sqlparse 0.1.12

2014-09-22 Thread Andi Albrecht
I'm happy to announce sqlparse 0.1.12.

This is a bug fix release.

Bug Fixes
* Fix handling of NULL keywords in aliased identifiers.
* Fix SerializerUnicode to split unquoted newlines (issue131, by
Michael Schuller).
* Fix handling of modulo operators without spaces (by gavinwahl).

* Improve parsing of identifier lists containing placeholders.
* Speed up query parsing of unquoted lines (by Michael Schuller).


Try it online: http://sqlformat.org



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ANN: psutil 2.1.2 released

2014-09-22 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
Hi there folks,
I'm pleased to announce the 2.1.2 release of psutil:


psutil (python system and process utilities) is a cross-platform library
for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization
(CPU, memory, disks, network) in Python. It is useful mainly for system
monitoring, profiling and limiting process resources and management of
running processes. It implements many functionalities offered by command
line tools such as: ps, top, lsof, netstat, ifconfig, who, df, kill, free,
nice, ionice, iostat, iotop, uptime, pidof, tty, taskset, pmap. It
currently supports Linux, Windows, OSX, FreeBSD and Sun Solaris, both
32-bit and 64-bit architectures, with Python versions from 2.4 to 3.4. Pypi
is also known to work.

What changed

See detailed blog post:


* Home page: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil
* Downloads:
* Documentation: http://pythonhosted.org/psutil/

Giampaolo - http://grodola.blogspot.com

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ANN: Lea 1.3.1 released

2014-09-22 Thread Pierre Denis
Lea, discrete probability distributions in Python



I have the pleasure to announce the release of Lea 1.3.1. 

NEW: Lea now runs on Python 3 (and still on Python 2.x) !


Lea is a Python package that allows you to define and play with discrete

probability distributions in an intuitive way. 

Lea can model a broad range of random discrete phenomenons. Then, it

allows calculating probabilities of events, whether atomic, aggregated or 
combined through operations. A typical example is the probabilities of the
sum of N dice having known, possibly unfair, probability distributions. 

Download (PyPi)


 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/lea http://pypi.python.org/pypi/lea

Project page / documentation

 http://code.google.com/p/lea/ http://code.google.com/p/lea/


- models finite discrete probability distributions 
- standard distribution indicators (mean, standard deviation,.) 
- arithmetic and logical operators on probability distribution 
- cartesian products, conditional probabilities, joint distributions 
- generation of random samples 
- open-source project, LGPL license 

- runs on Python 2.x and 3.x
- pure Python module, lightweight - no package dependency 
- probabilities stored as rationals (no floating-point biases) 

Hoping Lea could be helpful in this uncertain universe... 


Pierre Denis



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pytest-xdist-1.11: restarting crash nodes, fixture cache fix

2014-09-22 Thread holger krekel

I just released pytest-xdist-1.11, the distributed testing plugin for pytest.
It introduces automatic restarting of crashed nodes, courtesy of a 
complete PR from Floris Bruynooghe.  This also works well together with
pytest-timeout by the same author: When one or more test functions hang
or crash, the overall test run will still complete and report about the
incidents.  See the changelog below for more changes and the pypi
project page for what pytest-xdist offers in general:


Thanks also to an undisclosed company who partly funded the work
and to Andreas Pelme for contributing analysis of a fixture caching
failure including a test.

Holger Krekel


- fix pytest/xdist issue485 (also depends on py-1.4.22):
  attach stdout/stderr on --boxed processes that die.

- fix pytest/xdist issue503: make sure that a node has usually
  two items to execute to avoid scoped fixtures to be torn down
  pre-maturely (fixture teardown/setup is nextitem sensitive).
  Thanks to Andreas Pelme for bug analysis and failing test.

- restart crashed nodes by internally refactoring setup handling
  of nodes.  Also includes better code documentation.  
  Many thanks to Floris Bruynooghe for the complete PR.


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Flake8 Development Has Moved

2014-09-22 Thread Ian Cordasco
Hi all,

Flake8 - a linting and style tool that combines pep8, pyflakes, and
mccabe - has moved its development off of BitBucket to GitLab. The
transition from Mercurial to Git was discussed and took place last
weekend. For further information please read this blog post:

Ian Cordasco
Flake8 Maintainer and Core Developer

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devpi-{server-2.1,web-2.2}: upload history, deploy status, groups

2014-09-22 Thread holger krekel

devpi-{server-2.1,web-2.2}: upload history, deploy status, groups 

With devpi-server-2.1 and devpi-web-2.2 you'll get a host of fixes and
improvements as well as some major new features for the private pypi

- upload history: release/tests/doc files now carry metadata for 
  by whom, when and to which index something was uploaded

- deployment status: the new json /+status gives detailed information
  about a replica or master's internal state

- a new authentication hook supports arbitrary external authentication 
  systems which can also return group membership information.  An initial
  separately released devpi-ldap plugin implements verification accordingly.
  You can specify groups in ACLs with the :GROUPNAME syntax.  

- a new --restrict-modify=ACL option to start devpi-server such that
  only select accounts can create new or modify users or indexes

For many more changes and fixes, please see the CHANGELOG information below.

UPGRADE note: devpi-server-2.1 requires to ``--export`` your 2.0
server state and then using ``--import`` with the new version
before you can serve your private packages through devpi-server-2.1.

Please checkout the web plugin if you want to have a web interface::


Here is a Quickstart tutorial for efficient pypi-mirroring 
on your laptop::

And if you want to manage your releases or implement staging
as an individual or within an organisation::
If you want to host a devpi-server installation with nginx/supervisor
and access it from clients from different hosts::
More documentation here::


many thanks to Florian Schulze who co-implemented many of the new features.
And special thanks go to the two companies who funded major parts 
of the above work.

have fun,

Holger Krekel, merlinux GmbH

devpi-server-2.1.0 (compared to 2.0.6)

- make replication more precise: if a file cannot be replicated,
  fail with an error log and try again in a few seconds.
  This helps to maintain a consistent replica and discover 
  the potential remaining bugs in the replication code.

- add who/when metadata to release files, doczips and test results
  and preserve it during push operations so that any such file provides
  some history which can be visualized via the web-plugin.  The metadata
  is also exposed via the json API (/USER/INDEX/PROJECTNAME[/VERSION])

- fix issue113: provide json status information at /+status including roles 
  and replica polling status, UUIDs of the repository. See new
  server status docs for more info.

- support for external authentication plugins: new devpiserver_auth_user 
  hook which plugins can implement for user/password validation and
  for providing group membership.

- support groups for acl_upload via the :GROUPNAME syntax. This
  requires an external authentication plugin that provides group

- on replicas return auth status for +api requests 
  by relaying to the master instead of using own key.

- add --restrict-modify option to specify users/groups which can create,
  delete and modify users and indices.

- make master/replica configuration more permanent and a bit safer
  against accidental errors: introduce --role=auto option, defaulting
  to determine the role from a previous invocation or the presence of the
  --master-url option if there was no previous invocation.  Also verify
  that a replica talks to the same master UUID as with previous requests.

- replaced hack from nginx template which abused try_files in location /
  with the recommended error_page/return combo.
  Thanks Jürgen Hermann

- change command line option --master to --master-url

- fix issue97: remove already deprecated --upgrade 
  option in favor of just using --export/--import

- actually store UTC in last_modified attribute of release files instead of
  the local time disguising as UTC.  preserve last_modified when pushing 
  a release.  

- fix exception when a static resource can't be found.

- address issue152: return a proper 400 not registered message instead
  of 500 when a doczip is uploaded without prior registration.

- add OSX/launchd example configuration when --gen-config is issued.
  thanks Sean Fisk.

- fix replica proxying: don't pass original host header when relaying a
  modifying request from replica to master.

- fix export error when a private project doesnt exist on pypi

- fix pushing of a release when it contains multiple tox results.

- fix refresh button on simple pages on replica sites

- fix an internal link code issue 

[RELEASE] Python 3.4.2rc1 is now available

2014-09-22 Thread Larry Hastings

On behalf of the Python development community and the Python 3.4 release 
team, I'm chuffed to announce the availability of Python 3.4.2rc1. 
Python 3.4.2 has many bugfixes and other small improvements over 3.4.1.  
One new feature for Mac OS X users: the OS X installers are now 
distributed as signed installer package files compatible with the OS X 
Gatekeeper security feature.

You can download it here:


Be seeing you,


   Support the Python Software Foundation: