
The first meeting of pyCologne in 2010 will take place

Wednesday, January, 13th
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany


* Short-Introduction into the ConfigParser module and
  discussion about configuration-files (Ralf Schönian)
* Presentation of Scapy (A network-tool featuring packet
  manipulation) (Dirk Loss)
* Further discussion topics, news, book-presentations etc.
  are welcome on each of our meetings!

At about 8.30 pm we will as usual enjoy the rest of
the evening in a nearby restaurant.

Further information including directions how to get
to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)

All the Best for 2010,

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