EuroPython 2016: Dates and URL available

2015-11-19 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
The EuroPython 2016 Team is pleased to account the dates for
EuroPython 2016 in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain:

  Sunday, July 17 - Sunday, July 24 2016

Pre-launch Website

To keep you updated, we have put together a pre-launch website for the

   *** ***

Beginners’ Day

You may wonder why we’re having an extra day for the
conference. Here’s the plan:

In 2015, we introduced Beginners’ Day as a new format to EuroPython
providing special introductions and tutorials for Python
beginners. The project was a great success.

For the 2016 edition, we are planning to dedicate Sunday before the
main conference as Beginner’s Day, so we’ll have the following
conference layout:

 * Sunday, July 17: Beginners’ day & registration
 * Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22: Main conference & trainings
 * Saturday, July 23 - Sunday, July 24: Sprints

Looking for Launch Sponsors

We will launch the conference website in December. If your company
would like to sponsor EuroPython 2016 and get extra attention by being
one of our launch sponsors, please check our sponsor page for details.

EuroPython 2016 Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyCA cryptography 1.1.1 released

2015-11-19 Thread Paul Kehrer
PyCA/cryptography ( 1.1.1 has been 
released. cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and 
primitives to Python developers. Our goal is for it to be your "cryptographic 
standard library". We support Python 2.6-2.7, Python 3.3+, and PyPy.


* Fixed several small bugs related to compiling the OpenSSL bindings with 
unusual OpenSSL configurations.
* Resolved an issue where, depending on the method of installation and which 
Python interpreter they were using, users on El Capitan (OS X 10.11) may have 
seen an InternalError on import.

Thanks to the users who donated their time in tracking down and resolving these 

-Paul Kehrer (reaperhulk)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pytest-2.8.3 released - bug fixes

2015-11-19 Thread Ronny
Hello Everyone,

i'm pleased to announce the release of

pytest-2.8.3: bug fixes

pytest is a mature Python testing tool with more than a 1100 tests
against itself, passing on many different interpreters and platforms.
This release is supposed to be drop-in compatible to 2.8.2.

See below for the changes and see docs at:

As usual, you can upgrade from pypi via::

pip install -U pytest

Thanks to all who contributed to this release, among them:

Bruno Oliveira
Florian Bruhin
Gabe Hollombe
Gabriel Reis
Hartmut Goebel
John Vandenberg
Lee Kamentsky
Michael Birtwell
Raphael Pierzina
Ronny Pfannschmidt
William Martin Stewart

Happy testing,
The py.test Development Team

2.8.3 (compared to 2.8.2)

- fix #1169: add __name__ attribute to testcases in TestCaseFunction to
  support the @unittest.skip decorator on functions and methods.
  Thanks Lee Kamentsky for the PR.

- fix #1035: collecting tests if test module level obj has __getattr__().
  Thanks Suor for the report and Bruno Oliveira / Tom Viner for the PR.

- fix #331: don't collect tests if their failure cannot be reported
  e.g. they are a callable instance of a class.

- fix #1133: fixed internal error when filtering tracebacks where one entry
  belongs to a file which is no longer available.
  Thanks Bruno Oliveira for the PR.

- enhancement made to highlight in red the name of the failing tests so
  they stand out in the output.
  Thanks Gabriel Reis for the PR.

- add more talks to the documentation
- extend documentation on the --ignore cli option
- use pytest-runner for setuptools integration
- minor fixes for interaction with OS X El Capitan system integrity
protection (thanks Florian)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

devpi-{server,web}-2.5.0 perf/bug fix releases

2015-11-19 Thread holger krekel

We just released devpi-{server,web}-2.5.0 to pypi, see changelogs below
for more details.  While it's not required to do an export/import cycle
for this release it's recommended especially if you are running with replicas.

Docs for the private pypi packaging server at:

Thanks to Florian Schulze, Jason R. Coombs and all issue reporters.

For your information, we are now starting work for devpi-server-3.0 
which will introduce further speedups, internal code simplifications
and new features (like mirroring from arbitrary pypi-servers).

holger krekel

server-2.5.0 (2015-11-19)

- fix a regression of 2.3.0 which would cause many write-transactions
  for mirrored simple-page entries that didn't change.  Previous to the fix,
  accesses to mirrored simple pages will result in a new
  write-transaction every 30 minutes if the page is accessed which
  is likely on a somewhat busy site.  If you running with replicas
  it is recommended to do an an export/import cycle to remove all 
  the unneccessary writes that were produced since devpi-server-2.3.0.
  They delay the setup of new replicas considerably.

- add info about pypi_whitelist on simple page when root/pypi is blocked for
  a project.

- replica simple-page serving will not unneccessarily wait for new 
  simple-page entries to arrive at the replication side if the master 
  does not return any changes in the initial simple-page request.
  Previously a replica would wait for the replication-thread to catch
  up even if no links changed.

- fix to work on py34 and with LANG="C" environments.
  Thanks Jason R. Coombs.

- fix issue284: allow users who are listed in acl_upload to delete packages

web-2.5.0 (2015-11-19)

- fix issue288: classifiers rendering wrong with read only data views

-,, added info about pypi_whitelist. This
  requires devpi-server > 2.4.0 to work.

- fix issue286: indexing of most data failed due to new read only views


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN python-taiga 0.8.0

2015-11-19 Thread Andrea Stagi
Python-taiga 0.8.0 released!

python-taiga is a python module for communicating with, a new
project management platform! For more info

This release includes:

- Add docs
- Add Add project//issues_stats api call (thanks @bameda )
- Improve speed and stability
- Minfixes

You can find python-taiga code on Github

Any kind of contribution is appreciated! :)

Andrea Stagi (@4stagi) - Develover @Nephila
Job profile:

Support the Python Software Foundation:

EuroPython 2016: Kick-off

2015-11-19 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
The EuroPython 2016 Team is ready for starting the organization of
next year’s event:

*** ***

 July 17 - 24 2016

If you would like to actively help with the organization, we’d love to
have you as volunteer in one of our workgroups. Please see the
EuroPython Workgroups page for how to sign up.

On-site Team WG

One of the workgroups, the on-site team workgroup, is especially
important, since they provide the services and management on-site in
Bilbao, as well as in the case of EuroPython 2016, also take on a
major role in the financial and legal infrastructure of the conference

This team is your contact in case you have questions related to
on-site setups.

 * Oier Echaniz Beneitez (Chair)
 * Borja Ayerdi Vilches
 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Ion Marqués
 * José David Nuñez
 * Alexandre Savio
 * Luis Javier Salvatierra

Conference Administration WG

Manages and organizes the administration side of the conference, in
particular: contracts, venue contact, ticket support, satellite
conferences, legal support, insurance, licensing.

 * Marc-Andre Lemburg (Chair)
 * Borja Ayerdi Vilches
 * Vicky Twomey-Lee
 * Stéphane Wirtel

Finance WG

Manages and organizes the finances and budget of the conference, in
particular: budget, controlling, accounting, billing, invoicing,
taxes, payment system administration.

 * Borja Ayerdi Vilches (Chair)
 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Marc-Andre Lemburg
 * Anthon van der Neut (EPS Treasurer)
 * Stéphane Wirtel

Sponsors WG

Manages and organizes the sponsor activities of the conference, in
particular: sponsor contacts, sponsor logistics, room/booth
assignment, recruiting session, jobs fair, exhibit hall, startup row.

 * Fabio Pilger (Chair)
 * Borja Ayerdi Vilches
 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Raúl Cumplido
 * Marc-Andre Lemburg
 * Alexandre Savio
 * Vicky Twomey-Lee

Communications WG

Manages and organizes the public communication and community relations
of the conference, in particular: press, community relations,
diversity/outreach/CoC, CoC contact, announcements, social media,
attendee tools, volunteer coordination, mailing lists, Trello and
Loomio groups.

 * Marc-Andre Lemburg (Chair)
 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Raúl Cumplido
 * Kerstin Kollmann
 * Leire Ozaeta
 * Vicky Twomey-Lee
 * Chris Ward
 * Stéphane Wirtel

Support WG

Manages and organizes the attendee/speaker support of the conference,
in particular: helpdesk, attendee support contact, visa help, travel

 * Christian Barra
 * Aisha Bello
 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Anthon van der Neut
 * Alexandre Savio
 * Stéphane Wirtel

Financial Aid WG

Manages and organizes the financial aid program of the conference, in
particular: setup, grant selection, aid organisation.

 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Vicky Twomey-Lee
 * Stéphane Wirtel

Marketing/Design WG

Create and manage marketing and design aspects of the conference, in
particular: brochures, advertisements, banners, flyers, travel guide,
t-shirts, lanyards, badges, panels, logo.

 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Marc-Andre Lemburg
 * Alexandre Savio
 * Stéphane Wirtel

Program WG

Manages and organizes the conference program of the conference, in
particular: talk selection/voting, scheduling, session chairs,
sprint/openspace/keynote/lightning talks/poster session organization.

 * Alexandre Savio (Chair)
 * Alexander Hendorf  (Co-chair)
 * Christian Barra
 * Raúl Cumplido
 * Moshe Goldstein
 * Vicky Twomey-Lee
 * Chris Ward

Web WG

Manages and organizes the web site, in particular: web site support,
helpdesk ticket system, administration, backups, payment system
integration, hosting.

 * Christian Barra (Chair)
 * Oier Beneitez
 * Raúl Cumplido
 * Cesar Desales
 * Patrick Guido
 * Marc-Andre Lemburg
 * Fabio Pliger
 * Alexandre Savio
 * Stéphane Wirtel

Media WG

Manage and organize the talk and session recordings of the conference,
in particular: video recording, live streaming, uploads to YouTube and

 * Anthon van der Neut (Chair)
 * Luis Javier Salvatierra

Code of Conduct WG

Manage and organize the code of conduct (CoC) workflows, create CoC
documents, provide CoC contacts and handle CoC requests.

 * Darya Chyzhyk
 * Marc-Andre Lemburg
 * Anthon van der Neut
 * Leire Ozaeta

On-Site Volunteers

In addition to several of the EuroPython Workgroup members, we will
need quite a few attendees helping us as session manager, room
manager, at the registration desk, bag stuffing and during set up and
tear down of the conference.

We will run a separate announcement for on-site volunteers closer to
the event.

EuroPython Society

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