees how to: use a module? Explore a Python language feature? Package
an application? If so, consider submitting a talk.

Talks and hands-on trainings

There are two different kind of presentations that you can give as a speaker
at EuroPython:

 * **Regular talk**. These are standard "talk with slides", allocated in
slots of 45, 60 or 90 minutes, depending on your preference and scheduling
constraints. A Q&A session is held at the end of the talk.
 * **Hands-on training**. These are advanced training sessions for a smaller
audience (10-20 people), to dive into the subject with all details. These
sessions are 4-hours long, and audience will be strongly encouraged to bring
a laptop to experiment. They should be prepared with less slides and more
source code. If possible, trainers will also give a short "teaser talk" of
30 minutes the day before the training, to tease delegates into attending
the training.

In the talk submission form, we assume that you intend to give a regular
talk on the subject, but you will be asked if you are available for also
doing a hands-on training on the very same subject.

Speakers that will give a hands-on training are rewarded with a **free
entrance** to EuroPython to compensate for the longer preparation required,
and might also be eligible for a speaking fee (which we cannot confirm at
the moment).

Topics and goals

Specific topics for EuroPython presentations include, but are not limited

- Core Python
- Other implementations: Jython, IronPython, PyPy, and Stackless
- Python libraries and extensions
- Python 3.x migration
- Databases
- Documentation
- GUI Programming
- Game Programming
- Network Programming
- Open Source Python projects
- Packaging Issues
- Programming Tools
- Project Best Practices
- Embedding and Extending
- Science and Math
- Web-based Systems

Presentation goals usually are some of the following:

- Introduce audience to a new topic they are unaware of
- Introduce audience to new developments on a well-known topic
- Show audience real-world usage scenarios for a specific topic (case study)
- Dig into advanced and relatively-unknown details on a topic
- Compare different options in the market on a topic

Community-based talk voting
This year, for the first time in EuroPython history, the talk voting process
is fully public. Every partecipant gains the right to vote for talks
submitted during the Call For Papers, as soon as they commit to their
presence at the conference by buying a ticket. See all the details in the
talk voting[1] page.


For any further question, feel free to contact the organizers at Thank you!



Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANNOUNCE: sqlkit

2011-03-31 Thread sandro
  ANNOUNCE: sqlkit

  March, 31 - 2011

I'm happy to announce release of sqlkit package for Python.

This release

An option as been added to sqledit to create tables if the model is
provided. Mask Sqlwidget now automatically switches to a multicolumn layout
if no layout is provided and many fields are to be displayed. The setup now
creates a sqledit executable for Windows as well

The python package
SQLkit PyGtk package provides Mask and Table widgets to edit database
data. It's meant as a base for database desktop applications.

The application
It also provides 'sqledit' a PyGTK application based on sqlkit that can be
used from command line to browse and edit data. 

The package has 2 very rich demo suites for sql widgets (the main one in
sqlkit/demo/sql/ and for layout creation

If you like sqlkit and want to help translating, you may find the project on:

Main features of sqlkit:

  * editor of databases in 2 modes: table & mask
  * based on sqlalchemy: can cope with many different databases
  * very powerfull filtering capabilities:
- each field can be used to filter records
- filter may span relationship
- date filtering possible also on relative basis (good for saved 
  * completion on all text field and foreign keys
  * very easy way to draw a layout for mask views
  * completely effortless editing of relationships
  * very easy way to set defaults
  * possibility to display totals of numeric fields
  * any possible sql constraint can be attached to a Mask or a 
Table. It can be expressed as a normal sqlalchemy query or with 
django-like syntax
  * sqledit: the application to edit db

Sqlkit is based on:
  * python (>= 2.5)
  * PyGtk   
  * Sqlalchemy (>= 0.5.4)
  * python-dateutil
  * babel (localization)
  * you db driver of choice

Dowload & more:

  * Download:
  easy_install sqlkit
  * Source:   hg clone
  * Google Group:
  * Translation:
  * Tutorial:
  * Changelog:
  * License:  GNU GPLv3

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: trombi 0.9.0

2011-03-31 Thread Jyrki Pulliainen
Announcing Trombi version 0.9.0

Trombi is an asynchronous CouchDB client for Tornado, the asynchronous
web server by Facebook.

Version 0.9.0 brings following changes:


  * Add support for querying _all_docs (Thanks Jeremy Kelley)
  * Add support for bulk_docs
  * Add support for changes feed
  * Introduce Paginator for paginating results (thanks Jarrod Baumann)


  * Drop support for Document._as_dict, which was deprecated in 0.8


  * Improve error handling in various places
  * Support Tornado's SimpleHTTPClient
  * Various bug fixes

Trombi is available at PyPI:
Sources and issue tracker are available in Github:
Documentation for 0.9.0 is available at:

Jyrki Pulliainen

Support the Python Software Foundation: