ZRS Now Available for FREE 30-day Evaluation

2005-10-01 Thread Brian Lloyd

Hi all,

We are happy to announce that Zope Corporation is now 
offering Zope Replication Services (ZRS) in a 30-day 
evaluation format!

For more information and to download the evaluation 
release, visit:


About ZRS:

Zope Replication Services (ZRS) increases the reliability 
of all Zope enterprise clusters and eliminates the storage 
system as a single point of failure. 

Sites with high availability requirements must manage 
planned and unplanned downtimes. Planned outages include 
system maintenance, software / operating system upgrades, 
and backups. Unplanned outages include hardware and network
failures. ZRS reduces the downtime associated with these 
events by replicating and distributing mission-critical 
data storage across distinct physical storages (possibly 
in distinct geographic locations).

Should a primary storage fail, a secondary storage can 
take its place. Secondary servers can be taken off-line 
at any time to undergo repairs, backups, or system 
upgrades. When a secondary returns to service, it 
automatically resynchronizes with the primary server. 

ZRS also improves scalability since secondary servers can 
optionally provide additional read-only ZEO connections 
while maintaining their replication functions. ZEO client 
storages can be configured to connect to any available 
secondary, and can be load-balanced among the available 
secondary ZRS servers to implement highly-available and 
highly-scalable Zope clusters. 

ZRS is a 'battle-tested' solution that has provided the 
high-availability and disaster recovery solution critical 
to large-scale public and internal Zope deployments for 
years. Premier brands including the VIACOM radio and 
television group, AARP, Community Newspaper Holdings 
Inc. (CNHI), and the Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific 
(JICPAC) rely on ZRS to ensure reliability and scalability 
for their mission-critical Web sites. 

The 30-day evaluation release allows organizations to 
install and operate ZRS on up to five primary ZODB servers 
and on an unlimited number of secondary servers for up to 
thirty days.

The current evaluation release (ZRS 1.4.2) is compatible 
with Zope versions 2.4 - 2.7. Full releases of ZRS
compatible with Zope 2.8.x and Zope 3.x are also available.

V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716  
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com 


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Announce: Python for .NET 1.0 RC2 released

2005-06-06 Thread Brian Lloyd
Hi all -

I'm happy to announce the release of Python for .NET 1.0 RC2.
You can download it from:


Highlights of this release:

- Changed some uses of Finalize as a static method name that confused
  Mono compiler and people reading the code. Note that this may be a
  breaking change if anyone was calling PythonEngine.Finalize(). If so,
  you should now use PythonEngine.Shutdown().

- Tweaked assembly lookup to ensure that assemblies can be found in the
  current working directory, even after changing directories using
  like os.chdir() from Python.

- Fixed some incorrect finalizers (thanks to Greg Chapman for the
  that may have caused some threading oddities.

- Tweaked support for out and ref parameters. If a method has a return
  type of void and a single ref or out parameter, that parameter will be
  returned as the result of the method. This matches the current
  of IronPython and makes it more likely that code can be moved between
  Python for .NET and IP in the future.

- Refactored part of the assembly manager to remove a potential case of
  thread-deadlock in multi-threaded applications.

- Added a __str__ method to managed exceptions that returns the Message
  attribute of the exception and the StackTrace (if available).

Thanks to all who have sent in issue reports, patches and suggestions
for this and past releases.

Enjoy! ;)

V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Announce: Python for .NET 1.0 RC1 released

2005-05-09 Thread Brian Lloyd
Hi all -

I'm happy to announce the release of Python for .NET 1.0 RC1.
You can download it from:


Highlights of this release:

- Implemented a workaround for the fact that exceptions cannot be
  classes in the CPython interpreter. Managed exceptions can now be
  and caught naturally from Python

- Implemented support for invoking methods with out and ref parameters.
  Because there is no real equivalent to these in Python, methods that
  have out or ref parameters will return a tuple. The tuple will contain
  the result of the method as its first item, followed by out parameter
  values in the order of their declaration in the method signature.

- Fixed a refcount problem that caused a crash when CLR was imported in
  an existing installed Python interpreter.

- Added an automatic conversion from Python strings to byte[]. This
  it easier to pass byte[] data to managed methods (or set properties,
  etc.) as a Python string without having to write explicit conversion
  code. Also works for sbyte arrays. Note that byte and sbyte arrays
  returned from managed methods or obtained from properties or fields
  do *not* get converted to Python strings - they remain instances of
  Byte[] or SByte[].

- Added conversion of generic Python sequences to object arrays when
  appropriate (thanks to Mackenzie Straight for the patch).

- Added a bit of cautionary documentation for embedders, focused on
  correct handling of the Python global interpreter lock from managed
  code for code that calls into Python.

- PyObject.FromManagedObject now correctly returns the Python None
  if the input is a null reference. Also added a new AsManagedObject
  method to PyObject, making it easier to convert a Python-wrapped
  object to the real managed object.

- Created a simple installer for windows platforms.

All known bugs have also been fixed - thanks to all who have sent in issue
reports and patches for past releases.

At this point, the only thing I plan to do before a 1.0 final is fix any
new issues and add to the documentation (probably including a few specific
examples of embedding Python for .NET in a .NET application).

Enjoy! ;)

V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANNOUNCE: Python for .NET beta 5 now available

2005-03-29 Thread Brian Lloyd
Python for .NET 1.0 beta 5 is now available - you can download 
it from: 


Python for .NET is a near-seamless integration of Python with the 
.NET common language runtime. For more details, see the README:


The beta 5 release features a refactoring of thread management 
support, making the runtime stable for multi-threaded applications, 
as well as several improvements and bug-fixes.

Special thanks to all who sent in thread-related scenarios and test 
cases! I have tried to incorporate as many of these as possible into 
the unit tests - if you still have problems that you suspect may be 
related to threading or interpreter lock issues, please let me know 

There is also now a mailing list for discussion, questions and 
issues related to Python for .NET at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe to the mailing list or read the online archives, see:


V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716  
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com 


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANNOUNCE: Python for .NET beta 4 released

2004-12-13 Thread Brian Lloyd
Python for .NET 1.0 beta 4 has been released - you can download
it from:


Python for .NET is a near-seamless integration of Python with the
.NET common language runtime. For more details, see the README:


Selected changes from the beta 4 release:

- Updated the bundled C Python runtime and libraries to Python 2.4.

- Managed classes reflected to Python now have an __doc__ attribute that
  contains a listing of the class constructor signatures.

- Fixed a problem that made it impossible to override "special" methods
  like __getitem__ in subclasses of managed classes. Now the tests all
  pass, and there is much rejoicing.

- Fixed a problem that prevented passing null (None) for array

- Added support to directly iterate over objects that support
  (as well as IEnumerable). Thanks to Greg Chapman for prodding me ;)

- Added a section to the README dealing with rebuilding Python for .NET
  against other CPython versions.

- Fixed some problems with how COM-based objects are exposed and how
  members of inherited interfaces are exposed. Thanks to Bruce Dodson
  for patches on this.

There is a mailing list for discussion and questions about Python

To subscribe to the mailing list or read the online archives, see:


To report bugs or request features in Python for .NET, please use
the PythonNet issue tracker at:


V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Announce: Zope Technical Solutions Training January 24th - 27th

2004-12-06 Thread Brian Lloyd
Zope Technical Solutions Session

The next session will be held January 24th - 27th at our
headquarters in Fredericksburg, VA. This three day course
will familiarize students with Zope software from introductory
through advanced topics. We will demonstrate the flexibility and
effectiveness of Zope as an Open Source web development and content
management environment. We will also explore Zope architecture and
provide hands-on exercises using Zope to develop and manage
a robust web site.

We offer several opportunities to meet with and share ideas over lunch 
with Jim Fulton (CTO) and the Zope engineering teams.

Course Objectives: After completing this course students
will understand:

  - Zope's use of objects, methods, etc.
  - Zope's Management Interface.
  - Zope's server-side scripting language (DTML).
  - Page Templates.
  - Web site content creation and management.
  - Web site security through user privileges and roles.
  - Using Zope to integrate web sites with existing +
relational databases.
  - Downloading/installing a Zope Product, and
  - Introduction to CMF.

The course is intended for those interested in using a
full-featured open source environment to develop and manage
robust corporate internet or intranet web sites. This
includes web site designers, content creators, content
managers and web developers. Participants should be familiar
with HTML and basic web architecture (e.g., how a web server
and web browser work together). Knowledge of object-oriented
concepts and SQL is recommended.

For more detailed information about the course, including
pricing, travel and accommodations, please go to our website
www.zope.com or email training at zope.com.

Please note that "Early Bird" pricing expires at the close
of business on Friday, Dec 24, 2004.

V.P. Engineering   540.361.1716  
Zope Corporation   http://www.zope.com 


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