Announcing new project, Tftpy, a Pure Python TFTP implementation.

About Release 0.1:

This is an initial release in the spirit of "release early, release often".
Currently the sample client works, supporting RFC 1350. The server is not yet
implemented, and RFC 2347 and 2348 support (variable block sizes) is underway,
planned for 0.2.

About Tftpy:

Tftpy is a TFTP library for the Python programming language. It includes
client and server classes, with sample implementations. Hooks are included for
easy inclusion in a UI for populating progress indicators. It supports RFCs
1350, 2347 and 2348.

This library was developed against Python 2.4.1.

Project page:

License is the CNRI Python License.
Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It
takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction." --Albert Einstein

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