ANN: Bokeh 0.12.11 Released

2017-11-28 Thread Bryan Van de ven
On behalf of the Bokeh team, I am pleased to announce the release of version 
0.12.11 of Bokeh!

For more information and details, please see the announcement post at:

If you are using Anaconda/miniconda, you can install it with conda:

conda install -c bokeh bokeh

Alternatively, you can also install it with pip:

pip install bokeh

Full information including details about how to use and obtain BokehJS are at:

Issues, enhancement requests, and pull requests can be made on the Bokeh Github 

Documentation is available at:

There are over 268 total contributors to Bokeh and their time and effort help 
make Bokeh such an amazing project and community. Thank you again for your 

Finally, for questions or technical assistance we recommend starting with 
detailed posts on Stack Overflow. Or if you are interested in contributing, 
come by the Bokeh dev chat room:


Bryan Van de Ven

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Salabim 2.2.7 released

2017-11-28 Thread Ruud van der Ham
This is to announce salabim version 2.2.7 .

Salabim is a discrete event event simulation (DES) package with a very
powerful animation engine.

With this release, queues and 'states' can be animated with just a couple
of lines of code. See several examples
for a demonstration of these new features,

This release also contains some minor improvements and bug fixes.

Please refer to the changelog at GitHub, accessible via

Upgrading to the latest version can be done with *pip install -U salabim* .

Happy simulating!

Support the Python Software Foundation:

pytest 3.3.0

2017-11-28 Thread Bruno Oliveira
The pytest team is proud to announce the 3.3.0 release!

pytest is a mature Python testing tool with more than a 1600 tests
against itself, passing on many different interpreters and platforms.

This release contains a number of bugs fixes and improvements, so users are
to take a look at the CHANGELOG:

For complete documentation, please visit:

As usual, you can upgrade from pypi via:

pip install -U pytest

Thanks to all who contributed to this release, among them:

* Anthony Sottile
* Bruno Oliveira
* Ceridwen
* Daniel Hahler
* Dirk Thomas
* Dmitry Malinovsky
* Florian Bruhin
* George Y. Kussumoto
* Hugo
* Jesús Espino
* Joan Massich
* Ofir
* OfirOshir
* Ronny Pfannschmidt
* Samuel Dion-Girardeau
* Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy
* Sviatoslav Abakumov
* Tarcisio Fischer
* Thomas Hisch
* Tyler Goodlet
* hugovk
* je
* prokaktus

Happy testing,
The Pytest Development Team

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TatSu v4.2.5 released

2017-11-28 Thread nospam . Juancarlo Añez
ç«£ TatSu (the successor to Grako) is a tool that takes grammars in a
variation of EBNF as input, and outputs memoizing (Packrat) PEG parsers in

ç«£ TatSu can compile a grammar stored in a string into a
tatsu.grammars.Grammar object that can be used to parse any given input, much
like the re module does with regular expressions, or it can generate a Python
module that implements the parser.

ç«£ TatSu fully supports left-recursive rules in PEG grammars using the
algorithm by Laurent and Mens. The generated AST has the expected left


* #42  Rename vim files from
grako.vim to tatsu.vim (@fcoelho )
* #51  Fix inconsistent code
generation for whitespace (@fpom )
* #54  Only care about case of
first letter of rule name for determining advance over whitespace (@acw1251

* #40 Make the start rule default to the first rule defined in the grammar
* #43 Import re from tatsu.util to support optional regex-only features
* #47 Fix incorrect sample code in documentation


* #37 Regression: The #include pragma works by using the EBNFBuffer from Somehow the default EBNFBootstrapBuffer from has been
 used instead (@gegenschall).
* #38 Documentation: Use of json.dumps() requires ast.asjson() (@davidchen).

Juancarlo *Aıez*


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