Re: [RELEASED] Python 3.4.0b1

2013-11-24 Thread Larry Hastings

On 11/24/2013 02:00 PM, Larry Hastings wrote:

Python 3.4 includes a range of improvements of the 3.x series, including
hundreds of small improvements and bug fixes.  Major new features and
changes in the 3.4 release series include:

Whoops, sorry, I missed a couple of PEPs there:

* PEP 428, a "pathlib" module providing object-oriented filesystem paths
* PEP 451, standardizing module metadata for Python's module import system
* PEP 454, a new "tracemalloc" module for tracing Python memory allocations

They're on the web site already, and they'll be in the next announcement.

Sorry for the oversight!


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[RELEASED] Python 3.4.0b1

2013-11-24 Thread Larry Hastings

On behalf of the Python development team, it's my privilege to announce
the first beta release of Python 3.4.

This is a preview release, and its use is not recommended for
production settings.

Python 3.4 includes a range of improvements of the 3.x series, including
hundreds of small improvements and bug fixes.  Major new features and
changes in the 3.4 release series include:

* PEP 435, a standardized "enum" module
* PEP 436, a build enhancement that will help generate introspection
   information for builtins
* PEP 442, improved semantics for object finalization
* PEP 443, adding single-dispatch generic functions to the standard library
* PEP 445, a new C API for implementing custom memory allocators
* PEP 446, changing file descriptors to not be inherited by default
   in subprocesses
* PEP 450, a new "statistics" module
* PEP 453, a bundled installer for the *pip* package manager
* PEP 456, a new hash algorithm for Python strings and binary data
* PEP 3154, a new and improved protocol for pickled objects
* PEP 3156, a new "asyncio" module, a new framework for asynchronous I/O

Python 3.4 is now in "feature freeze", meaning that no new features will be
added.  The final release is projected for late February 2014.

To download Python 3.4.0b1 visit:

Please consider trying Python 3.4.0b1 with your code and reporting any
new issues you notice to:


Larry Hastings, Release Manager
larry at
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team and 3.4's contributors)

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ANN: SfePy 2013.4

2013-11-24 Thread Robert Cimrman

I am pleased to announce release 2013.4 of SfePy.

SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a software for solving
systems of coupled partial differential equations by the finite element
method. The code is based on NumPy and SciPy packages. It is distributed
under the new BSD license.

Home page:
Mailing list:
Git (source) repository, issue tracker, wiki:

Highlights of this release
- simplified quadrature definition
- equation sequence solver
- initial support for 'plate' integration/connectivity type
- script for visualization of quadrature points and weights

For full release notes see
(rather long and technical).

Best regards,
Robert Cimrman and Contributors (*)

(*) Contributors to this release (alphabetical order):

Vladimír Lukeš, Jaroslav Vondřejc

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[ANN] PyDitz version 0.2

2013-11-24 Thread Glenn Hutchings
Announcing version 0.2 of PyDitz, a drop-in replacement for Ditz, a
distributed bug tracker.

Changes in this version:

* Fixed problem with blank comments in a few commands.


* Whereas Ditz, when typed on its own, runs the "todo" command, PyDitz
  drops you into a command shell where you can run Ditz commands and get
  completion on command names, issue names and release names according to

* It keeps an intelligent cache of issues, so parsing of all the YAML files
  isn't necessary for each command.  This greatly improves speed when you
  have lots of issues.

* With PyDitz, you don't have to run it from the same directory where the
  issue database is; it will look in parent directories for it.

* You can use the database engine of PyDitz in Python programs to migrate
  bug databases to and from Ditz format, or create summary reports in your
  own favourite format.

In this release, all the Ditz commands are implemented except "edit",
"html" and "validate".  They're planned for some time Real Soon Now.

You can get PyDitz from:

or browse the sources at:

It's distributed under the GPL v2+.

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ANN: psutil 1.2.0 released

2013-11-24 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
Hi there folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 1.2.0 release of psutil:

=== About ===

psutil is a module providing an interface for retrieving information on all
running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network,
users) in a portable way by using Python, implementing many functionalities
offered by command line tools such as ps, top, free, netstat, lsof and
It supports Linux, Windows, OSX, FreeBSD and Solaris with Python versions
from 2.4 to 3.4.

=== New features ===

psutil provides a new wait_procs() utility function which waits for
multiple processes to terminate (
Tipical use case is:

 1. send SIGTERM to a list of processes
 2. give them some time to terminate
 3. send SIGKILL to those ones which are still alive


>>> def on_terminate(proc):
... print("process {} terminated".format(proc))
>>> for p in procs:
>>> gone, still_alive = psutil.wait_procs(procs, timeout=3,
>>> for p in still_alive:
... p.kill()

Also, you can now avoid to pass a PID to psutil.Process constructor in
which case os.getpid() will be assumed.

=== Main bugfixes ===

High priority issue Windows XP has
been fixed.

=== Links ===

* Home page:
* Downloads:
* API Reference:

Please try out this new release and let me know if you experience any
problem by filing issues on the bug tracker.

All the best,

--- Giampaolo Rodola'

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[ANN] PyDitz v0.1

2013-11-24 Thread Glenn Hutchings
Announcing the first official release of PyDitz, a drop-in replacement for the 
Ditz distributed bug tracker (


* A console command (pyditz) which implements most of the Ditz commands ('edit' 
and 'html' still to do).  It also has a 'shell' mode, providing 
context-dependent completion on commands, issues and releases.

* A Ditz database API, to help with migrating bug databases to/from Ditz format.

Where to get it:

Source packages are at
Source repository is at


GPL v2 or later

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ANN: Bokeh 0.3 released

2013-11-24 Thread Bryan Van de Ven

I am pleased to announce the release of Bokeh 0.3! Bokeh is a Python 
interactive visualization library for large datasets that natively uses the 
latest web technologies. Its goal is to provide elegant, concise construction 
of novel graphics in the style of Protovis/D3, while delivering 
high-performance interactivity over large data to thin clients.

If you are using Anaconda, you can install through conda:

conda install bokeh

Alternatively you can install from PyPI using pip:

pip install bokeh

This release was largely an internal refactor to merge the BokehJS and Bokeh 
projects into one repository, and to greatly improve and simplify the BokehJS 
coffee script build process. Additionally, this release also includes a number 
of bug and stability fixes, and some enhancements, including:

* bugfixes:
 - #155 ColumnDataSource does not update column_names
 - #150 If you plot circles that all have a position (0,0), there is a crash
 - #117 axis_line_color=None does not work
* enhancements:
 - #157 xaxis, etc should return collection object
 - #129 The sampledata download is confusing
 - #82 Improve hold() functionality in notebook

See the CHANGELOG for full details. 

Several new examples were added including a reproduction of Burtin's 
Antibiotics, and examples of animation using the Bokeh plot server. ColorBrewer 
palettes were also added on the python side. Finally, the user guide has been 
flushed out and will continually be updated as features and API changes are 
made. Check out the full documentation and interactive gallery at

The release of Bokeh 0.4 is planned for early January. Some notable features to 
be included are:

* Integrate Abstract Rendering into bokeh server
* Better grid-based layout system; use Cassowary.js for layout solver
* Tool Improvements (pan always on, box zoom always on, passive resize with hot 
* Basic MPL compatibility interface (enough to make work)
* Expose image plot in Python interface: Add BSON for sending large data

Issues or enhancement requests can be logged on the Bokeh Github page:

Questions can be directed to the Bokeh mailing list:


Bryan Van de Ven

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