fades 1.0

2015-02-11 Thread Facundo Batista
Hello all,

We're glad to announce the release of fades 1.0.

fades, a FAst DEpendencies for Scripts, is a system that automatically
handles the virtualenvs in the simple cases normally found when
writing scripts or simple programs.

It will automagically create a new virtualenv (or reuse a previous
created one for your script), installing or updating the necessary
dependencies, and execute your script inside that virtualenv.

You only need to execute the script with fades (instead of Python) and
also mark the required dependencies. More details here:


To get it:

- For debian/ubuntu you have a .deb here:


- Install it in Arch is very simple:

yaourt -S fades

- Using pip if you want:

pip3 install fades

- You can always get the multiplatform tarball and install it in the
  old fashion way:

wget http://taniquetil.com.ar/fades/fades-1.0.tar.gz
tar -xf fades-1.0.tar.gz
cd fades-1.0
sudo ./setup.py install

Help / questions:

- You can ask any question or send any recommendation or request
  to the mailing list.


- Also, you can open an issue here (please do if you find any problem!).


Thanks in advance for your time!


Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/
Twitter: @facundobatista

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frigcal 1.4: updated desktop GUI calendar

2015-02-11 Thread Mark Lutz
The latest release of frigcal has been posted.  This version 
adds a dozen enhancements, including verified edit cancels,
month image improvements, and a Windows launcher.  You can 
read about the changes and see a 1.4 screenshot here: 


frigcal is a desktop GUI calendar; has 3k lines chock-full of 
tkinter and Python example code; and can be yours all for the 
low, low price of free (well, unless you pay for bandwidth by 
the byte...).  Read the docs and fetch the full package here: 


See the former's Overview for pointers on upgrading releases.

--M. Lutz (http://www.rmi.net/~lutz, http://learning-python.com)

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