Dear Python users,

The Elisa team is happy to announce the release of Elisa Media Center
0.5.34, code-named "Always With Me, Always With You".

Elisa is a cross-platform and open-source Media Center written in Python.
It uses GStreamer [1] for media playback and pigment [2] to create an
appealing and intuitive user interface.

This release is a lightweight release, meaning it is pushed through
our automatic plugin update system.
As usual, for users running a version of Elisa >= 0.5.27, the upgrade to
0.5.34 should be done automatically via the plugin repository.

As usual, tarballs are provided for distribution packagers.

This release fixes a bunch of bugs and introduces cool new features
(under the hood) in the widgets system and the styling engine.

A complete list of the issues fixed can be found at:

This is also summarised in the (attached) release notes.

Installers and sources can be downloaded from

Bug reports and feature requests are welcome at

Have a media-centered evening,

Olivier, for the Elisa team

Elisa 0.5.34 "Always With Me, Always With You"

This is Elisa 0.5.34, thirty-fourth release of the 0.5 branch.

New features since 0.5.33:

- CSS themes support named instances of widgets and widgets in a specific state
- CSS themes support unlimitedly deeply nested attributes

Bugs fixed since 0.5.33:

- 348048: feed lists are not reset in the RSS plugin
- 347859: TV Show posters not retrieved correctly from thetvdb
- 349429: remove anything between [ and ] in video filename before doing 
internet lookup


You can find source releases of Elisa on the download page:

Elisa Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use Launchpad for bug reports and feature requests:


All code is in a Bazaar branch and can be checked out from there.
It is hosted on Launchpad:

Contributors to this release:

- Anna Wojdel
- David McLeod
- Florian Boucault
- Guillaume Emont
- Jesús Corrius
- Krzysztof Adamski
- Lionel Martin
- Marc Garcia
- Maxwell Young
- Olivier Tilloy
- Philippe Normand

        Support the Python Software Foundation:

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